UW BSN program 2015

U.S.A. Washington


Hey guys !

I'm applying and I'm really nervous, but excited to start my nursing program soon. Anyone else applying to UW?

I think that if you got an email letting you know that you'd get the essay email on the 13th then you're in the system. That email says it counts as your confirmation of application receipt. The Feb. 6th date was in my original confirmation email after I submitted the electronic version.

Interesting! The confirmation email for my electronic copy doesn't state Feb.6th. However, they sent me an additional email saying that due to so many applicants they are not able to assign a confirmation code to everyone. Which is frightening! I wonder how many applicants total they had this year.

Hey, I got the same email! I'm sure they get tons of applicants every year. That email we got might just be a last minute tweak, since their was confusion concerning dates. As long as we gave it our very best in getting into UW, is what counts ;)

@Shelley The license number doesn't really matter haha, like i said half the people don't even have their CNA. If you get invited for the proctored essay, it will be very important on how you answer the questions. I think that if you are able to talk about what you have learned, what you have experienced, and what you will continue to learn and bring a couple examples from your past experience, then not having a lot of recent experience won't bring you down. There were people with alot of experience that weren't accepted because they couldn't get across how their experience relates to nursing, and how relevant their strengths and weaknesses are to nursing, in their writing.

as for your extracurricular activities, it doesn't have to be all nursing related. I had random tutoring and sports things and study groups in mine. they just want to see that you don't spend 24/7 studying, and can balance a heavy load (since you have to balance our class load and studying well).

If you are chosen for the essay, then use the opportunity to write a fantastic response. About 230 ish get chosen for the essay, they select 95 ish plus wait list people. You just have to out perform a little over half of the people sitting in that room =P

My advice for the essay is get to the point and entertain your reader. They briskly read most of these essays. I graduated from the program several years ago and we had several choices for the essay and some basic calculation math questions. Good luck!

Thanks aprilai!

I read there were 480 applicants for the BSN program this year :facepalm: That is quite the competition, gets me even more nervous.

Can't wait to hear receive our emails this friday! Good luck again.

Yes, 483...holy cow! That gives us a 19.87% chance of getting in. How many of us are on this thread? All of us, I hope. I've been practicing math conversions on dosagehelp.com and writing out my strengths and weaknesses. Good luck to all! If I'm asked to write the essay I will be proctored in Alaska since it's kind of expensive to get to Seattle.

The essay for each cohort might ask different questions, but it's nice to have an overview of your strength and weakness as prospective nursing student.

Sent from my iPhone using allnurses

Hey guys we had over 570 I believe last year so that is awesome for those of you who applied this year, 100 less applicants to compete against! GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Hi fine folks! I have been lurking on this thread for a while and finally decided to jump in and say hi. I am also a BSN applicant waiting anxiously to hear back about the proctored essay. Meanwhile, I am finishing up the UW general app. I live in Seattle, so I think I am going to hand-deliver my transcripts to admissions tomorrow. I will be so happy to be done with all this stuff! I wish you all the best of luck. Hopefully we'll be classmates at UW next Fall!

Welcome Sphenoid, CNA. I'm glad you decided to join in on our journey towards UW.

Just two more days and we find out, time has been going by so fast for me. It feels almost surreal that time is here for proctored essay prepping. Good luck!

AHHHH! I got an invite! It's too bad I'll be in Alaska with a proctor. Good luck to all!

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