what do you wear?


I'm a new grad starting with a pediatric homecare agency. They don't have a dress code other than to look professional. Do you all wear scrubs?

Specializes in Skilled, Private Duty, LTC.

I'm an RN, and do private duty/home health pediatric care. My shifts are generally 8 hours per day in one home.

I wear scrubs, for the most part. Sometimes I'll wear scrub pants and a plain color t-shirt.

I don't look at home health care as much different than hospital work. At both you have the chance to get yuck on you...whether it be vomit, BM, phlegm out of a trach or blood. I really wouldn't want to get any of that stuff on my "nice clothes" so, scrubs it is for me.

Now, I know some of the nurses at my place will wear jeans, and a nice top if they are working day shift, and attend school with their client. I suppose that makes sense...better to blend in, and probably less embarrassing for the child.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

I do HH, 10 hour nights with a one year old. According to the contract we sign with the agency, our attire will be "professional", no scrubs required. My co-worker/friend who's been doing HH for quite sometime says the trend is NO scrubs b/c you're caring for clients in their HOMES, they don't want it to seem like they're in the hospital.

Now, the term "professional" is very loosely interpretted by the other nurses that share this case. I'm currently wearing nice jeans, a crisp white Tshirt and a cardigan sweater. If I worked the day rotation and was expected to accompany my client/family to appointments and such, I'd wear khakis and appropriate tops. The nurse that relieves me for the day shift most often tends to wear jeans and a sweatshirt.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I'd wear scrubs to start out with. Then you can see how casual/formal the family would prefer that you be, and I'm not aware of any blanket trends one way or the other. I've had families insist on scrubs and not want the nurses to wear shoes, older kids don't usually want attention called to them by being accompanied by a nurse in scrubs.

I worked with one nurse who was told by a family that they prefer she not wear scrubs, so she showed up the next day in ratty cut-off shorts and flip-flops. That's when the family called the agency to complain. So my interpretation of professional would be clean, neat, conservative attire that you didn't fish out of a trash bag. I saw a nurse do that, too. :uhoh21:

I always wear scrubs, even if the family says I can wear street clothes. I do pediatric private duty, and always come in contact with BM, mucus, blood etc (not to mention with children they manage to spill stuff on you, get dirt on you, markers while drawing, the list goes on).. I wouldn't want to be wearing my "good" clothes for that. Also, I find that the more casual/friendly you get with a family, they will start to get too comfortable with you and ask you to do things that are non nursing related.

I wear scrubs for my extended care jobs. Practical for crawling around on the floor under the patient's bed and for all the other work that causes things to get deposited on what I wear. Also allows for me to wear white running shoes. Flats or low heels would be very uncomfortable.

Specializes in Peds Homecare.

I've been doing home health for a long time. We all wear nice looking jeans or shorts( nice ones) and tops according to the weather or temperature of the home. Our agencies reasoning is that the "kids" have seen enough uniforms and sometimes equate uniforms with hurts. They are at home, not in a facility. At times I have worn my scrubs to new cases to feel the family out. I ask them what they'd prefer I wear, most of the time it's please wear something comfortable that isn't a uniform. I have attended school with some of "my kids", never, ever have I worn scrubs to school, most of the teachers are dressed pretty casual too. Every agency has their own take on what your dress code should be.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Most of my pedi cases parents prefer scrubs for a variety of reasons. I prefer scrubs because I can look more professional, easy to clean if anything gets on them, fast to dry (my one patient figured out how to move so she can soak me when I give her a shower, of course she thinks it's hilarious, non verbal but not none communicative) my primary oatient's mom prefers scrubs so it's obvious who is nurse who is parent (an issue witch some nurses who have boundary issues)

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.

I'm a private duty nurse, and I go to school with my client. I wear pants or skirts with a t-shirt and flats, clogs, or sneakers. My agency doesn't allow blue jeans (other colors are okay), capris, or shorts. Scrubs would just make me stick out.

Thanks for all the replies! I think I will start out with scrubs unless I have to go to school, then it makes more sense to dress casual but professional.

Specializes in Skilled Nursing/Rehab.

I know this is an old thread, but I just read it for my information - very helpful! I will be attending high school with a teen as a home care nurse for the first time tomorrow morning! I think my agency may allow jeans, but I am not sure, so I am opting for a pair of khaki pants (they are actually scrubs but don't look too "scrub-by") with a nice t-shirt with butterflies on it and clogs. I am orienting with the full time nurse on the case, so I will observe what she wears and in the future I can plan accordingly. For some reason, I am really nervous about looking appropriate! Scrubs would be so much simpler but would make me stand out more...

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I know this is an old thread, but I just read it for my information - very helpful! I will be attending high school with a teen as a home care nurse for the first time tomorrow morning! I think my agency may allow jeans, but I am not sure, so I am opting for a pair of khaki pants (they are actually scrubs but don't look too "scrub-by") with a nice t-shirt with butterflies on it and clogs. I am orienting with the full time nurse on the case, so I will observe what she wears and in the future I can plan accordingly. For some reason, I am really nervous about looking appropriate! Scrubs would be so much simpler but would make me stand out more...

You would be sent home from the schools I attend. Scrubs are mandated as well as a visible work ID T-shirt isn't professional at least a polo shirt is more professional. Scrubs are mandated for PDN in both public ("regular") schools, especially HS and special needs schools. The staff needs to be able to easily identify "visiting" staff

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