What computer program do you use?

Specialties School


Our District uses Health Office 5.7 which is seems soooooo archaic. It has some potential, but also has it's limitations. We also don't use it 100% of the time. Many nurses continue to write on paper or the chart because of this program. They are looking at upgrading but only upgrading Health Office. Is there another program you use and would recommend?

We use Skyward. It does the demographics, attendance, grades, etc. etc. as well. The only thing I can compare it to is OneChart which I use at the hospital, but it wouldn't been a good fit for a school setting. Its nice to only need one program for all info including health though!

Specializes in School nursing.
Looking forward to it. Surprised Ma. doesn't have SNAP as they are Boston based, we in Md. are pretty loyal to local companies. We only have 125 kids, so I manually check immunizations, only takes a day at most and then followup. I couldn't justify the cost for the immunization module. There is going to be a steeper learning curve for my wife who subs for me. She doesn't have EPIC experience. She last worked on ancient Meditech platform.

Well, I'm at a public charter school - we try new things ;).

Lots of MA does use SNAP, though I worked in a large public district that use Health Office, which I also liked. Most school here use SNAP or Health Office.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i use healthoffice anywhere - it works fine for me. There are functions in it that i never touch and things that i wish it did, but it works just fine to get me through the day.

Specializes in School Nursing.

We use Skyward. Not at all intuitive but I'm learning. :blackeye:

The schools here I sub at use Aspen X2, which is for academic and health information use, which can come in handy, I suppose. I just started using it and it's not too bad. Anything is better than having to chart on paper like I do at the LTC place where I work. :arghh:

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

We use SNAP in our district. It's OK, there are some things I would change but I like the reports I can pull, and I like that it is integrated with Infinite Campus for student demographic information.

I have never used another school nurse documentation program, so I have nothing with which to compare SNAP.

Most school in my state use PowerSchool or the health documentation on Infinite Campus.

Thanks for your input! It's interesting how many programs are out there. Now rumor has it we are going to SNAP, and by looking of the responses might be the way to go. I hope it can integrate with Power School though.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
Thanks for your input! It's interesting how many programs are out there. Now rumor has it we are going to SNAP, and by looking of the responses might be the way to go. I hope it can integrate with Power School though.

We use Engrade, a pretty obscure program in the educational world and they integrate with that. Their integration is limited to demographics, you can't access either within programs.

CareDox is a NO-COST Health record platform that is designed for School Districts. Check it out. Its features are unmatched, and is super user friendly. Hope this helps someone. Best of luck.

Our school district uses CareDox.

Specializes in NCSN.

We use SNAP, and it really is similar to EPIC. I subbed for a bit, and a lot of the schools around me use health office and I realllllyyy didn't like it.

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