Glen Beck's hospital experience

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What do you all think of this? There are several things about his tirade which rub me the wrong way but I really want to hear what you all have to say.

So Glenn Beck is whiny and self-important? What a surprise. He really seems to be upset because he wasn't treated like the celebrity he thinks he is. I've taken care of hundreds of guys like him, guys who on a certain level think they are just a little (or a lot) better than most people and are surprised when their every need isn't catered to as it should be(in their minds). He expected to be whisked right back because his doctor called ahead and was surprised when the nurses didn't bow down when he walked in. His physician should have admitted him directly to the floor. Actually he should have never been given the option to go home; hemorrhoidectomys are very painful and he already had pain control issues. The error in this case belongs to "absolutely amazing" Littlejohn and Stamford.

If he is like most tv show host he most likely has had a long hx of liberal drug use both legal and illegal. That made him need a lot more drugs post op and he OD and got goofy.

Yes. And I think it's ironic that he gives kudos to the "wonderful" docs but complains about the nurses when it it's obvious to me that the docs catering to his every whim (probably due to his "celebrity status) was what landed him in this situation.

I did think that the MDs were a bit more godlike than they should have seemed. I mean, they are the ones who perscribed enough pain medication to 1. make you stop breathing and 2. have 1500 ml in your bladder. :uhoh21:

Specializes in Emergency Room.
If he is like most tv show host he most likely has had a long hx of liberal drug use both legal and illegal. That made him need a lot more drugs post op and he OD and got goofy.

If I recall correctly (and my knowledge of this radio personality is pretty much nothing) he does have a hx of ETOH and drug abuse, maybe back in his 20s?

he sounds highly anxious, spoiled and misinformed.

(why would anyone slap on fentanyl patches for acute pain mgmt for day surgery? it takes 12 hrs before it even starts working)

and why would he point fingers at the nurses, while perhaps, not being sympathetic, were appropriate in not treating it as emergent. urgent? yes. emergent, no.

if he truly couldn't breath, he would have been tubed.

we do know how to assess for resp failure.

these errors of judgment, seemingly should be placed on the docs/anesthesiologist.

he should have never been given the choice to go home, if it was that serious.

whatever the heck happened, nursing has very little to do w/it.

very little.

actually, nothing.

friggin' drama queen. :down:


His most famous comment was his questioning Keith Ellisons loyalty as a US Congressman because of Mr. Ellison's being a Muslim. With that question he lost all credibility as a commentator in my eyes. He took a cheap shot against a congressman and he took a cheap shot against the health care system.

i couldn't get the thing to play...puter is old and feeble

yes, i seem to remember that he has stated that he has a hx of ethanol abuse

problem was witht he day surgery personnel, he should have voided before he left

but i stopped watching him a long time ago because he was so rude to his guests, i guess that nurses are on the same level

His doctors wanted him to be admitted and he made the choice not to listen to his doctor's advice if he's to be believed. The doc should have been adamant if he wasn't. I'm also a little confused as to why he didn't pee before he left the hospital. That's pretty standard procedure. Maybe he did and forgot or maybe he didn't listen to the nurse either. Sounds like some big pieces are missing.

Seems like a pretty big drama king enamored with docs and not happy with other medical personnel on the whole. Hate to tell him this but most of his probs stemmed from the doctors and not the others involved.

Specializes in PACU, PICU, ICU, Peds, Education.

I just watched his show tonight. I have not read anything he wrote. On his show, he praised the nurses. "With the exception of one," I think the phrase was. One could tell that he was embarrassed about the youtube video (which I did see). He indirectly blamed the drugs.

He only said that he had "butt" surgery. He went on to say he was surprised at the lack of "caring" by his care givers. He did say the nurses were great but that doesnt jive with the comment about the lack of "care" by his caregivers, confusing. He ended his show with a weepy statement that his wife saved his life by taking him into the shower with her clothes on and washing him? had he soiled himself? Or did he mean he was so drugged that she was trying to revive him? I wonder why he was given so much pain meds, was he constantly complaining? the whole episode sounds very wierd.

He had a women on, who answered his complaints about being kicked out of the hospital too quickly. She stated that nurses want to be able to be caring individuals, but because of the rush to get the patient out of the hospital they have to follow protocols that end up treating the patient like a "piece of meat".He said he was going to be on Good Morning America tommorrow morning,with his wife and will be discussing this further.

Nancy Grace was back on the air and actually had very nice things to say about the care she recieved, after she threw clots in her lungs,after the birth of her twins.

Having a distended bladder is extremely painful - patients get panicky, in my experience.

I think there are some legitimate concerns here - but he does have some misinformation too.

And my impression of the written piece was he raved about most of the nursing care he got. I didn't watch the video.

Offering someone in pain a wheelchair from Triage to the ER is just common courtesy.

I would think a guy would be a bit more understanding - painful bladder and all. And whatever surgery he had, hemorrhoid or rectal CA . . that hurts too. Just because it is his tush, doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously.

I worry about a nurse not taking a patient saying, "I can't breath" seriously. Post-op PE?

I've been in my own ER with my son where I experienced how it feels to have a loved one in extreme pain and have the staff standing at the nurses' station chatting about trivia .. . It came to me that I have done that myself :oand since then I've been very careful about what is said within patients' hearing.

I dunno-maybe people are letting their dislike of this man color their reaction.

If it was Katie Couric, would the reaction be different?

Just wondering .. .


Specializes in med-surg,sa,breast & cervical ca.

I may be a little out of the loop myself, but who is this Beck dude? He seems a bit far out to me...

I'm sure he received decent care he mostly sounds very uneducated about the current state of our health care system and how it works when you present to the ER, sigh..What can ya do?

Maybe his donut cushion wasn't positioned properly and everything went to poop after that ,lol. He should take another hit off his pca pump and take a nap.

His poor wife..:icon_roll

Though I have to agree with this:

"Having a distended bladder is extremely painful - patients get panicky, in my experience.

I think there are some legitimate concerns here - but he does have some misinformation too."

I didn't watch the video either, got enough from his writing..Who is he?

We have VIP's come in all the time & I never recognize them (they look different in real life!), which sometimes greatly offends them. Lol..Getting older I guess.


there are approximately 200 documented distortions by mr. beck. see:

beck characterized letter criticizing al qaeda as "surprising," because "the man who wrote it is a muslim" tv.gif

thursday, november 16, 2006 2:31pm olbermann awarded beck "worst person" for saying he "feel" like asking first muslim congressman to "prove to me that you are not working with our enemies" tv.gif

thursday, november 16, 2006 2:23pm beck juxtaposed hitler's "decree permitting euthanasia" with clinton's plan for health care tv.gif

wednesday, november 15, 2006 5:23pm cnn's beck to first-ever muslim congressman: "[w]hat i feel like saying is, 'sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies' " tv.gif

wednesday, november 15, 2006 12:48pm

echoing limbaugh, halperin greeted beck to discuss michael j. fox by stating: "[m]egadittos. and i just need you to know, i'm not doing this segment on my meds, so watch out" tv.gif

thursday, october 26, 2006 3:15pm

noting that beck was "making fun of blind people," carlson handed beck "award" for "maybe the most outrageous thing said recently on tv" tv.gif

tuesday, august 29, 2006 11:37am cnn's beck on the blind: "just to **** them off, i'm going to put in braille on the coffee pot ... 'pot is hot.' ow!" tv.gif

friday, august 25, 2006 1:29pm source:

i find it very difficult to take his commentary seriously. yet, as my patient i would give him high quality care because it is the right thing to do.

perhaps this experience will help him to develop compassion for others.

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