Twelve babies on my Level II Unit...what do you think about this?

Nurses General Nursing


Hello, all!

I am a seven-month old nurse, for those who don't know me. I float between a Level II transitional nursery and a Level III Neo-ICU.

The other night, I showed up at work for a twelve hour night shift and immediately began receiving pitiful looks from the staff. After two hours, I still couldn't figure out why. Finally, one of the nurses who was to leave at eleven said, 'I hope you brought your lunch tonight...' and rolled her eyes. I said, 'What is going on here? I have been getting looks from you guys since I walked in the door.' She said, 'Oh, nobody told you?' I was like, um, NOOOOOOOOO, could you be so kind as to enlighten me? Well, when she told me that I was the ONLY NURSE AVAILABLE TO STAFF MY LEVEL II THAT NIGHT and that they couldn't find any help for me, I almost started crying.

Apparantly, because of the fourth of July holiday, some genius in management (I will decline to say exactly who) gave a few too many people off. PLUS three nurses who had been scheduled to work, including two for my unit, had called in sick at the last minute. (I KNOW that at least two of them called in because they went on vacation without telling anyone, as they have a tendency to do frequently and without warning.) Not to MENTION that nobody was available to be pulled from other units, which were also suddenly short-staffed for various reasons, including but not limited to those above.

After another hour of fretting and calling the staffing office multiple times, it was finally decided that our section manager would come in to work. She had worked that morning and had gone home at three. It was now ten o'clock. We have no CNA's; two of them quit a few months ago and one of them is pregnant and works day shift only. Just as I began to breathe a TAD bit easier, because I know that six babies is horrible on our nursery (I had six about two months ago and I was just running ragged and praying that the babies don't get sicker than they are- it's really a quality and safety issue. With total care patients, as babies are, how can you give them what they need with only ten minutes per baby averaged over the evening?? Anyway, I figured with our manager working with me, I would get through it because she is organized and experienced...) it was then determined that she would have to go help staff our Level III across the hall, who had a one-to-one baby and was expecting a new admit from L&D any minute. Obviously, Level III was priority, because those babies were sicker and more critical, and I am not upset that THEY were adequately staffed. If it has to be one or the other, it's Level III all the way with me. However, I put it kindly, that I was ONCE AGAIN the only nurse available for the twelve babies on our unit.

I am a new nurse, and have only been out of orientation for four months, but despite my natural lack of knowledge this seemed WRONGWRONGWRONG to me, though I cannot cite a specific rule or law to back myself up. At eleven on the dot, it was decided that a nurse from Peds would be pulled and a pool nurse would come in- one would come to us, with 12, and the other would go to Level I, who had 27 babies and two nurses.

The nurse who came to my unit was a girl who graduated with me in December. We had both been hired in the NICU and began orientation, when, after four weeks of maternal/child and NICU dayshift orientation, during which we had about two-three babies each so that we could acclimate to the unit, she failed her NCLEX. She was already an LPN with adult M/S experience, and she was moved to Peds until she could successfully pass her boards. This was about six months ago. She had not set foot on my unit for six months, and also had gotten used to Peds, whose unit is run completely differently than my own, right down to the flowsheets. I was assigned the charge nurse duties, and between the two of us, we were supposed to get through the night.

Well. Whatever hope I had of making it unscathed was shot to hell as I quickly realized that she remembered NOTHING about NICU or babies and had not a shred of knowledge that could help me in any way. It is not a personal thing- the girl is very sweet and I used to eat lunch with her all the time when we were orienting together. However, she needs a terrific amount of reassurance ALL THE TIME, and when I wasn't doing her work for her because she didn't know something or was panicking or couldn't remember what this or that meant, I was patting her ego and telling her how good she was doing considering the circumstances and that she should just stop worrying and do what she could. Priorities. Make sure they're breathing. Feed and change them. Medicate them. All the rest takes a back seat.

Despite my attempts to help calm her and direct her care, she insisted on doing chart checks from eleven to four in the morning.


Um, I'm feeling hysterical here, so will someone please tell me how this is possible????????????????????????

