Vent! Inconsiderate None NS Students!

Nursing Students General Students


I know this is a problem other places too..I just need to get it out of my system before I explode! So ignore if you like :wink2:

I am in a small local community college. I just started so I have to go back to the basics, which means A&P, but our school is seperated by program types from the start. (Meaning you are a nursing student even though you are taking prereqs)

Our college also participates in a welfare program with the state. The program is after so long, you either work or go to school, or you get no money for welfare. Soooo you can imagine what kind of people this school pulls in.

Our A&P class consists of MA, Dental Assistants, billers and coders, and nurses of course. These non nurse programs draw most of these people that are forced into the program because they do not want to work. I can not believe how rude they are! I have experienced them answering their cell phones in the middle of lecture, cheating on tests, getting up and leaving, leaving for the rest of the day, coming in late...and talking ALL THE FREAKING TIME!:nono: The other day I counted in hour 13 times people got up and left the room!!! :banghead:This doesnt count the times that some of them returned. You are talking people walking in and out approx 20 times!! Of course none of these people were nursing seems our students know the importance of this program.

A few of us were walking out of class the other day and it was mentioned to the instructor and she said she knew and that there was not much she could do because she could not tell who all it was because it would happen so fast. She said that we will probably have the same students in our A&PII class too(those that dont fail that is).

So the next day we come in and on the wipe board is a big sign. She had changed it so that there is now assigned seats!!! UGHHHHH.. Im not complaining because I know she HAD to do it in order to keep track of everyone that decided to leave. It is just so frustrating that ADULTS have to be reduced to assigned seats. Freaking people care less about their education!

Ok Im done ranting....Oh yeah by the way...this is the first time I ever started a post!! LOL And I do it by complaining.:chuckle

Specializes in ED.

This is not typical of all community colleges. I just finished nursing school through a CC and there were a few rude people here and there but overall it was good. It depends on the teacher and the expectations. I think those students are walking all over the teacher. They would never get by with that with any of the instructors I have had and especially nursing instructors!

I go to a community college and I get financial aid and so do a lot of people. I still study hard for my classes no matter what because I have worked before and paid taxs. Teachers just have to be strict if things are going on that interupt the class. We had problems first semester nursing when people came in late and teacher said they would get a tardy and then didnt give them one. This second semester they were stricter and people came on time.

I took math class last semester and was amazed at how rude people are, talking out loud during lecture. I sat in the front row and had a hard time grasping content cause of these kids in back row. I stayed out of class for a couple weeks cause the teacher was oblivious and wouldn't control the class. I got as much by studying on my own as I did from class. Went to the dept head after no change in behavior and the teacher outed me in class about complaining.:banghead:

Specializes in DOU.

I think the problem is with the instructors. None of mine (thankfully) have been willing to tolerate such bad behavior.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

I have heard of teachers that lock the door when class starts, if you late...too bad, if you leave on a non-break, your not coming back in...maybe this is something you can suggest to your teacher. We never had this problem at my JC, getting into Anatomy, physio, and micro was almost as competitive as getting into the nursing program, dates to sign up for classes go according to number of units and the class fills within the second day of registration and 95% if the class is nursing students, the rest being other health majors...kinestesiology, nutrition, pharm transfers ect.

I had a teacher that gave 2 chances for if your cell phone rang, after the second she kicked out of class..not just for the day but for good.....

Just want to say I have no problem with paying taxes so people can get an education and break the cycle of poverty. It seems to me that rudeness and govt assistance are unrelated.

I have been on both sides of this issue and people do look down on and judge people who are getting a "free ride" .

Which to me, makes it not so free.:twocents:

From my point of view it is very humbling and sometimes humiliating to have to ask for help.

I am glad not to need help now; but I am also glad it was available to me when my ex husband left me and our three children.

Umm, people trying to better thier life?

Perhaps some of your students are disrespectful (and this is the case at every college everywhere). I doubt it has anything to do with your welfare program.

I am sorry but if they are trying to better their life, then why are they answering the phone in the middle of lecture...coming and going...and talking to those friends around them?

