Vent! Inconsiderate None NS Students!

Nursing Students General Students


I know this is a problem other places too..I just need to get it out of my system before I explode! So ignore if you like :wink2:

I am in a small local community college. I just started so I have to go back to the basics, which means A&P, but our school is seperated by program types from the start. (Meaning you are a nursing student even though you are taking prereqs)

Our college also participates in a welfare program with the state. The program is after so long, you either work or go to school, or you get no money for welfare. Soooo you can imagine what kind of people this school pulls in.

Our A&P class consists of MA, Dental Assistants, billers and coders, and nurses of course. These non nurse programs draw most of these people that are forced into the program because they do not want to work. I can not believe how rude they are! I have experienced them answering their cell phones in the middle of lecture, cheating on tests, getting up and leaving, leaving for the rest of the day, coming in late...and talking ALL THE FREAKING TIME!:nono: The other day I counted in hour 13 times people got up and left the room!!! :banghead:This doesnt count the times that some of them returned. You are talking people walking in and out approx 20 times!! Of course none of these people were nursing seems our students know the importance of this program.

A few of us were walking out of class the other day and it was mentioned to the instructor and she said she knew and that there was not much she could do because she could not tell who all it was because it would happen so fast. She said that we will probably have the same students in our A&PII class too(those that dont fail that is).

So the next day we come in and on the wipe board is a big sign. She had changed it so that there is now assigned seats!!! UGHHHHH.. Im not complaining because I know she HAD to do it in order to keep track of everyone that decided to leave. It is just so frustrating that ADULTS have to be reduced to assigned seats. Freaking people care less about their education!

Ok Im done ranting....Oh yeah by the way...this is the first time I ever started a post!! LOL And I do it by complaining.:chuckle

Had to run, but back with a longer answer than the one above. ;)

The fact is that the likelyhood of someone being serious about school that is getting a free ride (public assistance or Mommy and Daddy) is going to be way lower than those having to pay their own way. That's just reality and not a slam on either group. I was in the latter group at 18. Grade point 1.54. Although I didn't actually go to class and disrupt is for others that were serious. As an adult paying my own way my average is 3.8. I WANT an education.

Human nature is such that giving the choice to either work or attend school in order to get $$$ is going to create a bunch of students that are not serious. On the other hand it will be a godsend to a few others that will use the opportunity to better themselves - case in point the lady that started this thread.

But the bottom line is that is up to the instructors to keep peace in the room, so those that are serious about their studies have a chance to learn. It can be a simple as taking away points if you are late. In our school if you miss more than 3 days, you are withdrawn. Those that are waiting for student loan distribution at 6 weeks show up. Some instructors count more than 15 mintutes late as an absence. I have seen many creative ways for instructors to keep order, make sure all lab partners contribute and make sure it is quiet in the classroom. And they are able to modify it as needed, since some classes are worse than others. Believe me quite a few will shape up quickly when their $$ is at risk. OR they will drop out and figure working is way easier.

IOur A&P class consists of MA, Dental Assistants, billers and coders, and nurses of course. These non nurse programs draw most of these people that are forced into the program because they do not want to work. I can not believe how rude they are! I have experienced them answering their cell phones in the middle of lecture, cheating on tests, getting up and leaving, leaving for the rest of the day, coming in late...and talking ALL THE FREAKING TIME!:nono: The other day I counted in hour 13 times people got up and left the room!!! :banghead:This doesnt count the times that some of them returned. You are talking people walking in and out approx 20 times!! Of course none of these people were nursing seems our students know the importance of this program.

Ok...I can tell you now, that your instructor, for lack of a better word, is a whimp. Classrooms, regardless if there are 20 people or 200, can be controlled.

Expectations need to be made clear from the beginning...if you are going to be late, you need to let the instructor know in advance. Students that need to leave during class need to speak to the instructor before class or raise their hand and state why they must leave. If cheating is going on AND you have PERSONALLY witnessed it (not a rumor or a hunch..but know), the it's your job as a student to report it.

Yes, an instructor can control the classroom...if you have someone that gets up in the middle of the class to leave just say, "Sir, what is your name please????"...then they need to say, "Next time you need to leave during class you need to clear it with me or on break or you may be asked to drop the class because it's not fair to the other students."

