Published Dec 17, 2017
18 Posts
Hello and happy holidays. I've just graduated nursing school a week ago and now preparing for state boards. After graduation what did you do? Did you take some time off? Did you work? Did you begin applying for jobs? Everyone's answer is different, and I'm curious to see them all. Thanks. :-)
Davey Do
10,646 Posts
After graduation what did you do? Did you take some time off? Did you work? Did you begin applying for jobs? Everyone's answer is different, and I'm curious to see them all.
After graduation, I stopped at a bar, picked up a couple of hookers, and got an STD.
Just kidding.
I continued to work as an LPN in Chemical Dependency treatment, took practice state boards tests, but found a lot of time to unwind. I was a real crispy critter after completing the RN program.
But- good luck to you, mstaurus!
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Applied for a job, got the one I wanted, but first went to Puerto Vallarta for a week with my friend (from the 5th grade on!). Took my cap and tassel, have a picture of me on the water at the front of the boat; swim suit and cap on.
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
I took the Kaplan live review to prep for NCLEX. Then I took at 10 day vacation before NCLEX. Put the books away and didn't look at anything nursing-related. It was a much-needed break and I came back refreshed and ready to tackle the exam
1,381 Posts
Visited my brother in Hawaii for 5 days. Took my NCLEX book with me but still a good time.
BSNbeauty, BSN, RN
1,939 Posts
I went on a cruise, came back and passed my boards.
354 Posts
Well I got drunk and burned my God awful polyester white vest and white starched pants I had to wear for clinicals. Then the next day I started my Kaplan review and took the NCLEX 14 days later.
901 Posts
I took the Kaplan review and also studied with the NCSBN review as well. I didn't apply to jobs until after the exam. Other than that, I truly enjoyed the freedom of being DONE with nursing school, as it wasn't my favorite thing, lol. I was so happy to have graduated, so I took a day or two to enjoy that feeling. After NCLEX I aggressively searched for a job and found one relatively quickly. I had no idea what was in store for me. Let's just say I'm glad those days are over and that I hung in there and worked hard to be where I am today. Congrats on graduating!
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
I had a job before I graduated so I had about 2 weeks off before orientation started. I went back home and stayed with my friends and family. Didn't touch anything nursing that entire time.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
I bought a review book, but never read it. I ended up taking a mini vacation and going to Disneyland, instead.
Kitiger, RN
1,834 Posts
I signed up to work float, nights, at my hospital (Diploma grad here, so I was ready to work float). I figured working float would help me cement my knowledge, and I could always switch to a regular floor when I was ready. I worked as a GN (Graduate Nurse) until I took Boards.
NCLEX didn't exist back then. Nursing Boards took 2 days, with 5 separate tests, and was offered twice a year. If a GN didn't pass boards, she/he was immediately demoted to Nurse's Aide.
Once I passes boards and earned my RN, I continued to work float for about a year.
394 Posts
I went to a bar with my sister and some friends, and my sister became annoyed as the evening went on, because people kept buying me drinks when they found out I'd graduated from nursing school that day!
In those days, we worked on Interim Permits until passing Boards ; in my state exams took place four times a year. I went to work about four days after graduation, took Boards three months later, and passed!
Congratulations, and good luck in the future !