I am on public assistance...and I have a 2 year old in daycare. I leave my phone on vibrate in my pocket. If it is her daycare calling, then I will worry about it...everyone else gets ignored until after class. My parents and daycare have a number for the school, should they not be able to reach me...and both groups know that it better be serious.

I do not sit there and BS with everyone around me...if I have a question about maybe a page we are on...I will look to the person next to me and ask them in a whisper...not in a normal conversation voice or louder.

Yes..occasionally restroom trips are necessary outside of the normal fact, this last class I had some terrible BM I needed to take care of and came back to class approx 3 minutes after she returned to lecturing...Hey..I understand...You can not tell me that THIRTEEN different people had to go to the bathroom all within the same hour! Or even have different real good excuses for coming and going...I wont buy it.

And another thing...I know these people are getting government assistance. They have no issue with discussing outloud that they are getting cash assistance..and that they really dont want to be there...but the welfare people are making them. Not to mention that one of the programs is that prior to certain checks to be disbursed..they must be in attendance for 2 weeks prior to the checks being distributed or they do not receive it. Funny how those two weeks there is not an empty seat in the class room(except for the first 15-20 minutes after attendance is checked)

Maybe there are one or two that arent getting help...but I guarantee that 95% of these rude people...are getting it. And I, like some PP, am sick and tired of being talked down to and treated differently because these type of people give us a bad name.

Ohhh yeah one more thing..yes there are rude students everywhere. This is my second degree...but NEVER in any of my classes from the University has it been as out of control as this was.

Ok..Im off my soap box.

I go to a nice college in a decent area and Yes- we have the same type of people. I think they are everywhere- no matter how much money they have. I HATE when people anwser their phones in class. It is disrespectful to the teacher and the other students. If I was a teacher and someone's phone continued to ring or they anwsered it I would tell them to get out! Rude Rude Rude!:banghead::banghead:

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

drosagain. . .

  1. one of the first things you are going to learn when you get into actual nursing classes is to respect the rights of others to exercise their freedom.
  2. the person you should be blaming here is not the other students in the class, but the instructor. the instructor is responsible for maintaining order in the classroom. direct your complaints to her.
  3. not everyone has been taught the same rules of behavior we were when growing up. if they want to better themselves and move upward into a career that pays well, they will have to learn and follow the rules. if they don't they will eventually drop out or flunk out of these educational programs. cheating only gets a person so far.
  4. community colleges are supported by tax dollars. their purpose is to give all citizens an opportunity for an education, including nursing students. you can always opt to go to a private college where you don't have to deal with "those people".
  5. someone can pay their taxes for many years and end up on welfare for a year or two. does that make them the "kind of people" no one else should give any consideration to?

wait until you are a nurse and see the "kind of patients" you will be taking care of--or the noise and activity that will be constantly going on around you that you will have to put up with. i remember lots of times where we had confused patients continually yelling "help, help" or "mother, mother" and nothing we did could stop or soothe them. or doctors ranting at the nursing station because something they ordered hadn't been done. how does one who likes order deal with that? and, don't tell me that it's different because these are patients or doctors. that's just refusing to face the real culprit--being judgmental. one thing i've learned over my long career is that people come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and behaviors. it's called diversity and it's what makes this world such an interesting place. everyone has something interesting to offer and that we can learn from them. we all walk this earth to both learn from others and to teach others. if one doesn't have that view then, in my opinion, they have no business working in any kind of service industry and that includes healthcare and nursing. a classroom is just the first of many tests of our ability to be nonjudgmental.

drosagain. . .

