***A&P I Fall '05 Club -- Sept Q&A***

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


useful study information/sites:

other ideas (posted in other threads):

  • make your own flashcards!
  • if you are not familiar with (or have forgotten) chem, check out an into to chemistry book
  • utilize your school's study lab, or open lab times, if offered.
  • take pictures during labs!


fun with mnemonics ...........

11 organ systems: send mr. uric -- l

s-skeletal / e-endocrine / n-nervous / d-digestive / m-muscular / r-respitory / u-urinary / r-reproductive / i-integumentary / c-circulatory (or cardovascular) / l-lymphatic


skeletal system:


"scared lovers try positions -- that they cannot handle"

or "stop letting those people -- touch the cadaver's hand"

(proximal row lateral to medial -- distal row lateral to medial)

s-scaphoid / l-lunate / t-triquetrum / p-pisiform / t-trapezuim / t-trapezoid / c-capitate / h-hamate


7 bones of the eye socket: "every zoo finds stinky little monkey poop"

e-ethmoid / z-zygomatic / f-frontal / s-sphenoid / l-lacrimal / m-maxilla / p-palatine


number of vertebrae in each section of vertebral column:

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae

"breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 5"


wbc differentials:

"never let monkeys eat bananas"

n-neutrophils / l-leukocytes / m-monocytes / e-eosinophils / b-basophils

to differentiate btwn granulocytes and agranulocytes its:

"never eat bananas like monkeys"



"pinky on the ulna side"


which side is the radius on?

thumbs up for "rad!!"


fibula is lateral


tarsal bones:

"tall centers never take shots from corners"

t-talus / c-calcaneus / n-navicular / t-third cuneiform / s-second cuneform / f-first cuneiform / c-cuboid


cranial nerves

"oh oh oh, to touch and feel very green vegetables ah!" ... or ... "old opal’s ocular tracts tricksters abducting

four vested giants vaguely acting hypoactive"

i olfactory / ii optic / iii oculomotor / iv trochlear / v trigeminal / vi abducens / vii facial / viii vestibulocochlear / ix glossopharyngeal / x vagus / xi accessory / xii hypoglossal


cranial nerves: sensory, motor or both?

"some say marry money, but my brothers say big breasts matter more" .... or ..... "stop saying my mom bug me because she believes bugging makes me"


epidermis (deep to superficial):

"basil spices granny luci's corn"

stratum: basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

Specializes in OR Peri Operative.

thanks I love snoopy too, I have been collecting him since I was a kid :)

I have finals on Wednesday in my lecture. I had finals last week in lab and I scored a 95 overall grade....our lab is 20% of our overall grade (they combine lab 20% and lecture 80%) for our total grade. I was talking to my teacher today and he showed me my grade in lecture so far w/o taking the final and I have 99.8 in the class...so I feel good that I'm gonna get a A...that is if I pass the final :chuckle:

Good luck to you all :)

BTW, when does your new semesters start? Our's do not start till Jan. 9

thanks I love snoopy too, I have been collecting him since I was a kid :)

I have finals on Wednesday in my lecture. I had finals last week in lab and I scored a 95 overall grade....our lab is 20% of our overall grade (they combine lab 20% and lecture 80%) for our total grade. I was talking to my teacher today and he showed me my grade in lecture so far w/o taking the final and I have 99.8 in the class...so I feel good that I'm gonna get a A...that is if I pass the final :chuckle:

Good luck to you all :)

BTW, when does your new semesters start? Our's do not start till Jan. 9

I don't even know for sure, that's tooooooo far in the future :chuckle I think it's also the 9th of Jan.

You know you've got that A secured!!! Congrats :balloons: I hope that I can join you, wish me luck tomorrow.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Good luck, good luck, good luck to you all!

Specializes in OR Peri Operative.

Woo Hoo. I took my last two quizes today, one on the nervous system, very hard, too much remembering what everything does, and the other a nerve practical. I got 30 out of 30 on both. Yeah! The final to go and this one is done!

Woo Hoo. I took my last two quizes today, one on the nervous system, very hard, too much remembering what everything does, and the other a nerve practical. I got 30 out of 30 on both. Yeah! The final to go and this one is done!

Great job! You can see the end of the tunnel, hang in!:balloons:

I'm kind of irritated because there is a professor at my college that gives a re-test after every test and all 30 people are geting A,s and B's in his class. I guess its possible to skate through A&P after all!?

I'm kind of irritated because there is a professor at my college that gives a re-test after every test and all 30 people are geting A,s and B's in his class. I guess its possible to skate through A&P after all!?

To hear this really makes me sick 'cause my teacher is so brutal. Had my final today but I think I did it and held on to my A. :angryfire

We are allowed a retest, different questions. I am hardly skating through, either. I still have to spend quite a lot of time studying!

We are allowed a retest, different questions. I am hardly skating through, either. I still have to spend quite a lot of time studying!

A&P is brutal, isn't it? I am glad that I had my final today and get a little break before the next monster....microbiology :p

Speaking of eyeballs :eek: Here's a joke that I just invented......(I bet someone before me thought of it a long time ago somewhere !)

Why do your eyes look so funny?:eek: :eek:

Answer: 'Cause they've got "humor" (as aqueous or vitrous humor):eek: eek: :eek:

Y'all study hard for the finals.....see you all in celebration on Tues :clown:

LOL, you nut! Glad to see you feel you did good in your final!! Then bye-bye stupid prof!!

I haven't been keeping up on this thread ... for some reason haven't been getting the e-mail update reminders. Oh well.

Today was the last day of classes (yesterday last day of A&P). I have my final in another course on Friday and in A&P on Tuesday! I am looking forward to being done for a bit!!

Sorry I've been missing you guys!! We go back to school on January 4th! Yikes -- that's early!! I'll post again soon!

LOL, you nut! Glad to see you feel you did good in your final!! Then bye-bye stupid prof!!

I haven't been keeping up on this thread ... for some reason haven't been getting the e-mail update reminders. Oh well.

Today was the last day of classes (yesterday last day of A&P). I have my final in another course on Friday and in A&P on Tuesday! I am looking forward to being done for a bit!!

Sorry I've been missing you guys!! We go back to school on January 4th! Yikes -- that's early!! I'll post again soon!

Good luck on your tests, you'll do great!

Yeah, it's over for me, BYE BYE STUPID PROF!!!!:chuckle

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :clown:

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