(this is the sound of me screaming at the top of my frustrated lungs, much like the babies who screamed the night away, creating a cacophonous and in retrospect somewhat amusing soundtrack for the evening, until seven a.m. on the dot when they finally went to shift came in and could only comment on how cute and precious they all looked, while I considered jumping from the window to a messy death on the sidewalk...but I digress.)

The entire night I did not sit down once. I did not leave the unit. No break. No lunch. Nothing to drink, although I did once cup my hand under the faucet and drink what little water I could hold while running past the sink. No bathroom. I was a wreck inside, and amazingly, managed to hold it together and bust ass so that by six thirty a.m. my care was completed on my six babies, and I had a half hour in which I could devote myself completely to helping her finish all that she couldn't do, which included charting (she had only charted one set of vitals for a new admit in all eight hours at that point), starting an IV on a baby who needed stat medication and fluids, reviewing her flowsheets looking for meds that hadn't been given, and drawing labs (She couldn't do a heelstick for a CBC!) on five of her babies. One nurse came from Lev.III to enter orders into the computer for us at six forty-five, and another came to draw a CMP/Bili Panel/CBC etc. on another one of her babies, and one of the babies had no labs drawn at all, which brought on yet another pleasant conversation with a bunch of green-footed third year med students who couldn't understand why we 'f*cking nurses' hadn't been able to draw blood on their baby who was a near-term feeder-grower. Someone hand me a gun. I could go on for hours. I'm sorry, it seems that I have. Forgive me. I finally left at seven-forty and discovered that my car's front windshield had been smashed to bits outside the hospital because I was parked in the path of vandals (and only because the hospital had no parking availablity, due to the fact that employees who quit or DIED thirty years ago were not removed from the parking list, and thus their empty spaces sit forever unused on the slim chance that they will raise their worm-riddled corpses from the ground and drive to work just for the hell of it). Two-hundred and fifty bucks out of my tight wallet was the only thing I got after all of that. No, I must correct myself. To their credit, I got a call at eleven yesterday morning, disrupting my much-needed sleep after four days straight of working in hell, during which my section manager offered me overtime if I came in to work. OH. MY. GOD. I'm becoming a firefighter. It has been decided. Anyone want my new stethoscope? I just bought it but suddenly, looking at it makes me want to vomit. Thanks for listening.

I can't even spell my own name. Look what they've done to me.

Oh, not to mention that when I came home, my husband yelled at me and told me 'F*** you' about ten times when I refused to do anything but go to bed and sleep. I have a migraine.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

I finally left at seven-forty and discovered that my car's front windshield had been smashed to bits outside the hospital because I was parked in the path of vandals (and only because the hospital had no parking availablity, due to the fact that employees who quit or DIED thirty years ago were not removed from the parking list, and thus their empty spaces sit forever unused on the slim chance that they will raise their worm-riddled corpses from the ground and drive to work just for the hell of it). Two-hundred and fifty bucks out of my tight wallet was the only thing I got after all of that. No, I must correct myself. To their credit, I got a call at eleven yesterday morning, disrupting my much-needed sleep after four days straight of working in hell, during which my section manager offered me overtime if I came in to work. OH. MY. GOD. I'm becoming a firefighter. It has been decided. Anyone want my new stethoscope? I just bought it but suddenly, looking at it makes me want to vomit. Thanks for listening.

Krsiti (there. I can't even spell my own name. Look what they've done to me.)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOL! I see your sense of humor remains intact....Worm riddled corpses rising from the ground would sure solve the nursing shortage....ROFL!!!

Originally posted by KristiWhite2377

Oh, not to mention that when I came home, my husband yelled at me and told me 'F*** you' about ten times when I refused to do anything but go to bed and sleep. I have a migraine.

WOW! Ya know, I had all kinds of comments I wanted to make about your day at work, but it's this comment that struck me the most.

I expect to take s**t at work. It happens. When I come home, that crap stops. I'm suposed to be nurtured at home (ala Dennie's thread). If my husband ever uttered those words to me, he would be stumblin around the bushes in the yard with a bleeding stump looking for his manhood.


