Your one stop for all the most popular pressing questions on allnurses!

Nurses General Nursing


I am seeing SO many repeat threads here, so I thought I'd throw in a few words of wisdom.

Question: Is nursing for me?

Answer: No one can answer that but you. As with every job out there, nursing has its pros and cons. To answer concisely, if poop, puke, pee, catheters, blood, ostomy spillage, gaping oozing wounds down to the bone, or pus make you squeamish then the answer is no, nursing is probably not for you. Anything else you're just going have to work out in your head, heart, and your own state laws. We don't know you or your history, and i think I can safely say no one here can read souls to find out your true destiny.

Question: Should I move on from XYZ job?

Answer: No one can answer that but you. If you've given it enough thought to post about it on a nursing forum, you're probably ready to move on. If you're burnt out, exhausted, overworked, underpaid, underbenefitted, your nurse/patient ratio sucks, your managers suck, your coworkers suck, your commute sucks, or any combination of the above, then yes, you're probably ready for a new job. Be forewarned though, you sometimes go from the frying pan to the fire. No matter what field or hospital you move to, you're probably going to find at least one of the above things suck. If they all suck, run, don't walk.

Question: I have XYZ medical problem, advice please?


Question: What is a day in the life of a nurse like?

Answer: Shadow one in a position you're interested in. Every nursing job is vastly different, even from facility to facility. The only truly good way to experience a day in the life of a nurse is to witness it firsthand. Don't forget your rollerskates.

Question: Can you help me with XYZ nursing assignment?

Answer: Only if it's something you can't look up yourself, like an interview. Being on this forum is usually a way to decompress for nurses, and the last thing we want to do after an 8-12-16-20:uhoh3: hour shift is relive the glory days of nursing school by doing homework.

Question: What should I wear for an interview?

Answer: If we really need to answer this then you may need to go back to either Nursing101 or your professional role transition course. Also, just because it's usually the next question to follow, yes, send the damn thank you card.

Question: Why is XYZ nursing job superior to XYZ nursing job?

Answer: No job is superior to any other job. Nursing is comprised of many different fields, all with its own unique set of challenges, whether it's high nurse/patient ratios or vast amounts of paperwork. Anyone who think their field is harder than someone else's is usually playing the "mine is bigger than yours' game.

Question: What is the difference between an LPN/LVN/RN/NP/PA/MD/DO/PHD/BLAH BLAH BLAH? Followed by, which one should I become?

Answer: Do a search and stop asking this question. Only you can decide what profession is right for you, and you're on a nursing forum so take a wild guess what the majority of the answers are going to be?

Question: Is XYZ out of my scope of practice:

Answer: Check your facility and state policies. Every place is different. What one facility encourages may be completely prohibited by another.

Question: Is it okay that I never get a lunch, don't get paid for my overtime, work short-staffed to a dangerous capacity every shift, my manager treats me like crap, or that I get written up for arbitrary things because my hospital is in the process of converting to a hotel?

Answer: No. See question/answer #2.

Question: Does a new grad belong in the ED/ICU/PACU/OTHER CRITICAL CARE AREA, or is it better to start out in med-surg first?

Answer: You might as well ask if the chicken or the egg came first. It's six to one, half a dozen to the other. You're never going to get a uniform answer on this so just make the choice you feel is best for you and your career.

Question: What's your IQ?

Answer: Really?!

What do you mean I can't get hired into my specialty as a new grad?? I didn't go to school to work with sick people, I want to work in maternity! I don't think I should have to build foundation skills in med-surg, everyone knows new moms and babies don't get sick!

I have heard that they also don't poop.:rolleyes:

It's in the NURSE'S CREED!!!! *

(you may have to hunt it down on another current thread);)

You mean like use the search function?

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Problem with the search function is, someone searches, finds the post and posts in it. The post is bumped up and then everyone complains that old posts are being bumped.

Remember to buy the same color stethoscope as the color of your undies that you wear under your white scrubs. Good looking people should always match! :lol2:

So your saying I should get a stethoscope marked Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday......??

Specializes in LTC, Acute care.

"I just graduated, passed the NCLEX and I want this job at my dream hospital but this other less than ideal hospital just offered me a job on like a med-surg unit. Should I take it or live off my savings while I wait to get into that dream hospital? By the way, I know the dream hospital will give me a job eventually because my resume is really impressive and I'm a people-person."


Specializes in PICU, ICU, Hospice, Mgmt, DON.
"I just graduated, passed the NCLEX and I want this job at my dream hospital but this other less than ideal hospital just offered me a job on like a med-surg unit. Should I take it or live off my savings while I wait to get into that dream hospital? By the way, I know the dream hospital will give me a job eventually because my resume is really impressive and I'm a people-person."


By all means wait...the dream hospital just hasn't heard that you are available soon as word gets out, they will be knocking on your door. I am sure you will be able to choose your unit. Preferably one that has NO poop to deal with:)

Just hang in there, they will be calling soon!

I'm going to go to the flip side of some of these:

I'm a veteran nurse of many years and, I'll tell you young whippersnappers (anyone under 75) that you don't know how good you have it. When I was a new grad, I had to haul the coal in to feed the furnace. I had to roll bandages and sterilize everything in the autoclave. Nowadays, every little thing is disposable. Such waste.

People don't want to come in on their days off anymore. Where is the dedication. Don't you know that nursing is a calling? I once worked seventeen days in a row without a break. And these were fourteen hour days. I slept on a cot in the med room in case anyone needed me and got up with the roosters to make a giant vat of oatmeal for breakfast. No one had to tell me about commitment, 'cause I wrote the book.

When a doctor came into the nurses' station, I jumped to my feet, rounded up the necessary charts, and brought him a cup of coffee. I wore my cap and my whites with pride. You young girlies (anyone under 75) with your bright colors and tailored scrubs wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in the day.

Nursing has gone to heck in a handbasket. Such a shame, such a dadgum shame.

Specializes in PICU, ICU, Hospice, Mgmt, DON.

OOOOhhhhhh I remember those days....when we weren't rolling the bandages, we were sharpening the ends of the needles on soap stones. Nothing was disposable then...and we LIKED IT THAT WAY.

And come on...17 days? What, were you on vacation? We lived for this....we breathed nursing...and took our turns napping on that cot in the med room, when we weren't mopping the floors or cleaning the toilets or making beds WITH hospital corners....and we LIKED IT THAT WAY:D


Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.

Love love love this thread!

Specializes in CVICU, Obs/Gyn, Derm, NICU.

And don't forget this humdinger .....

I want to have a intimate relationship with my patient / patients relative / ex patient / coworker

Would that be ok?

If I do it what kinds of problems might I expect?

Specializes in CVICU, Obs/Gyn, Derm, NICU.

Oh and about my nails .....

I refuse to not have artificial nails. I don't care what infection control says about this.

I have those super artificial nails that repel all bacteria.

What will the hospital say about this?

Anyway I don't really care what anyone says about this as I just came on here telling you all I would be keeping my fake nails anyway

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Q: If I am telling you my story and I say "there is this RN who . . . ." or "an LPN at my job did . . . " and the incident has nothing to do with the type of license either one has am I trying to start a bash-fest without really seeming to?

A: Yes.

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