What do you all LOVE about night shift?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I was just reading through the poll about night shift work load, and it started me thinking as to why everyone here works it and what they love about it? For me, it's a whole bunch of things. I like sleeping through the warmest part of the day, not having to be out in the sun. One of my favorite aspects is the comradery of night shifters and the team work taken to a level that I didn't know existed. We have people on nights that can smell trouble from across the unit and will be at that bedside with you before you even have a chance to exclaim "OH SH*T!" That and being able to party hardy on my nights off long after everyone else has gone to bed. It's nice taking advantage of the waking world, but it's more fun existing in the space where the strange and interesting come out in droves. :specs: So, how about everyone else?


Agree with all of the above...no suits,no heifers in pantyhose and pumps telling me how to do my job...yeah,they can send memos but I can make paper airplanes out of the memos and sail them to the hinterlands or ball them up and play volleyball with the paper trail they leave...have also developed a good working relationship with the shredder...love that noise!!!!!....the camaraderie on nights is awesome.

Rock on!!!!!!!!:roll :kiss :p :cool:

Specializes in ED staff.

I love the atmosphere. Nights are just plain goofy most of the time!


No suits, clipboard people, no heels and jackets, no memos, no doctors, no telephones, no............................just US!

Specializes in Perinatal and Nursing Informatics.

I have worked 7p-7a for 2 years now. Although i am sleep deprived, i love not having to speak too much, the ability to read an entire magazine without interruption, and the bond that we all share. Thank the lord for not having to ballet dance around management and the MD's. :roll

I hope when I graduate I work nights. I'm a night person for sure, and I work well on a team with no suits looking over my shoulder all of the time.

When I work nights I feel like a nurse. I work in an ICU, I can take time to give some quality nursing care and do little things like wash someone's hair, give backrubs, and maybe a shave. Nights is my respit from the chaos of days.

wendyssmile, that's awesome. I'm sure your patients really appreciate you washing their hair, or getting a backrub or a shave.

You all make me WANT to work night shift. Out of all the years I've worked med-surg, I only worked night shift once. NO ONE TOLD ME THE PATIENTS DON'T SLEEP...................... Seriously, tje perks of less phone calls/visitors. etc. -- plus the extraordinary teamwork I've witnessed by my night staff -- is making me thinking about pulling a few nights.

I agree with all above. The teamwork is great. You won't see it on anyother shift. Nights rock!


I love doing half the work for twice the $, being able to go back to school full time days, & it has taught me better assessment skills & good decision making, because there are less people around to help. Also, night shift always has a special bond.there's something about being up in the middle of the night with a few people when everyone else is sleeping. :)

Add me to all the night shift 'dittoheads'.....LOL!

All the dayworkers who are tired of the BS really should try nights....it has truly kept me in nursing 25 years....I wouldn't be able to handle nursing on straight days for all the reasons already stated.

Luv ya night shifters...we're a strange and fun breed!

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