YES, they can do that. Yes, it is 100% legal.

After all, the expectations would be in the syllabus...which is a legal contract, you agreed to it by staying enrolled in the class.

If a teacher does that..she may have one, but she won't have a second one b/c peer pressure and embarrassment will take care of that.

Specializes in Psychiatry.
My advanced Physio instructor had a 5 minute rule. 5 minutes after lecture begins, the doors are shut and locked and you don't get in. Phones are to be shut off. Not on vibrate. OFF. We had a couple girls whos phones started vibrating during a test and wow! The instructor went off.


Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

I am so glad the pre-reqs are going to be over for me in 2 weeks!

i can definately relate to the topic! today i was in class, and this group od idiots were just talking way too much, and just crap while the teacher gave us 10 minutes to add our own questions on the quiz that we are going to have, and he was going on and on and on...

so i said " dude can you do me a favor?" can you please dont talk for 5 minutes, at least five!!! and they gave me that butt look

i said because i just cant take anymore of your babling and it is anoying me and everyone else! and i looked at the teacher! and asked can we please continue!

i am not a be -a-ch but that was so "high school"

some people just act like everything is funy. they should be applying to the cirque du solei instead!

Specializes in Coronary Rehab Unit.
As for getting up and leaving in the middle of the lecture to go to the bathroom (whatever!), it is an adult class. Anyone who cannot hold their bodily functions for a couple of hours needs a medical excuse.
Uhhhhhh, no ..... at least where I go to school, we're treated like adults, and if one needs to use the restroom during lecture, it's not an issue. However, if you're referring to folks who are "going to use the restroom" and actually going out to phone/text/whatever, then, I agree. But, hey - when nature calls, it wants an answer ;) Of course, being that you feel the way you do, perhaps you're nursing skills would come in handy cleaning up after someone's "accident" since you feel they can't leave momentarily to use the restroom ??? Gimme a break....
Specializes in Geriatric, Psychiatric, Emergency.

I can't stand it either. There are 2 people who CONSTANTLY get up and leave to talk on their cell phone or else they are texting all througout the lecture. Especially today when we were in the skills lab, and doing a lab experiment with hygiene and mold and people were talking OVER the instructors. How rude!! The sad thing is, there are only 14 people in our entire program right now (at our level, term 1) and it's like our instructors can't even handle just 14, so I can't imagine what happened last term when there was 38 students in 1st term nursing.

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

One good thing about being one of the older students in class, and male, and having gray hair, is that I can tell them to be quiet, and they'll do it out of some 'father-figure' respect thing. Either that, or they think I'm an old kook and are scared to keep talking after I say something to them in front of the whole class. Either way...blessed silence. :)

Specializes in E.D..
For what it's worth - my experience is the opposite. I've taken classes at a community college and at a highly respected university. I was so surprised at how juvenile students would act in class at the university. Often, I couldn't even hear the professor over all the students' talking. Also, they were frequently disrespectful to professors and grad students.

In contrast, I never experienced this at my community college. Students at the community college seem much more serious about their academic work, and grateful to be there.

I totally agree. I think the traditional community college student is a bit older than a university student. I've also experienced both atmospheres. The average age at my CC is 27. So, by this age, I think serious studies are more important than keg parties. I can't imagine partying, skipping class, blowing off homework, and getting through the ADN program...LOL!

These people in your classes probably are not going to make it past their first semester of the nursing program. Some of them probably won't make it past the prerequisites. I am in the junior year of a BSN program, and most of the students at my school are there just to keep the welfare benefits. Only the students that really want to be nurses make it through to the level I'm at. Myself and most of my classmates work at least 20 hours a week. At this level that's all you can do with all the studying you have to do. It's a lot of studying because nothing is handed to you in nursing school. You have to complete the assigned readings because nursing instructors only lecture on key points. There is a lot of self teaching involved.

There are very few people in my class who receive welfare benefits. I have been in other classes where the majority of the students were in the welfare to work program, and I know where you are coming from with the level of respect. My advice to you is to study as hard as you can and you'll get through it. Find some people in your class who are serious students and study with them sometimes. It may be helpful to you. Another key point is some of the students in those types of programs are getting a free education and they don't even want it. I have student loans to pay off when I graduate. Good luck!

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