Women's Right to Choose

Nurses General Nursing


I haven't seen this conversation come up on AllNurses, even after Scrubs Mag addressed the erosion of women's right to choose. I apologize if this is too much of a hot-button issue to open up for discussion, but I'm curious as to where folks on here stand when it comes to the increase in states passing restrictive abortion laws, in some cases nearly eliminating it altogether. If the mods are afraid, like I am (especially after seeing how some of the Facebook discussions devolved after Scrubs Mag posted their article there), that this can't remain a civil discussion, please feel free to take it down now. I just feel that this is an important discussion that needs to take place. After Missouri Rep. Barry Hovis spoke of the vast majority of rape being date rape and "consensual rape", Virginia State Sen. Steve Martin (R) stated "A pregnant woman is just a “host” that should not have the right to end her pregnancy", and VP Pence's comments about being "proud to be part of pro-life administration", I'm feeling increasingly disturbed about this country's lack of regard toward women.

19 hours ago, Scrunchkin78 said:

"this is where the conversation ends"... seems like it is the beginning.

Nope, definitely the end!

15 hours ago, DancRN said:

And btw, medicaid is funded by taxpayer’s money.

Medicaid covers a lot of medical care that you probably don't want to pay for as well, care for people who have treated their bodies like dumpsters. My point is that when it comes to taxes, we don't get to pick and choose where every penny goes. It's strange when you say "then pay for it with your own money" Most women do. Do you think abortions are inexpensive?

On 5/26/2019 at 5:29 AM, TAKOO01 said:

I think this is something that people on both sides of the women's health care debate can agree on. Can I take it a step further and note that we have to bring men to account for their actions? Social programs are great, but what about the individual who helped generate the fetus? The idea of a woman "getting herself " pregnant is what is making this whole debate so punitive towards the healthcare seeker.

As a society, as individual mothers of sons, we have to teach men to be responsible for their bodies and their actions. If they choose to have sex with a woman who they dont want to have children with, they should use all the methods of birth control that involved parties can agree on. Men should have a conversation with prospective sexual partners- find out what she would choose if she should get pregnant, so youre not surprised when she makes her choice in case of pregnancy. In case an accident should happen, that man should be taught to know his responsibility and offer the physical, emotional and financial care needed. They need to be taught that the ultimate decision rests with the woman once a pregnancy is established ( which is why they should take the steps BEFORE sex to retain some control over the outcome).

We need to stop blaming women for rape, stop being so lenient about the punishment for men. Start teaching men about respecting themselves first as humans, then teach them to recognize woman as humans, too. Teach men that sex isnt owed to them, and just as they wouldn't want a man to hold them down unwillingly and penetrate them - hey, neither do we!

I dont know why, but i am always shocked and saddened by how hard we are on women as a society, and especially upset by how hard women are towards each other. A recent instance was watching the governor of Alabama sign her anti- choice bill.

If the world flipped upside down tomorrow, and men were the ones who got pregnant, i truly believe abortion would be free or low cost and available in every state.

Heaven forbid anyone be abstinent.

On 5/26/2019 at 12:29 PM, ThePrincessBride said:

Most women who abort late-term do so because of severe fetal anomalies or their life is at risk. The vast majority if abortions occur within the first trimester.

Late-term abortion should stay legal and these old white men need to stay out of women's uteri.

So it's only old white men?

On 5/26/2019 at 6:14 AM, LilPeanut said:

I like the suggestion that at puberty, every boy bank's their sperm and get a vasectomy. Then if they want to have children later, he and his partner can defrost what they need. Poof, problem solved.

Let's sterilize everyone at puberty.

On 5/23/2019 at 2:05 PM, CamMc said:

Ok, so I haven't seen this brought up yet, and as not a nursing student yet, maybe I'm missing something, but if a person is in a coma or unable to make decisions for themselves, they have a medical power of attorney who acts in their best interest. That person may decide that the individual in question wouldn't want to live hooked up to machines to stay alive and to risk the potential of coming out of the coma even worse off; so isn't it reasonable to say that the person who is carrying the child/fetus who clearly can't make that decision for themselves, should be granted the same authority? Especially given that it requires that person to carry the child/fetus for 9 months which can and does cause great stress and physical changes to the person carrying. If someone is pregnant and knows that they live a lifestyle that would be harmful for them to carry out the pregnancy, whether that's because they are a drug addict, are so low-income they can barely care for themselves, know the mental stress would be too severe, or whatever other reason they should be able to decide that a child born having to overcome those challenges in utero would be better off not going through that. So many people argue that the "woman" should have to live with the consequences, but what kind of world do we live in that a person's mental health is so devalued that they should have to carry an unwanted pregnancy through even if that may end up causing significant challenges to the child. We have far too many people with not enough access to resources and children in foster care who are abused and neglected, let the person carrying decide what to do with their body.

Except it's not just the mother's body that is involved.

22 minutes ago, Kooky Korky said:

Heaven forbid anyone be abstinent.

