Why can't I train my husband?

Nurses General Nursing


When I tell him, do not answer the phone if it is the hospital, he conts to do so. He works there too, he knows the numbers that show up on the caller ID when they call begging for help. But yet, I still here "Baby, the house super is on the phone, wants to talk to you" on a daily bases.

Now, I do know I left them in a pickle when I called in Mon and Tues, they can quit rubbing that in. I would have left them in a bigger pickle if I had went in to work and given the staff and all patients strep and the flu. I was sure for 5 days I was going to die, and that made me have little desire to drag myself to work.

Well, yes I am slightly better now. I haven't run fever in 24 hours, and I can swallow without tears. But I still have a severe cough that hurts, and I'd rather not cough on a patient. And my house is filthy because for 5 days I have not felt like cleaning. I plan to clean the house before I go to work.

So, long and simple of this story is: I am scheduled Saturday and Sunday. I will go to work Saturday and Sunday. Not a day before. I just wish I could make those people understand that. And get my husband to stop answering the phone.

Thank you for listening to my little rant.

Specializes in Post Anesthesia.

Have you thought that he may just be trying to get rid of you for the night for some reason? (maybe he wants to clean the house and suprise you).

Specializes in ER.
Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

Yup...that's exactly what I would do if my wife-to-be got called into work....sure.....I'm lucky if I wash the dishes for my roommate....LOL. Perhaps he would like to suprise you with a 3 course breakfast when you get home after 12.5 hrs.....

Specializes in Perinatal, Education.

I knew my husband was a keeper! He answers the phone at 5:30 (he is a morning person and is already up) and tells them that I am busy that day and can't come in. No guilt because I am not the one who has to talk to them! ;)

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
Have you thought that he may just be trying to get rid of you for the night for some reason? (maybe he wants to clean the house and suprise you).

And which planet do you live on???? mixed-smiley-014.gifLOL !!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

if you can't train your husband, just get a cell phone and give that number to your work. then you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. (just make sure not to leave it lying around where he can pick it up and answer it!) my husband woke me up at 10:30, after i'd gone to bed and gone to sleep to tell me that my work was on the phone. (they wanted to know when my acls expired! at 10:30 pm!) i'd taken ambien and didn't wake up easily. when i did wake up, i said something to the effect of "why are you waking me up now?" he'd brought the cordless phone into the bedroom with him, and the assistant manager heard the whole thing! dh pouted for days about how i'd embarressed him by speaking to him that way in front of the assistant manager (we both work in the same hospital) but i told him if he hadn't first answered the phone and then woken me up, he wouldn't have that problem.

he hasn't done it since!

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Have you thought that he may just be trying to get rid of you for the night for some reason? (maybe he wants to clean the house and suprise you).

He's not that silly. He knows I will allow him to clean with me here. :yeah:

Specializes in ED.

"...And my house is filthy because for 5 days I have not felt like cleaning. I plan to clean the house before I go to work."

Sounds like he needs more than "phone-call-resistance training" LOL ;)

But, yeah, hubby doin' something you've asked him not to do, esp. a simple one like Don't Answer the Phone - well, it sure can frustrate a gal!! Maybe get a second phone line just for yourself- give that number out to employers as your home phone - keep the ringer off and the voice mail on. Then if the Hosp calls the old number he can go ahead and answer cuz it'll be for him!

Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.
When I tell him, do not answer the phone if it is the hospital, he conts to do so.

I think that is very inconsiderate behavior. It reflects a lack of respect.

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

I have my hospital call my cellphone only. Took the landline off of it a long time ago, end of problem. Nrsg Sup calls from various places in hospital which come up on my cellphone ID a "Somewhere at Work". Everytime they call from a different desk at work, I add it to "Somewhere at Work", and voila, I'm in the driver's seat!

LOL about some of these stories!!

My old manager used PERSONAL cell phone to call us once so that we would actually answer......That got added to my Work pile too!! I will work my 3 12's and that's it!

thats why I only have a cell phone,no home phone. I am in control of my cell phone and am the only one who answers it if I choose.

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