UMDNJ Accelerated BSN students

U.S.A. New Jersey


I was just accepted to the program starting this fall (August 30th?) and would like to start a forum among the 50 students that were accepted. I have already run into one other student online. I have a feeling we'll need to get very close knit rather fast to get through the program. Since our lives will necessarily have to be studying all the time I'm sure it'll be helpful to form study groups, etc. I will probably be planning a meet and greet before classes start.


Marc Adam Goodman

I will be beginning the A-BSN program this September and just wanted to know what I needed as far as materials are concerned, for clinicals. Also, what can I expect the first semester to be like? Will I be able to work part time? How many days a week will I be in class/lab/clinicals?

First semester will be a painful shocker...LOTS OF WORK. Some people worked part time but I really would not recommend it. The info you're going to be exposed to has to stick with you for the NCLEX because the program does not and cannot cover every possible thing they can ask you on the boards.


I'm starting UMDNJ this fall and looking to get to find others starting this fall.

And thank you to the current and past students for your input on the program.


I'll be starting in the fall as well. I'm sure I'll meet you at orientation on Friday the 17th.

Hello eveyone I have applied to accelerated BSN program in UMDNJ for Spring. Hoping I will get in, I was going to start looking over some of the materials especially Pathophysiology. If anyone can tell me what book is being used for the fall semester I would greatly appreciate it.

thank you and looking forward to hear from anyone.


I finished UMDNJ in Newark for my BSN/RN this month. The material was tough, but so was dealing with the administration. "We are a new nursing school" was their excuse for repeatedly messing up. I've been to four other colleges, and this one was the most unprofessional and disorganized. Once you start, you are stuck because your credits won't transfer, so I highly discourage anyone who thinks that UMDNJ is the school for them to reconsider. They entice people by having the fewest prerequisites and admitting new classess three times per year. Please understand that these are just marketing gimmicks to get you in the door.

The instructors- most of them, including the current dean- lack doctorates in nursing- will not discuss tests, complaining that it's harassment. Don't bother asking them to explain anything during class- they can't and get mad.

You have three semesters per year, each 15 weeks long. My class had about 75 graduates, the current 4th semester students have about 35, if I'm not mistaken, but they admitted more for the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st semesters, after saying that they are cutting back on class size.

The books can change each semester because the same instructor may not be teaching the class again. Your best bet is to hook up with a student in the semester ahead of you and buy his/her books.

There are plenty of group projects every semester because "nursing is a team effort." This basically meant that certain people got a free ride every semester because they are "too busy" or came to the school to learn nursing, not writing. Papers need to be written in APA format, so you need to learn it or be the freeloader on group projects. Fortunately, the librarians at the med school are helpful to nursing students.

Very few people failed out- they let you repeat classes. You also can't get an F if the instructor forgets to give midterm warnings.

Good luck- you will need it.

Hi..correction on them letting you repeat classes..i know 3 students who got kicked out after failing 2 classes..i THINK they have to reapply dunno..but i'm in 4th semester and it's the worst the workload is is writing stupid articles preapring me for nclex? NE ways i'm almost done..I can say it has been a great experience, they're a few professors who do care and will try to help..le'ts not talk about the dean, she care more about her hair and nails than anything..HEY PM me if you can..need to ask you a few q's..


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to know if anyone had applied to UMDNJ and received "conditional acceptance" prior to having all pre-reqs completed? I have a Chem course that will be completed as of June 23...and I took a chance and applied for Fall 2008 admission. I received an informational card in the mail indicating that I needed "Chemistry course" completion and "Degree Verification" (I'm still an undergrad and officially graduate May 10, 2008). I've phoned several times and left message, etc. No one has yet to definitively answer my inquiries about conditional acceptance? Has anyone been in this fun boat before?

Thanks for your help!

Hang in there future nurses!:redbeathe

Specializes in Emergency Medicine, Psychiatric Crisis.
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to know if anyone had applied to UMDNJ and received "conditional acceptance" prior to having all pre-reqs completed? I have a Chem course that will be completed as of June 23...and I took a chance and applied for Fall 2008 admission. I received an informational card in the mail indicating that I needed "Chemistry course" completion and "Degree Verification" (I'm still an undergrad and officially graduate May 10, 2008). I've phoned several times and left message, etc. No one has yet to definitively answer my inquiries about conditional acceptance? Has anyone been in this fun boat before?

Thanks for your help!

Hang in there future nurses!:redbeathe

I am in the same predicament. I have to take Chemistry this summer. I called and they said that as long as you have your professor write a mid progress review....they will review your application. I would suggest you keep calling b/c I dont think they return phone calls . Also once you graduate have your school immediately send over your transcripts. Good Luck.

Specializes in Med Surg.

Keep calling if you don't get a response. They are a little slow.

I can say that at least as far as my experience, UMDNJ churns out the best self taught nurses out. It really depends on the luck of the draw with your clinical instructors. Oh yeah, and Saturday clinical is a definite possibility.

If you've been accepted for Fall 2008 and are starting.. let me know!

Hi! I'm looking at applying to UMDNJ Newark and wanted to know more details about the professors and clinicals. Are profs very accessable? Are they willing/available to help with understand material? And how would you rate your clinical experience? Do you feel you are prepared or are you left to sink or swim?

Hey atomRN. I've been accepted to UMDNJ and another program. I'm trying to decide which is better. What are the pros and cons of UMDNJ? Are the profs not really helpful? You mentioned being "self-taught". Could you share your experience?

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