Glen Beck's hospital experience

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What do you all think of this? There are several things about his tirade which rub me the wrong way but I really want to hear what you all have to say.

What a mumbled jumble of nonsense.

BTW, I still have these patches on me, these fentanyl patches... patches? as in plural?

I can't really respond to most of his tirade because frankly, it doesn't make any sense. Sounds as though he had the expectation he would be completely pain free post-op; someone should have told him that after surgery, he would experience pain but they would give him meds to keep it at a manageable level.

But who knows? That video and article are incoherent.

Specializes in NICU.

Well what kind of surgery did he have? He doesn't tell you what was so bad about the experience except for the ER. All he says is that the medicine freaked him out? So what happened on the floor that was sooo bad? I don't understand what he's so mad about. So he had to wait what like 30 minutes in the ER? You can't just walk into the hospital and expect to be taken back into the room right away. What if they didn't have a clean room? What if there were no beds available. Yea they probably had to wait and get an order before they catheterized you! You can't just wiggle your nose and have orders until the doc comes or calls... He says something about the president of GE going to that hospital and something about how he should get better treatment than some bumb off the street. Everyone should get equal treatment whether you are homeless of whether you are famous, hopefully good treatment... I just don't understand why he is so mad.. Ok he had complications from surgery... it was painful... this should of been explained to him before he had surgery. It isn't the hospital's fault he had pain?

What the????

Does he not realize that not breathing and not being able to urinate are side effects of OVERSEDATION???

Someone needs some education about pain management expectation post-operatively!

Other than that - the punctuation was bad, and it did not make sense enough for me to say anything else.

Seems like celebrity drama... I am sure he hopes to get more recognition, perhaps an award. I have seen many people walk right by the wheelchairs in the ER to go to the desk and then blame the staff for it. Most loved ones will just come and ask for assist to help get the patient out of the car if it's that bad. How many times do we answer the same questions over and over for post anesthesia patients because they can't remember? It is possible he was given information, monitoring, and proper care but he just don't recall it. Either way his story makes for good drama.


On a good day he is incoherent.....This is loopy...

He must have still been under the influence when he wrote this rant, wierd.:icon_roll

On a good day he is incoherent.....This is loopy...

Point taken.

Dr. Charles Littlejohn is a colorectal surgeon, which may help to explain why Beck has chosen not to discuss the nature of the surgery. It is something Beck would like to put behind him, so to speak. It is also possible, since he said it was a procedure that is normally done on an outpatient basis, that Beck had hemorrhoids removed.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Education.

This goes back & forth between valid complaints and Drama 101. I agree with whoever said that it seems he was still under the influence when writing.

Specializes in Staff nurse.

Well, he was in a drugged state and with a full bladder. How much of his column was drama and how much was fact. I can tell you from experience that meds can do a number on how we remember things. It sounds like he has enuff facts to confuse the issue...and btw did you see his plug for his book? Hmmmmm...

What the????

Does he not realize that not breathing and not being able to urinate are side effects of OVERSEDATION???

Someone needs some education about pain management expectation post-operatively!

Other than that - the punctuation was bad, and it did not make sense enough for me to say anything else.

I thought the same thing. He was taking alot of pain medications and he probably should have been admitted directly ater surgery instead of going home. He then would have bypassed triage. But that was his decision.

I think he's a bit misguided: nurses are human and no, they don't wear angel wings on their shoulders. If he was so worried or had a problem he could have asked to speak to a supervisor or charge nurse.

I'm not a nurse, but I had no idea you could take all those pain meds at once and still breathe.

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