This argument has been made since time eternal. It DOESN’T happen on any significant scale, never has. So why people keep putting it out there as some kind of serious suggestion is beyond me.

Specializes in Family Practice.

Certainly a polarizing topic but let's call a spade a spade. Abortion has nothing to do with 'life' and everything to do with controlling women and limiting economic mobility. The AL politicians said it themselves, that those embryos in labs aren't life, only embryos in female hosts are worthy of protecting.

I don't believe in the zombie sky king but even if you do, the bible says life does not begin until the first breath. It further advocates to 'dash a baby's head against stones' in certain cases and loads of other pleasantry.

Let's talk about facts. 2/3rds of abortions happen before 8 weeks, 89% before 12 weeks. 59% are already mothers, 75% are poor or low income, 62% have a religious affiliation, and 51% of women were using contraceptives when they became pregnant.

Many times, all I hear is 'well she should have kept her legs closed' or 'now it's her responsibility'. Do you hear how misogynistic and stupid you sound? Pregnancy is NOT a punishment for sex. No one seems to care that men flit away, off to impregnate some other woman, never to pay a cent in child support. Honestly, if you want to stop abortion then men should get mandatory vasectomies and when they are ready to procreate, they can get it reversed. Irresponsible ejaculation causes 100% of pregnancies. A woman can only get pregnant a few days per month and only birth 1 child per year but men can potentially father more than 365 children in a year.

About 12 years ago, I worked for a Catholic health system. I was taking hormonal birth control and I was having migraines with aura and became hypertensive. My GYN was concerned that I might have a stroke so I had to stop taking it. After some research, I decided an IUD was my best choice. It was considered 'abortion' and was not covered by my insurance. I made too much to qualify for an assistance as a RN. It cost $1200 and at the time, it was almost 3 weeks of my take home pay. I was recently out of school and had loans. I knew I couldn't afford a baby so I did it. I starved for 3 weeks, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to pay my bills.

This is what women have to deal with. To possibly die, to become pregnant and possibly die, or to suffer. No one seems to care about the mothers or hell, even the babies once they are born. To those who say 'just give up for adoption', do you have any clue how many kids are waiting in foster care? Instead of campaigning against abortion, campaign for resources for single parents, fund Planned Parenthood (because a very small part of their care is abortions), adopt kids in foster care. Literally do anything except forcing women to be incubators.

Specializes in LTC.

I personally feel that the government has NO business telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Forcing someone to carry an unwanted pregnancy because of laws that are based on certain people's religious beliefs is just wrong. What will happen is is women will go back to getting back alley abortions and risk death because abortions were outlawed in their state. It will be like the 1950s all over again. How ironic that women have the right to vote but don't have the right to make decisions regarding their reproductive choices.

Thank God I don't live in the south or the midwest.

12 hours ago, blondenurse12 said:

Certainly a polarizing topic but let's call a spade a spade.

A woman can only get pregnant a few days per month

You made a great case for abstinence here... God forbid women who are railing against misogyny learn something about how their bodies work and if they can't lay off the bone for a few days, they at least try to prevent pregnancy by using 'foam and condoms' (free at most PHUs, but it would require mustering up the energy to go there) strictly, during this critical time.

Specializes in Family Practice.
1 hour ago, Persephone Paige said:

You made a great case for abstinence here... God forbid women who are railing against misogyny learn something about how their bodies work and if they can't lay off the bone for a few days, they at least try to prevent pregnancy by using 'foam and condoms' (free at most PHUs, but it would require mustering up the energy to go there) strictly, during this critical time.

Wow, the internalized misogyny is strong. You do realize women have the most desire to have sex during their most fertile period? Condoms are only 86% effective on average. I've had men take off the condom without my consent. Most men complain about condoms and try to pressure you into letting them go without

1 hour ago, blondenurse12 said:

Wow, the internalized misogyny is strong. You do realize women have the most desire to have sex during their most fertile period? Condoms are only 86% effective on average. I've had men take off the condom without my consent. Most men complain about condoms and try to pressure you into letting them go without

It's still better than nothing! Jeez, at least attempt to prevent pregnancy. And the foam helps pick up the slack with the condoms.

I hate a dialog that portrays women as victims. We are our biggest advocates, or our own worst enemies. If I were a nymphomaniac, with nothing but a Honda Kick & Go for transportation, I'd be damned if I'd get knocked up.

Have you actually investigated the numbers of abortions attributed to Rape, Incest and Maternal Health, vs the amount attributed to just 'whatever?' The differences are staggering. It's pathetic that any women would take so little responsibility for their own reproductive potential. These are not the women my daughters are like, or the women I want my granddaughters to become.

You want to empower women? Teach them that they have the power to not need permission from anyone for any abortion by seeing to it that they don't get pregnant. I did it, my daughter did it and God willing, my granddaughters will too. I cannot prevent tragedies, such as rape. But, I can send them to self defense classes.

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