How would love to hear some of the things coworkers have done at work that just make you mad and frustrated.
For example, the other day we had a lady who was clearly terrified of needles. Now we all have patience claim they're scared of needles. But this lady was a little different. She came into the ER clearly in pain and flat refuse to let the doctors draw any blood work, or start an IV.
She had abdominal pain but would not allow us to do anything that involves a needle. Try to figure out a diagnosis for abdominal pain without being able to do any kind of lab work or use any kind of IV contrast.
Now I'm not the first nurse involved in taking care of this patient. In fact, I actually asked to take over care for this patient because nobody else was getting anywhere. After sitting there and talking to her for 20 minutes I finally got her to agree to let me draw blood do doing finger sticks with micro tubes just like I would have a very small child. So I went to gather up the necessary supplies.
Now I am a new employee and was oriented to the ER. My preceptor took it upon himself to walk in and try to convince the lady to let him start an IV. She's already told for people know she would rather leave. She had even said she would rather go home and die then let someone stick her with a needle and she was crying when she said so.
When I got back she was signing the AMA paperwork and leaving and nothing I could do to stop her.
. I've been a nurse twice as long as he has I just happened to be new to the hospital. I think he was wrong and out of line.
What do you think?
Thanks for letting me vent. I really needed it.