Vote here! allnurses presidential race poll


  1. the next President should be....

181 members have participated

Since we are such a diverse group here I though it would be fun to have our own poll-let's see if we at allnurses reflect the results we'll wake up to on Wednesday(or Thursday or sometime in the next month) It should be an interesting week.....

Can You Believe How Close The Poll Here Is..if This Is The Way The Vote Is Going We Are Going To Be Talking About This For Days

How will Kerry advance the working class? By taxing us more? He says he won't but he has always voted in favor of raising taxes. How will he help small business? Tax them more so they are forced to lay off workers? As a working Republican I fail to see how Kerry would "advance" the working class. It is not the government's responsibility to advance me, it's my own.

Amen!! Too many people rely on the government to advance them already. If we are past 30 and we are unable to support ourselves maybe we better look in the mirror. ;) By the way last tax season I actually got money back.

For this gal, it's not the political party that concerns me. Neither one is looking out for little people like us: Clinton opened the doors for outsourcing (China granted Permanent Favored Nation Trade status & NAFTA), and Bush has done nothing to stem the flow.

Kerry makes some appealing points. But I could never vote for anyone who promises to make abortion available to every woman at any time during her pregnancy. He pledged to overturn the ban on partial birth abortion first thing upon taking office.

What do we call it when one segment of society (moms & doctors) controls whether another segment of society (the unborn) has a right to live.

Abortion isn't good for moms either, not physically or emotionally.

A mere 20 years ago, our democratic politicians were 50/50 pro-life. In fact, Jimmy Carter is staunchly pro-life and recently wrote a letter to the Plains, GA newspaper to clarify just that point.

Some of you will probably slam me -- hope not. But there it is.

Being pro-life is a personal choice. Not a choice that should be decided for others.

Amen!! Too many people rely on the government to advance them already. If we are past 30 and we are unable to support ourselves maybe we better look in the mirror. ;) By the way last tax season I actually got money back.

It is so ironic to me that reps always fear dems will raise taxes, when reps create record deficits, and reps cry about social welfare, then give billions in corporate welfare.

It's not about wanting government to support the people: It's about not wanting government and our taxes to support big business.

Being happy about getting a little refund and not realizing the impact of enormous national debt is missing the BIG PICTURE.

I believe that Bush tried to buy non-big business, Average Joe votes with his little refund scheme. It worked.

Being pro-life is a personal choice. Not a choice that should be decided for others.

Very true, however I draw the line at third trimester abortions. That choice should have been made months ago.

Many reasons I didn't vote for Kerry but supporting this is a big reason.

I chose Kerry. Pam

We are going to have to change the history books. Ronald Regan was the most popular president ever. Not any more, President George W. Bush is now the most popular president ever and has won the most popular votes ever. The house of rep., the senate, and now the White House is being governed by conservatives. This is a beautiful day for America.:)

4 more years is now a reality!!!:balloons:

Specializes in LDRP; Education.
Very true, however I draw the line at third trimester abortions. That choice should have been made months ago.

Many reasons I didn't vote for Kerry but supporting this is a big reason.

Agree 100% with this.

Agree 100% with this.

Even if the mother's life is threatened. You would save an unborn baby over an adult woman?

Well, with Bush in office, get ready to see womens rights repressed not right away, but he will chip away at it. Our legal right to choose an abortion, finding birth control (ie morning after pills) will become more difficult, Women have worked so hard to get to where we are and things are going to be made much more difficult...again. :crying2:

Health care is this county is a complete mess. Kerry had a great plan to help the million of Americans that can't afford insurance, obtain it. Now what?

«President Bush has announced his plan to select Dr. W. David Hager to head up the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee.

Hager is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, and sources told Time magazine that in his private practice he will not prescribe contraceptives to unmarried women. He is also the author of a book which suggests that women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome should seek help from reading the bible and praying.

The Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee is responsible for offering expert scientific and medical advice to the FDA on matters relating to drugs used in the practice of obstetrics, gynecology, and related specialties. The committee's responsibilities include all contraceptive drugs and drugs used in performing medical abortion as well as drugs used for infertility treatments, hormone replacement therapy and labor and delivery.»

We are going to have to change the history books. Ronald Regan was the most popular president ever. Not any more, President George W. Bush is now the most popular president ever and has won the most popular votes ever. The house of rep., the senate, and now the White House is being governed by conservatives. This is a beautiful day for America.:)

4 more years is now a reality!!!:balloons:

I voted for Bush, yet I can't stand to see this kind of inaccuracy. Bush got the most votes ever simply because we had the highest voter turnout in history. If he didn't surpass Reagan, Kerry came damn close to having more votes than Reagan did in either of his victories. So by your reasoning, Kerry is more popular than Reagan as well.

Bush is popular among some segments of the population, villified among others. Characterizing him as "the most popular president ever" based on the number of votes he got is simply wrong. Those of us who voted for Bush have to realize there are a huge number of people who voted for Kerry. Posts like this only serve to deepen the divide.

Kevin McHugh

We are going to have to change the history books. Ronald Regan was the most popular president ever. Not any more, President George W. Bush is now the most popular president ever and has won the most popular votes ever. The house of rep., the senate, and now the White House is being governed by conservatives. This is a beautiful day for America.:)

4 more years is now a reality!!!:balloons:

Well Kerry won more votes than anyone else as well. Unfortunately not enough. Beside even people that I heard who voted for Bush don't like him. Maybe that should go in the history books. How he is one of the most disliked U.S. presidents domestically and internationally.

Amen!! Too many people rely on the government to advance them already. If we are past 30 and we are unable to support ourselves maybe we better look in the mirror. ;) By the way last tax season I actually got money back.

I don't care about getting tax money back when are country is in debt. And if the government isn't meant to help us why are we paying taxes.

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