  1. one of the first things you are going to learn when you get into actual nursing classes is to respect the rights of others to exercise their freedom.
  2. the person you should be blaming here is not the other students in the class, but the instructor. the instructor is responsible for maintaining order in the classroom. direct your complaints to her.
  3. not everyone has been taught the same rules of behavior we were when growing up. if they want to better themselves and move upward into a career that pays well, they will have to learn and follow the rules. if they don't they will eventually drop out or flunk out of these educational programs. cheating only gets a person so far.
  4. community colleges are supported by tax dollars. their purpose is to give all citizens an opportunity for an education, including nursing students. you can always opt to go to a private college where you don't have to deal with "those people".
  5. someone can pay their taxes for many years and end up on welfare for a year or two. does that make them the "kind of people" no one else should give any consideration to?

wait until you are a nurse and see the "kind of patients" you will be taking care of--or the noise and activity that will be constantly going on around you that you will have to put up with. i remember lots of times where we had confused patients continually yelling "help, help" or "mother, mother" and nothing we did could stop or soothe them. or doctors ranting at the nursing station because something they ordered hadn't been done. how does one who likes order deal with that? and, don't tell me that it's different because these are patients or doctors. that's just refusing to face the real culprit--being judgmental. one thing i've learned over my long career is that people come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and behaviors. it's called diversity and it's what makes this world such an interesting place. everyone has something interesting to offer and that we can learn from them. we all walk this earth to both learn from others and to teach others. if one doesn't have that view then, in my opinion, they have no business working in any kind of service industry and that includes healthcare and nursing. a classroom is just the first of many tests of our ability to be nonjudgmental.

first...i can not believe that i am unable to come to this forum to vent which is exactly what i said is all i wanted to do and get ridiculed for venting.....maybe my posting on this board is pointless and maybe there just is not the support i thought i could find here. maybe i should consider finding support somewhere else. because many(not all..some of you have been great and "get" it...while others only want to read what you want to read...

second of all..."those people" are not just those on the system because i am on the system...and i do not act like that. "those people" to me are the ones that are on the system and act like this. these people have a free ride...complete.. they do not care that money is being wasted on them for not passing classes...and making others suffer at their complete and total lack of respect.

though i am on the system so to speak i do not receive nearly what i could in financial aid if i quit my job and just go to school. i decided that for as long as i can i will work...eventually i will have to quit to finish up school, but until then i will work. so..since i work, i had to take out loans to go to i am(or will be paying for when the loans come due) paying for my education...and i care about my money being spent every 4 minutes having my concentration being broken by doors slamming, a phone ringing, people talking about what so and so did and whether she should do this or that. i am paying for it...yes the instructor is mostly responsible for control...but everyone in our class is adults...since when are adults not held accountable for their actions???

i didnt say i needed order...i just want to be able to sit for more then 3 to 4 minutes at a time without having to try to figure out what the instructor said because a phone was ringing behind me. i want to be the best nurse i can..i want to be able to know that i am going into a job knowing as much as i possibly can to be able to help people.

when it comes to patients...then i will be on the job. yes it is different with patients because that will be my job...that is what i want to do. that is what i feel led to do...that is my career...confused patients?? yeah i expect that...for goodness sake that is not what i am talking about.

doctors..yes that is different too. again, i am not paying to put up with their bs..>granted some doctors will be more of a pain than what we will be paid...but it is not coming out of my pocket.

private college is not an option. 1 is maybe able to afford a private college, but there is no way a person who works part time...single parent with no other income than that part time job...can afford a private college no matter how much the financial aid. 2 is time...every 4 year college around here is on a min 2 year waiting list, i am working to get off the system as fast as i can so that other people's tax dollars are not paying for me in life. if i go on a waiting list for 2 years..then have class for 4 are looking at me being on the system six years. i think taxpayers(including myself) would be happy that someone wants to quit using their tax dollars as fast as they can.

there are several posters here that just arent getting it..i am not complaining about people on the system in general..i am complaining about the rude people that abuse the system. there are 2 of us in my nursing class that i know of that are single moms on the system trying to better themselves...we do not act like this! i never said it was fact on several posts i said that it was most.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

indymom4: Keep up the hard work. You can do it. I'm so sorry you're treated this way. You should be proud of yourself for doing all you can. Good luck to you.

Don't worry - many people reading this will sympathize with your situation. Most just don't say anything. I don't care what walk of life you come from - if you don't know that talking on a phone while a professor is lecturing is inappropriate than you are an idiot and don't belong in nursing school. I don't care if people get mad at me. Manners are manners. And a patient yelling in a hospital is NOT the same as a student in a classroom. Keep your head up and have pride in the fact that you work hard. Good luck.

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