Vote here! allnurses presidential race poll


  1. the next President should be....

181 members have participated

Since we are such a diverse group here I though it would be fun to have our own poll-let's see if we at allnurses reflect the results we'll wake up to on Wednesday(or Thursday or sometime in the next month) It should be an interesting week.....

i had to choose one and i chose bush....i have been 'working class' all my life and am descending from people who worked all their life, who educated their children and bought homes..and lived the american dream...i can't believe that democrats are better in that regard than republicans...

what i was concerned about was what would kerry do when faced with an emergency...if he is elected i hope that he has the wisdom to act in our best interests and not to please the french/germans who will not like us no matter what we do

kerry '05 :balloons: :balloons:

agree............go kerry from here in ohio :)

Agree............GO KERRY from here in Ohio :)

Already there are stories about voter fraud - :o

A woman called a radio show this morning from Ohio. She and her husband voted in the last two major elections, are registered to vote in their community and when they went in to vote this morning they were not listed. They had to vote with "provisional votes" that will only be counted IF the election is too close to call. I would be hopping mad if my vote was "provisional". :angryfire

What a mess this may turn out to be.


Already there are stories about voter fraud - :o

A woman called a radio show this morning from Ohio. She and her husband voted in the last two major elections, are registered to vote in their community and when they went in to vote this morning they were not listed. They had to vote with "provisional votes" that will only be counted IF the election is too close to call. I would be hopping mad if my vote was "provisional". :angryfire

What a mess this may turn out to be.


My polling place had changed without my knowledge. I stood in line for about an hour and a half and when it was my turn my name was not on the list, I explained this had been my polling place for the last four years since I moved to this neighborhood and they explained that the precints had changed recently. I was told where my polling place was and went there No line at all voted immediately.

I will drop this link it has been slow at times because I imagine it is having millions of hits.

My polling place had changed without my knowledge. I stood in line for about an hour and a half and when it was my turn my name was not on the list, I explained this had been my polling place for the last four years since I moved to this neighborhood and they explained that the precints had changed recently. I was told where my polling place was and went there No line at all voted immediately.

The caller said they investigated this and it wasn't the case for she and her husband. I'm not saying this is voter fraud - maybe just a glitch.

I do not understand though how this could be so complicated.


Big time Bush here. It occurs to me that we all hold our own oppinions and they are all valid and make perfect sense to those who hold them. It is in polite to say the least and rude to tell the truth to condecendingly declare that you just can't understand how one could vote one way or the other. The two sides are never going to agree yet they are both valid and legitimit sides. Fortunately we live in a democracy were we are free to hold our own oppinions and to act upon them. GOD BLESS THE USA!

I'm very disapointed, as I feel we didn't have a decent candidate to vote for in this election. I was definitely a swing voter; I didn't decide until very recently who I was going to vote for. I very reluctantly voted for Kerry, but mostly I felt I had to vote against Dubya. He refuses to admit that he's made mistakes, not only with the war, but also in regard many domestic issues. And the fact that he's so supportive of big business, the issue of cutting overtime for shift workers, and his 'Homeland Security' if you can call it that. On the other hand, there's Kerry, who can't take a stance and stick to it to save his life; and record of voting to raise taxes hundreds of times. He says he's looking out for the working class, but I just don't buy it :rolleyes: I don't either candidate makes a good leader of the free world, I just had to choose the lesser of 2 evils....... :o

I support Bush-Cheney as do 73% of the members of our armed forces

Oldnurse - Please don't take offense to what I'm saying. I just think this election has turned from voting about the true issues into voting based on fears.

I agree and I am scared that as a woman, bush is slowly taking my rights away regarding my right as a woman to choose. :o

I voted for Bush. We need to play offense on terrorism not defense.

Excessive taxation chokes the economy.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

I waited in line for a bit less then 2 hours-what an experience.Everyone seemed relaxed but determined to stand in line for as many hours as it took without complaint.The line was stretched around the building-I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime...I saw people let others with health problems get in the line in front of them-how cool was that? I really hope everyone has tried to make as informed a decision as possible(when I read some of the statements regarding the candidate's stands on women's right to choose I get cold chills-some of you all really need to look into that abit more) This is going to be an interesting night---and I'll continue to pray for us all...and whomever wins the election.....

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