Published Jul 23, 2018
12 Posts
Hello Everyone,
Here for some support and helpful advise. I graduated nursing school 6 years ago and I haven't passed the NCLEX I've always been close in passing, but always fail I've taken course reviews like Hurst (Back in 2015), read Saunders Nclex prep books,. Back in 2011 at my nursing school we did ATI, I have the books still, but do not have access to the study courses. I'm afraid after all these years things have change in the nursing world. I feel discourage that I will never pass this test. My nursing career has been at a hold and everytime I'm at healthcare setting and see all the nurses I tell myself that could me. Is there anyone out there that can help me out with good resources, or recommend books that will help me pass the next time I take this test later this year. I Will truly appreciate it :)
verene, MSN
1,793 Posts
You may want to check with your state board to find out if you are even still eligible for liscensure if you pass the exam before you continue taking it. In my state if you've graduated more than 3 years ago and haven't ever been licensed you lose your ability to become licensed unless you go back to school for a refresher course.
I'd also really take some time and reflect on why after 6 years of studying and trying you still don't have the skills to pass. It may be time to look at an alternate career - healthcare related or not.
354 Posts
I am going to be honest, 6 years and 6 fails means that maybe nursing is not for you. No shame in that. I'm sure you are a very talented individual but shining in a different area. I'd explore some other career options. Best of luck!
I live in CA, and you can continue taking the test as many times you want before the 1 year mark of the last time you took the test. Thanks for the comment. I currently work in the healthcare field a Life situation happened, havent been able to completely focus on studying after I graduated from Nursing School now i have to come to a point where I want to really focus on studying to get my license . I don't believe in giving up just yet. I'm just looking out to see what other helpful resources are out there :)
2,233 Posts
It might be helpful to reach out to the school you attended (and other area schools as well) and see what they could recommend as far as study guides etc. that would be updated. Wishing you well and good luck the next time around!!
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
It's a one year program and you've spent six years not passing. If I were in your position and didn't want to give up, I think I'd just put myself through another LVN program. Time has not done you any favors, so far ...and statistically, your odds of passing are super-slim. You may have a fundamental lack of knowledge. Correct it, and then try again.
257 Posts
Hello Everyone,Here for some support and helpful advise. I graduated nursing school 6 years ago and I haven't passed the NCLEX I've always been close in passing, but always fail I've taken course reviews like Hurst (Back in 2015), read Saunders Nclex prep books,. Back in 2011 at my nursing school we did ATI, I have the books still, but do not have access to the study courses. I'm afraid after all these years things have change in the nursing world. I feel discourage that I will never pass this test. My nursing career has been at a hold and everytime I'm at healthcare setting and see all the nurses I tell myself that could me. Is there anyone out there that can help me out with good resources, or recommend books that will help me pass the next time I take this test later this year. I Will truly appreciate it :)
I understand you came here for support but bear in mind you might get some unpleasant responses. My advice is that you try Like UWORLD 3 months program or NCSBN program and put in your best and don't get distracted or else you fail again. You can take less shift of your job if you really meant to be serious. Be careful that each time you go off your mind about the exam, you will miss your track and set another failure. All the best to you.
Thank you so much will check it out :)
AnnieNP, MSN, NP
540 Posts
10 Posts
msg me i have a suggestion
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15 Posts
Try Uworld! And whatever you do. Never give up!!!!