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  1. chare

    Question about IVPB!!

    If it were me, and the patient wasn't severely fluid restricted, I would program 80 mL as the IVPB volume to infuse. If you have the bags properly positioned this will allow the entire volume of the Zosyn to infuse, and when that bag collapses the r...
  2. chare

    The Trump Thread

    If this is in reference to the post here, you have a limited time after posting in which you can edit a post. If you are still within the time frame an "Edit" option will appear in the lower left of your post. If this option is no longer avai...
  3. chare

    Digital Warrant OK?

    As they are in the best position to answer this question, it would best be directed to your facility's legal department. Best wishes.
  4. chare

    Rpn looking to work in Florida

    How can a Canadian RPN take the LPN NCLEX? Licensed Practical Nurse & Registered Nurse by Examination
  5. He or she was referring to previous positions with this statement, not the he or she left without notice.
  6. My apologies, I meant to quote NurseGerard and inadvertently included your post as well.
  7. in poker, that's what's called 'a tell' I wasn't sure what you were trying to with this either, and did not see how this was applicable.
  8. chare

    New grad job question (part time or per diem)

    In my opinion, as a new graduate nurse a part time position with an appropriate orientation, would be a much better option. Per diem positions are most frequently offered to experienced nurses. These positions, in my experience provide minimal ...
  9. While I would agree that most of us understand, based on some of their posts, there are a few here that just don't get it.
  10. chare

    Mandatory Overtime

    I'm not sure this is applicable. The facility isn't creating the unsafe event. Rather the OP is by scheduling themself on back-to-back shifts at separate facilities.
  11. chare

    Reasonable accommodation request

    In my lay opinion, if your contract includes a disability clause regarding signing bonus repayment, and considering your psychiatrist has stated that your issues are going to continue as long as you remain on night shift, you might be able claim shif...
  12. chare

    Nursing is Toxic Video

    You have a limited time after submitting a post to edit it. When editing you can't delete the post, but you can delete the content. You can ask the moderators to delete it, although I am unsure whether they will do so. There are two methods t...
  13. Preventing Medication Errors is available as a free PDF download.
  14. From the New York State Education Department Office of the Professions Instructions for Applying for Licensure as a RN page, RN Pathway #1: Best wishes.
  15. chare

    Paid Orientation Question

    I know you have to be paid for all hours worked. I don't believe they can " hold" your salary beyond that pay periods scheduled payday. Unpaid Wage Recovery