What do you think about with current News and Opinions?


Something to understand what nurses think about re the Current News and their opinions!

12 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

We are celebrating here in Alaska.  It's not clear why this state ever participated in that craziness. 

I'm not really sure why any state participates in DST now.  While it might have made sense in 1918, when it was implemented, I don't see any value in it now.  

I personally would prefer that we eliminate DST, but either way, leaving the time alone is going to be an improvement.

37 minutes ago, chare said:

I'm not really sure why any state participates in DST now.  While it might have made sense in 1918, when it was implemented, I don't see any value in it now.  

I personally would prefer that we eliminate DST, but either way, leaving the time alone is going to be an improvement.

We just need to stay with Alaska time and stop changing clocks on a random day.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.

Why sleep scientists argue for maintaining standard time in yesterday's NYT:

Sleep scientists, including the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, hate the idea of choosing daylight saving time over standard time. While no study has definitively proved that standard time is best for human health, they argue that a permanent switch to daylight saving time could have long-term, dangerous effects on public health.

“We’re disappointed, especially given the overwhelming scientific and health feeling that this is a bad idea,” Dr. Karin Johnson, a member of the board of directors of Save Standard Time and an associate professor of neurology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, said on Tuesday.

Sleep scientists point out that standard time — Winter time — is more closely aligned with the sun’s progression. They say that bright mornings help people wake up and stay alert, while dark nights allow for the production of melatonin, the hormone that triggers sleep. When it is too light at night, it can be hard to fall asleep. When it is too dark in the morning, it can be hard to wake up.

Together, that could lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which has been linked to a range of health conditions, like obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Light cues from the sun also regulate metabolism, insulin production, blood pressure and hormones.

“Daylight saving time, in terms of the medical and health consequences, is the worst choice,” said Joseph Takahashi, the chair of the neuroscience department at the O’Donnell Brain Institute at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “It leaves us permanently out of sync with the natural environment.”

Makes sense to me!  It's hard to sleep in middle of the Summer when twilight comes at 22:00:)

8 minutes ago, subee said:

Why sleep scientists argue for maintaining standard time in yesterday's NYT:


And yet, we're going to do the opposite. 

Fall Back? Spring Ahead? How About Neither, Experts Say

9 minutes ago, subee said:

Why sleep scientists argue for maintaining standard time in yesterday's NYT:

Sleep scientists, including the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, hate the idea of choosing daylight saving time over standard time. While no study has definitively proved that standard time is best for human health, they argue that a permanent switch to daylight saving time could have long-term, dangerous effects on public health.

“We’re disappointed, especially given the overwhelming scientific and health feeling that this is a bad idea,” Dr. Karin Johnson, a member of the board of directors of Save Standard Time and an associate professor of neurology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, said on Tuesday.

Sleep scientists point out that standard time — Winter time — is more closely aligned with the sun’s progression. They say that bright mornings help people wake up and stay alert, while dark nights allow for the production of melatonin, the hormone that triggers sleep. When it is too light at night, it can be hard to fall asleep. When it is too dark in the morning, it can be hard to wake up.

Together, that could lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which has been linked to a range of health conditions, like obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Light cues from the sun also regulate metabolism, insulin production, blood pressure and hormones.

“Daylight saving time, in terms of the medical and health consequences, is the worst choice,” said Joseph Takahashi, the chair of the neuroscience department at the O’Donnell Brain Institute at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “It leaves us permanently out of sync with the natural environment.”

Makes sense to me!  It's hard to sleep in middle of the Summer when twilight comes at 22:00:)

We sleep in the Summer when there is no darkness...only a few hours of twilight...it's very doable. 

35 minutes ago, chare said:

And yet, we're going to do the opposite. 

Fall Back? Spring Ahead? How About Neither, Experts Say

Can't get into this one, but the other article states that there isn't any study that concludes standard time is healthier.

My feeling is, that if you're the early bird type for either work or personal reasons, it's going to be dark either way in the Winter time.  Also, there is quite a bit of variation, depending on latitudes and how far east or west you are in a time zone.   And more variety in work schedules than ever.  So, that kinda dilutes the health reasoning for keeping standard time.

Personally, I prefer more daylight later in the day.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Years of working night shift and evenings resulted in me having to be able to sleep when I could. 

Having visited Hawaii in the Winter and noting that days and evenings are close to the same length actually seemed a little spooky. 

I don't have a preference for standard or daylight savings, just stop switching it up! 

Slava Ukraini

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
8 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

We sleep in the Summer when there is no darkness...only a few hours of twilight...it's very doable. 

We had a terrible time in Iceland because our friends didn't even have curtains.  Our only clue to stop and rest was getting nauseated.  Have you no not seen Insomnia?  I totally got it why Al Pacino  went crazy!  Maybe we should just split the difference and just change it 30 minutes instead of a whole hour.  Perhaps that would placate the cows.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
8 hours ago, chare said:

And yet, we're going to do the opposite. 

Fall Back? Spring Ahead? How About Neither, Experts Say

The interest of commerce usually supercedes the interests of health.  Their interests are easier to measure than the slow deterioration of a society that sleeps less.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
5 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Slava Ukraini

My logic-free mind tells me that NATO should arm up and give Ukraine a freebie.  Who is Putin to dictate who gets to be a member?  But my logical mind thinks that the Russians are lousy soldiers, their heart is not in this and that the educated citizens of Russia are smart enough to see through Putin's disinformation campaign ,  It's not as if they haven't been lied to before.  An entire world can't displace Putin?  Russia is only 1.7 times the size of the USA and much of it is inhabitable.  I hate to see the Russian population suffer because of our sanctions but maybe it will germinate a revolution.  This video was very hard to watch.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Way down here it seems odd to have kids waiting at the bus stop in the dark.  Before the time changed they didn't have to do that.  I can understand that the circadian rhythms needs daylight in the morning rather than having it delayed.

But humans are pretty adaptable people and I'd be happy one way or another.

I remember when I was a kid in Alaska my parents would had to move the lock to the top of the door because I would go outside and play when it was light outside at midnight.

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