What color is your stethoscope tubing?

Nurses Uniform/Gear


I know, silly question :) But I'm starting school this Fall and will be buying my first stethoscope. I wanted to get a fun color, and to my knowledge, our school doesn't specify that we get black. Who has a crazy/fun color?

Specializes in med-surg/ortho for now.

Its a Littmann and its baby blue!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

I have a sprague neon green, which matchs my tape measure, my hemostats, my percussion hammer. My kids went with me when I bought them, so they picked them out and matched them.

I started off with a purple Littman through school and my first few years practicing. I have recently gone back to basic black. I had enough fun :)

Mine is navy(littman) and i wanted black or blue. but then i go to order my scrubs and they are navy to. So i will be all navy Sqaure

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I started school with a neon orange sprague and got upgraded via a xmas gift to a littman that is the pink they use for the breast cancer campaign.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I got a black cheapo. I usually loose them so I don't spend any money on them. I can't hear with the ear pieces of a Littman anyway. :)

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I have one that is hot pink, this is the first one i ever got about 18 years ago when I started working as a CNA. I bought a new one last year that is navy blue. It was more expensive but I still find that the cheap one i got years ago actually works better so I end up using that one more!!!

Mine is hot pink!

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro.

I have a lilac littman(lightweight) which is good for BP's and such and I used it all the time when I was a CNA and a carribean littman (Master Classic II) which is nicer, I bough it for nursing school and am now using it as a RN. I prefer the lilac color, but the carribean is pretty. Allheart.com has a pretty pink breast cancer one, it is the Classic II SE, I wish they had that color in all the models, I would definently upgrade now if they had the tubing in pink! I know, it is silly, but I am such a girly girl!

Specializes in school nursing.

Thanks to a very loving and generous RN that felt I could make a difference with the right equipment this senior Nursing student is now proudly using a Navy Blue litman Cardiac III stethoscope. It is a wonderfull tool and should give me years of dependable service.

Over the years I have had yellow, black and bright orange-those were all Sprague.

Mine is now a dark green Cardiology II(they don't come in as many cool colors)

Mine first was black but then I got one that matched my blood pressure cuff that was a bright blue.

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