Published Sep 30, 2008
172 Posts
I put in my notice. Gave a full month. I had been having problems with a couple of the aides on the floor who were negative, and targeted me in their clique, went to mgt about this and did not get support, and in return for this, of course the aide/s retaliated by complaining about me. I focused on my job and the co-nurses, and my patients were safe/well taken care of, I did my job well.
After a week of turning in my notice, the manager caled me and asked if I wanted to leave early. Previously, when I went to mgt about this, in particular one incident with a disrespectful aide, I had told her "it's just not working", and really had wanted to quit then, but she convinced me to stay and "work things out". Now she tells me I should leave early (after I put my notice in) as "it's just not working".
I am confused and feel used, and that I am prevented from leaving on the good note I intended...
Anyone have thoughts on this?
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
i would say good bye and get out of there.. your leaving on a good note you did the right thing you put in more of a notice that is required and it is their choice... so count your lucky stars and get the heck out of there...
JB2007, ASN, RN
554 Posts
If you already have another job lined up, I would go ahead and leave early. She is giving you an easy out. There is the possiblity that if they want you gone now they will make your life miserable until you leave. I say take the time to relaxe before starting a new job. If you were that stressed out from this job you will need the time to relaxe before starting a new job. Good Luck with the new job.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Take the not so subtle hint, and get out of Dodge NOW. If you can move up your start date on the new job (and want to), go ahead. If not (or don't want to), then take an extra week to relax, decompress, clean out your closets :)
Good luck!
Thanks for your responses! I did take the offer, however, I feel so bad. I did my job well, and never had a problem with my work, except for the problems (which I initiated going to mgt about) with the particular aide/s. So why, after I submit my resignation, does she suddenly want me out? I am confused, sad. I just wanted to leave after my notice so I could feel good about my time there, now I almost feel fired!
Valerie Salva, BSN, RN
1,793 Posts
A similar thing happened to me, once. This was in a rehab unit. I'd had an excellent review, and zero deficiencies when a state surveyer followed me on my med pass.
About a month later, I gave my notice. I wanted to leave because of poor working conditions, and insubordiate, trouble-making, lazy aides, that mgmt would not address.
The next day, the DON wrote a new, unscheduled review on me, which was very negative- and untrue. Right after she showed me the review, the DON told me I didn't need to work out my notice- "Why don't you just leave today?"
I did. Screw 'em. It's just sour grapes on their part. They were not able to keep you and mold you into one of their drones.
You will go on to bigger and better things. I did.
I know it feels weird, but you should really be glad you're out of there.
648 Posts
Yeah my thoughts are don't worry about it. If the manager wants to let negative aides create a toxic environment then I wouldnt want to work there, why should you?
OMG, thanks so much for your thoughtful replies. I feel a little more relieved. What a bubble burster, when I had such good intentions/worked so hard, and it all comes down to negative cliques.
317 Posts
SCREW EM!:dncgbby:
1,446 Posts
Imagine how bad it is for staff morale to have someone there a month that is only doing their time before they get out of a bad work environment. Your manager is afraid that you might give others an idea and it is in her best interest that you leave quickly and quietly. Once you are gone she may be the type to say that she fired you, so that others do not think of rocking the boat. Sorry to say that what she is doing is very common.
gonzo1, ASN, RN
1,739 Posts
If you have the time, look thru past threads here. There are tons of people who have had exactly the same thing happen to them.
I would bet in 90% of the cases it was not the posters fault any of it happened. Just good old sour grapes at a toxic work environment.
Sadly, one more theme that frequently recurs is people being pushed out after going to management about concerns.
I have gone to management twice about serious concerns and each time things were handled appropriately and I did not experience any retaliation.
Unfortunatley most people are not as lucky.
I will say that I am very careful about what I report due to everything I have seen reported here on this board.
I know that you will be going on to bigger and better things as has everyone else.
Good luck
116 Posts
I'm so sorry this had to happen to you this way, but I would leave early if I were you. If you stay, it might make things worse and you'll continue to be miserable. Like everyone else says, screw em'! You did your best there, and now it's time to move on. You'll be fine! :wink2:
Gosh, do I hate cliques! It's so go to work to do a job, not to enter a popularity contest!! But cliques are everywhere, not just in nursing...I had to deal with that in an orthodonist office and in another office job. After three years of working in that office job, I transferred, and it was 150% better.