What is your nursing "joy?"

Nurses Rock


For me, nothing is more satisfying that bridling an NG tube or deep suctioning a bunch of sputum out of someone.

Specializes in labor & delivery.

Ditto on payday. And 3 shifts per week. Only joys I get from nursing.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

Educating, investigating, and being able to use my brain all day...

...as well as being able to leave work at work and have plenty of days off to enjoy myself however I choose. :)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Getting flash on a neonatal art stick immediately.

Doing a PKU where the circles are all perfectly filled in. Five drops, five circles.

Watching a FP/internist I used to work with take off ingrown toenails. I swear it was art in motion. 30 seconds or less, start to finish.

Great Granddaddy of them all:

I&Ding a big abscess. The bigger the better. Instant gratification.

The bimonthly paycheck is nice, too.

I know this is going to sound SUPER cheesy, but when I worked nights especially I got a lot of joy at giving a patient a good bed bath, giving them a warm blanket and then hearing them snore :) something about them being so clean and relaxed that gave me a good feeling.

I know this is going to sound SUPER cheesy, but when I worked nights especially I got a lot of joy at giving a patient a good bed bath, giving them a warm blanket and then hearing them snore :) something about them being so clean and relaxed that gave me a good feeling.

Clean jammies and fresh sheets :)

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
I know this is going to sound SUPER cheesy, but when I worked nights especially I got a lot of joy at giving a patient a good bed bath, giving them a warm blanket and then hearing them snore :) something about them being so clean and relaxed that gave me a good feeling.

I said giving bedbaths too!

Specializes in NICU.

Doing a PKU where the circles are all perfectly filled in. Five drops, five circles.

Elvish, you are my hero for this one.

I thrive on adrenaline and really love taking care of critical NICU patients. But I can't think of a greater joy than bathing one of my little feeder/growers, putting her in fresh jammies, and giving her a nice warm bottle.

Turning a patient and finding no poop

Specializes in Ortho, CMSRN.

When a patient mentions my name in a review

when my coworkers find out I don't drink, smoke, or gamble. Sadly, those are the common vices within the demographics I identify with.

Specializes in Hospice.

Slamming Adenocard and having it actually work, I love it! There is something about stopping the heart for about 9 seconds and watching it start again.:woot:

Suctioning a trach

Drawing blood


Placing PPDs

Inserting foleys and watching the bag fill up

I'm a pretty invasive girl.

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