What offends you (nursing related)?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. What offends you the most?

    • Anti-vaxxers
    • This post
    • My face
    • 0
      Nursing students
    • 0
      Nursing professors
    • Exam cheaters
    • People who get offended easily

81 members have participated

Discuss what offends you the most and why it offends you.

Here's a quick poll;

Specializes in Post-Op, Cardiology.
What offends me is having to hear about a nurses spouse or boyfriends problems at work for most of the 12 hour shift knowing that the person doesn't want help, just wants to complain. The reason I feel this is because if I listen and offer good advice they don't take it and come back to work the next day talking about the same problems.

To a lot of people, complaining like this makes them feel better, even if temporarily. It's exactly like passing gas if you think about it. I agree though, this becomes tiring!

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.

Glad "Hell is for Children" was not the chosen tune...

Glad "Hell is for Children" was not the chosen tune...


Specializes in Post-Op, Cardiology.

1- When the waitress comes to get my plate and says, "Dang, you ate that whole thing?"

2- When people drive way too close to my rear bumper.

3- While a patient is coding and the person in the next bed asks for their food to be heated up.

But I think there is a fine line between offensive and annoying these days, n'est-ce pas?

Specializes in ICU, Postpartum, Onc, PACU.

Nursing related:

Doctors who chew me out or ask "what do you want me to do about it" when I call them at 0200 about something the

TOLD me to relay to them if it happened! Like I wanted to wake you from your beauty sleep, a******! :banghead:

Families/patients who act like they're in a hotel when they're really in ICU (for some unknown reason. i.e. I have two medsurg pts tonight and had a comfort care pt the night before:yawn:).

Nurses who are always late to report

Hospitals like this who never ever staff appropriately (as a rule) and expect the nurses to either go without breaks or break the law by covering each other.

Families who don't have a designated spokesperson (especially when the pt is unstable) and call continuously or sit where you can't get to anything unless you say "Excuse me" multiple times and then barely move. (Do you want me to care for your loved one or not? lol)

Non nursing:

*People who go out of their way to be offended about something/anything, which is SO common now.

*And animal/child abusers (#equaltreatmentforthem)

*Anyone who supports Hillary (but in all reality any of the people running...they're all wackadoodles, but she's the worst, in my opinion).

*Breastfeeding pictures on social media. It's not something I'd end a friendship over or anything like that and I fully support it. It's a wonderful thing, but I'm just tired of seeing it :cheeky:


Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
I did that too. Maybe we are all about the same age? Love Pat Benatar and it is so fun to sing along with her on the radio. :singing:

For all the fans, one of her gems:

My sister and I would practice the dance moves ALL the time! :D

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

I have one I forgot about...needy doctors-especially surgeons; had one last night that is know to be ridiculously needy, but when I need him to be attentive to an important aspect-pt becoming more pale, crickets...

Also docs who are ridiculously nervous about a pt, especially when you know this pt, and have that nursey sense of that the pt has-only seeing the forest but not the trees.

Specializes in kids.
I have already received a grant and my master business license for this company. I already technically own the agency, but am not accepting clients until June 2016. I have the website, brochures, business cards, an office, and many other things complete. I'm starting to hire in a couple of weeks.

It is a non-medical home care agency. You don't need a license for it where I come from. I was the smart one who figured that out early in nursing school.

Well then, best of luck to you. Check in this time next year for an update.

Oh no..........

I hope you guys got to fill out a survey after that and you Let. Him. Have. It. :specs:

No survey, but people seemed to lap it right up. I have to admit that the speaker was personable, well-spoken, and above all extremely charismatic. He had some good things to say, and I took notes. The biggest problem with that speech wasn't content, it was context. If I were to independently seek out a way to reduce burnout and deal with the difficulties of nursing as-is, it wouldn't have been so bad.

The problem was that it was an event I had been led to believe would include concrete information about my hospital, issues they had, and what they were doing about it. Instead I got a management-sponsored message that talked about burnout as an individual problem. It's not. He talked about nursing as a Higher Calling. He disparaged the nurses who feel it's not.

He wrote a book called Inspired Nurse, and the Amazon preview shows him saying "Patients stop looking like opportunities to make a powerful human connection - to make a difference in someone's life - and start looking like just one more bedpan or vital sign or test or painkiller prescription. You get tired. You begin to burn out. Sure, it's probably like this at other jobs. But you don't want to think of nursing as just 'a job.' It's a calling. The stakes are higher. You know that in your heart. So why can't you remember it 24/7?"

I can't be the only one who has a hard time digesting that much saccharin.

Well then, best of luck to you. Check in this time next year for an update.

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it :) I definitely will!

Specializes in Dialysis.
For all the fans, one of her gems:

My sister and I would practice the dance moves ALL the time! :D[/quote

Alright youngsters, this 55 year old bat loves "I love Rock & Roll"

Woah there, I own my own home care agency at the age of 20 and am in second year nursing. I also have access to the internet. Doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun =D

A lot of people here are feisty.. I like it

I thought we had a little chat about interjecting your business into all your posts?

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