UMDNJ Accelerated BSN students

U.S.A. New Jersey


I was just accepted to the program starting this fall (August 30th?) and would like to start a forum among the 50 students that were accepted. I have already run into one other student online. I have a feeling we'll need to get very close knit rather fast to get through the program. Since our lives will necessarily have to be studying all the time I'm sure it'll be helpful to form study groups, etc. I will probably be planning a meet and greet before classes start.


Marc Adam Goodman

Hey i need some advice? I just got accepted to UMDNJ and to william paterson's accelerated nursign program? I've heard so many ppl say umdnj is unorganized but according to ur comments, do u think iam better off goin to wpu or to any other school besides umdnj?

I mean maybe by now it changed but if u were to go back to nursing school when u first started, would u choose umdnj or another college?

Hey bdogan,

I ended up going to NJCUs accelerated program. I heard horrible things about UMDNJ and when I went to orientation at UMDNJ they didn't do anything to make me feel better. I also found a few people who had attended both UMDNJ and NJCU and I made a choice from there. If you can find someone who actually went to UMDNJ, you can ask them specific questions and make your judgement call. Do you know anyone from WPU? NJCU isn't perfect, none of the accelerated programs are (b/c they're so jam-packed) but try finding people who have gone there and feel things out from there. Both schools should be willing to give you contacts of people who graduated from their program. Good luck!!!!

Hey, thanks for the advice! I actutally did find some one that graduated from wpu and she did recommend it and said its sooo do able. I think i know which school to choose now.... thanks again for the reply! did u graduate from NJCU? if u did are currently working as a nurse?

Thanks njmonsterboi80 and jerzytech - the feedback is much appreciated!!

I just applied for fall admission - one of the admission coordinators said that it's still possible to get in (I hope what he is saying is true!) - so hopefully in the next couple weeks I will get the final word.

If either of you think of any other advice, anything at all, please email me.

Again, thanks so much.

Hi, i'm planning on starting the umdnj program soon is there a way i can contact any of you people that have attended i cant figure out how to pm?

hello, i dont really know anyone that attended umdnj but u can find a lot of ppl from this forum/website.. i dont know how to pm ppl either, this forum is weird? dont like how this website is designed. sorry...

Specializes in HIV/AIDS, PSYCH.

Congrats Emtj on your acceptance to UMDNJ! When will you be starting? I think it takes a while (not sure how long) to be able to PM if you are new. Anyway Im in the program now, so you can PM me if your able to or just ask here if you'd like.

You can PM after you post 15 messages. :)

You can only pm after 15 posts so here goes. Hows your daily schedule each day of the week? How much time is needed each week for studying? Are the professors decent or lousy? Which hospitals are rotations done in? Is there any time off during summers? How big is your class? Are you happy that you went there in the end

I really appreciate your input and thanks in advance!!!!

One more that I forgot is that i'm a guy so how many males are there in your class ?:wink2:

Specializes in HIV/AIDS, PSYCH.

Wow lots of questions...but I think I can answer all of them:). Here goes, Just to give you a general idea, it is a 15 month program consisting of 4 levels. I am currently a Level 2 student who is supposed to be studying for her finals right now but I need a break!! Before I started the program in May, I heard alot things about UMDNJ and good thing I didn't listen or else I would have changed my mind. I've heard that the program doesn't prepare students for what's ahead, the professors are horrible, the program is unorganized, etc. I have been here for 6 months now and I think the program is well run and feel very prepared so far. In regards to the professors, Im sure you had some horrible professors and really good ones; this is the same at UMDNJ. To be honest I have had more good than bad. So, for Level 1 your class are as follows:

Pathophysiology, Health Asssessment, Foundations of Nursing, Nursing Informatics, and Health Promotions. If the schedule remains the same, you will have Mondays off( not really off because you'll be studying your but off) Tuesdays (Patho, Foundations, and Health Promotions) Wednesday ( Health Assessment and Nursing Informatics) Thursday (Foundations Lab for 1st half of semester and then clinical 2nd half of semester) and Friday( Health Assessment Lab: Where you will learn how to do a Full head to toe Assessment). Classes start from 8 or 9 to about 4. After all of this, you'll go home relax a little bit and start studying or what I call eating your books. Now, how much time you need to studying depends on you as an Individual. For example, I may be to read a chapter 2 or 3 times before I get the hang of it, but you might be different. Then you'll have group projects, presentations, prepare for lab, clinicals, and papers :banghead:. Im not trying to discourage you, but just to let you know what is ahead. Don't be scared the program is doable because many have graduated before you and many after you. You obviously have what it takes because you were accepted :yeah::yeah:. Rely on God and strive for the best and in the end you'll be EmtJ RN BSN!!!YAY.. Oh almost forgot the summer classes are always smaller which is when I started. I had 35 people in my class and we have 9 men in our class..So don't worry you'll have company!!! Good luck and see you soon and Now I have to go back and study!!

Almost Forgot your Clinicals can be at UMDNJ, East Orange General, or St. Michaels.


Perfect all questions answered thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi UMDNJers,

Thanks for all of the advice and insight. I am looking forward to a good, jam-packed 15 months ahead.

Do you know of anyone doing clinicals in New Brunswick? I spoke with my advisor and she gave me the impression that since I live near that area, I might be able to get a clinical(s) there.

Ok, enough procrastinating...time to finish studying for A&P II now!

Talk more soon!

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