Published Aug 3, 2007
12 Posts
I am new to this forum and nursing school. Just wanted to know what are the best pens to purchase. Please, I need as many responses as possible so I can try them all and decide.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Why, pens, of course!
I'm serious. I use mine all the time. They've got a great comfort grip, and the ink is a really bold black that ALWAYS photocopies well. Order some today---you'll love 'em!
Kitty Hawk, ADN, RN
541 Posts
I really like the pentel esp the rvsp but since they have a cap I changed to I think they're called "wow" pens they have a triangle comfort barrel plus they are click type which i've heard is better esp for clinicals.
528 Posts
Dr. Grip Center of Gravity pens by Pilot.
283 Posts
Uniball Jetstream... this is the best pen ever!!!
Megsd, BSN, RN
723 Posts
My BF's sister got me hooked on the SRX pen by Roseart. It has a nice grip, consistent ink, and pretty colors! :) What more could you want in a pen?
59 Posts
I love my Fisher Space Pen--nice dark ballpoint, and the refill is pressurized so that it can write upside down...
Shenanigans, RN
234 Posts
As a student, I am a cheap orifice, as such, I either go to my dad's work and bludge a heap of pens off him, or I buy Bic (brand in NZL), which work surprisingly well.
I'm kinda not looking foward to graduating, cos then I'll have to buy my own pens!! Heh.
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
My fave is Staedtler 1.6 maxum pens.
196 Posts
I like BIC Pro+ or Pentel RSVP (the retractable model) best. Uni-ball Jetstream RT is my second choice.
I'm a pen addict. I have to try them all.
deeDawntee, RN
1,579 Posts
I used to LOVE my Dr Grip pens, but we have now gone to ALL computer charting, so its all for naught..... kinda sad really.
114 Posts
UNIBALL!! the ones that claim to prevent cheque fraud, the ink embeds itself in the paper for security
and for god's sake get the CLICKY kind. it's either that lose the cap (and you will), and jack your scrubs up. you get ink all over them, the tips poke's just a nasty thing all around.