Words You Hate

Nurses General Nursing

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Is there a medical word that you absolutely hate? Or one that you can never seem to pronounce correctly?


  • Meatus. (Eww)
  • Gargle.


Prophylaxis. I ALWAYS say prophylaxicks.

I have a co-worker that says Cefazolin wrong and is convinced she is right. Drives me nuts.

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.
Orientate! I know it's technically also a correct version of the word, but it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

No way! I smh mentally every time I hear that word. It's a real word?? I think we need to start a petition to get it removed!

Diluent. I don't know why there isn't a "t" in that word, but I refuse to say DILL-YOU-ENT. It's a freaking DYE LOO TENT, damnit!

Two words I despise are stump and expire. No good, I tell you.

I obviously could not be a respiratory therapist because the words phlegm, mucous, sputum, purulent, suction....well, makes me kinda wanna hurl... 

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Critical Care Nursing.

Ambalamp and ambalance instead of ambulance, drives me mad!

Specializes in Psychiatric.

Clopidogrel. I said it 'Cloppy-dog-rel' as a student and felt absolutely stupid! (ClopID-o-Grell)

A funny nurse lowered my embarrassment when she said they often said 'sloppy dog roll'

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

I have no earthly idea how to pronounce nitrofurantoin.

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

One of my daughter's friends cannot say ambulance so she calls them hospital cars. They're in college.

I am not a fan of, nor can I say the word purulent. Is it pur-oo-lent or pur-you-lent?

I do like the word petechiae. I don't like seeing it, but I like the word.

Ponch/Paunch made me think of Erik Estrada and CHiPs. I used to love Erik Estrada and all of his teeth way back when!!

Specializes in Author/Business Coach.

I hate it when I hear a pregnant woman referring to her baby as a fetus...I mean what woman actually says that? Same with doctors, just say baby! It seems so impersonal.

Mucous plug 

Fundus, especially if boggy 

Specializes in OB.
toomanypants said:
Mucous plug 

Fundus, especially if boggy 

More than hating to hear mucus plug, I hate it more when people bring it to show us they've lost it and of course that means that the baby is coming NOW! #gohomeplease

Specializes in Urology.

Non medical: Doorbuster

I cannot explain when the holiday season rolls around how this word is touted. It drives me up a wall. Like come shop here and blow the doors in.. No thanks..

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
No way! I smh mentally every time I hear that word. It's a real word?? I think we need to start a petition to get it removed!

Diluent. I don't know why there isn't a "t" in that word, but I refuse to say DILL-YOU-ENT. It's a freaking DYE LOO TENT, damnit!

Two words I despise are stump and expire. No good, I tell you.

Agreed! On our daily census reports it is usually written "expired" when a resident dies. That just makes me feel like we are comparing a person's death to old milk. I use deceased instead for that reason.

Specializes in Pharmaceutical Research, Operating Room.

Ok, thought of some more after almost having a stroke over artisan. I know some of these are repeats from other posters, but I heartily agree!!

Concomitant (for the love of God, Ace, learn how to pronounce this word and keep it fixed in your brain!)

Liberry (you know, where they keep alllllllll the books)

Mucus plug (just threw up a little even typing that out)




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