Who's still waiting on "THE LETTER"

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay, it's getting down to crunch time!!! I am starting to *think* plan B. I still have to wait until the first part of May before I get any news. If I don't get in, I will need to bust my rear to get more pre req's in this summer for another program starting in Jan'07...

Who else is still waiting for fall 06...and do you have a plan B????

Good luck my fellow future nurses;)

Hi guys,

count me too. I have to wait until May for the letter. I spent so much time, money, and nerve cells while taking pre-reqs!

Good luck to all of us.

Specializes in Emergency.

Add me to the waiting list for "THE LETTER" too! The deadline for the applications was February 1st, and when I went in January to talk to the Nursing Advisor at my (hopeful) school, she told me the letters should be getting to us by early March...but I'm wondering if she's just saying that to prepare me for the longest wait, and it will come before then?? I sure hope so! I just want to know already because I don't have a Plan B as of yet, and I'm gonna need to think of one pretty quick if I don't get in! Yikes! It's great to have a website like this where we all can relate to one another about our stresses...it's already helped me out a lot in knowing others around the world are feeling the same way as I do right now! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. LETS HOPE :specs:WE ALL CAN MAKE IT IN :)

Add me to the waiting list for "THE LETTER" too! The deadline for the applications was February 1st, and when I went in January to talk to the Nursing Advisor at my (hopeful) school, she told me the letters should be getting to us by early March...but I'm wondering if she's just saying that to prepare me for the longest wait, and it will come before then?? I sure hope so! I just want to know already because I don't have a Plan B as of yet, and I'm gonna need to think of one pretty quick if I don't get in! Yikes! It's great to have a website like this where we all can relate to one another about our stresses...it's already helped me out a lot in knowing others around the world are feeling the same way as I do right now! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. LETS HOPE :specs:WE ALL CAN MAKE IT IN :)

where did you apply at?? b/c my deadline was feb 1 too!

Specializes in Emergency.

I've applied at the University of Missouri-St. Louis for the Fall 2008 semester for their traditional BSN program, as well as I applied at the same school for their Accelerated BSN program (after the Advisor who told me not to worrry about getting in suggested it?!) for the Summer of 2008...I can't stand the wait, I am soooo not a patient person with this kind of thing!

I'm waiting too. Deadline to apply is February 15. We won't know until first week of April. Good luck to everyone. Thankfully, classes are keeping me so busy, I haven't really had time to stress about it too much.


Yay! I got into a direct-entry program for Fall 2008!!! :)

Yay! I got into a direct-entry program for Fall 2008!!! :)

Congratulations Kensington!!!!! That's fabulous!

Is that the ELMSN at SM?


Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Charge Nurse.

the deadline here is march 3, 2008 and letters won't go out until april.


i will be on pins and needles until i get that letter and can only pray that it is an acceptance letter.


it's in his hands!


Im waiting too. I have applied to 5 different programs. I have my interview at my first choice next Friday 3/14! I should know something in May about all the programs!

still waiting too...i'm going CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I should find out this month if I got in or not. I applied way back in September. Sent in updated transcripts for Fall, more volunteer info, and another ref letter. I have a 4.0 GPA, but I've noticed from other posts that a high GPA may not pull much weight. So, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Harcum College has always been my first choice so, I'll just have to wait and see. Ugh... Hopefully Easter will bring a reserection of my hopes of a career in nursing. :>

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