Why try the PVT?


I took my Nclex on 16th. It shut off in 75 questions. I felt like the exam was hard and it made me feeling unsure of my performance. It has been 24 hours now. I don't know whether or not to try PVT.

If you fail, it will take your money right? Why take a gamble with the money being accepted unexpectedly and finding out you fail at the same time? Do some people not care about losing $200 to find out?

You just need to change the expiration number and it won't charge you because the info is incorrect.

try using a card with less than $200 on it or even a gift card.

Specializes in hospice.

Are you in a state that participates in quick results? If so, there is absolutely no reason to risk $200. Just wait 48 hours and pay much less for results you know are accurate. If you're in a state that doesn't participate but is fairly quick about posting licenses, I'd say you also have no reason to do PVT.

However, if you're in California, which doesn't participate in quick results AND takes forever to process people's licenses, then I understand the motivation.

Specializes in Pediatric Cardiac ICU.

If I didn't have an old gift card laying around then I wouldn't have tried the PVT. If you can get quick results in your state then I'd just wait!

Entering wrong expiration date and using gift card might be options, but I worry about the validity of the claims because there are a lot of factors. Maybe I am worried about being psychologically mislead.

yeah, I will have to do quick results. But the wait is killing me ... Seriously. I am having so much anxiety over this. And I just need wait another 20 hours. This is mental torture.

Entering wrong expiration date and using gift card might be options, but I worry about the validity of the claims because there are a lot of factors. Maybe I am worried about being psychologically mislead.

yeah, I will have to do quick results. But the wait is killing me ... Seriously. I am having so much anxiety over this. And I just need wait another 20 hours. This is mental torture.

Aren't you glad you're not in California, waiting weeks for results? ;)

Aren't you glad you're not in California, waiting weeks for results? ;)

Yup. Wait your 20 hours and be grateful you aren't in CA. I waited 8 painful days for my RN and 3 weeks for my LVN. California is great....

Specializes in hospice.

So what's the verdict ohhai?

Here's my verdict:


i checked on my state nursing board to see if my license showed up, but it wasn't available. So after a couple or minutes or so later, I paid for quick results. Found out my results and texted my friend. Then my friend asked why I paid for quick results because my license number and name was listed on the board. I checked again and it seemed like they recently updated it. $8 loss, but I found out 8 minutes sooner haha.

if I lived in California , yeah...I would probably try the gift card idea then.

Specializes in hospice.

Congrats! And at least $8 is only a trip or two to Starbucks. :)

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.

Congrats! I paid for quick results too. Best 8 dollars I ever spent, lol. My license was posted the next day, but that 8 dollars bought me a good night's sleep and peace of mind. I did not do the PVT because I knew I wouldn't really believe anything but official results.

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