I'm with Heather on this one...I literally gasped at that last statement. must've felt like going postal at that point and who would've blamed you? Certainly not me.

What on earth did your hubby expect when you came home after working all night? If the answer is sex definitely go with Heather's idea of having him stumbling around with a bleeding stump searching for his "manhood". My Gawd!!

I have nightmares about those kind of nights. I was stressed just reading it.

I am sooooooooooo sorry.



P.S. I hope you threw something at your husband! :(

I wouldn't blame you if you never set foot in that place again. You better do something about that husband also, screaming obsenities is abuse. You do not strike me as a person who would put up for long with abuse by employer or significant other.


First--WORK: file an incident report, and as badbird said, definitely let it 'slip' how interesting it would be if this story were 'accidentally' leaked to the local media. Also, file a complaint with the local B.O.N., and if your county has an ombudsman, get in touch with him/her stat. NrsKaren makes an excellent point....fill out the assignment in protest form BEFORE you accept the assignment, that way your license and your legal behind are covered.

Second--YOUR HUSBAND: that is verbal abuse. Period. Verbal abuse and such angry behavior (especially after such a horrible night...) foreshadow physical abuse in the future. If my husband had done such a thing, my suitcase would have been packed and I would have slept at either a friend's house or a hotel that night. This man shows signs of violence. Please take what I am saying very, VERY seriously. Many abused women state that this is often how their husbands 'started.' It only gets worse when you get pregnant. I do not want you to end up dead at the hands of this man. Both you and he need counseling.

Praying for you. Good luck.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Kristi--UNBELIEVABLE!!! I do NOT understand how they left you like that. Who does the staffing? Why did a NM NOT come in to help? And WHAT in God's green heaven was hubby yelling about? The windshield? I hope you have been able to get rested and that you have DOCUMENTED your night from he11, with copies retained by you as well as going to CEO, Director of your unit (MD), nsg director and State Board. Not only were the babies LIVES at risk, so was your LICENSE!!!! Talk about risk management!! or lack thereof.

Lastly, submit the bill from the windshield to the hospital. Night shift should get preferential parking, as close to the hospital as possible.

I don't suppose you've considered resigning. I might if I found my a** hanging out to dry like that.

Let us know how it's going. {{{{KRISTI}}}}

Like I said people will treat you the way you let them get away with it. First of all it is not your responsibility to super save a unit that has no nurse to staff. That was messed up. Not to mention your license. Some facilities wonder why nurses are in short supply. That was unacceptable to say the least. You did not have to accept that assignment. No state boards would condemn a nurse for not accepting an assignment that would hurt the patient in the long run. I would have declined refused to work in those conditions. That is so wrong. They left you hanging and thank goodness nothing went wrong they would have used you as a scape goat! I have been a RN 2 years and seen the bull shyte they do on some of these units. Please be careful. Know your rights. Don't ever accept conditions like that.

I worked on a Rehab floor and the staff was trying to railroad me like that. I simply picked up my clip board and told them I am not accepting this assignment please call the nursing manager. It is funny how you find someone to work when you let them know you arent tolerating that mess. As a new nurse don't learn the hard way. Let that be a warning to what fellow nursing will do to you if you let it.

Kristi, WOW, Sounds like HELL to me!!Both at work and at home. PLEASE document this,file a report, insist on talking w/ your manager. Don't let it slide. Stay angry and let them know how unsafe you were. It's nights like that that somehow we always pull through by the skin of our teeth, but then we hear "See you did it w/ only one nurse maybe you really don't need more!" Also hubby needs a good slap of reality, I agree w/ past posters, let him walk just one night in your shoes, he doesn't have a clue! you deserve better!!! Stay sane!! HUGS!!

Kristi, I feel so bad for you, I can hardly put it into words. If this ever happens again, refuse to accept report. hugs to you!!

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Wow, Kristi. I read this yesterday and didn't respond because I wanted to read it again today to see if it was really as bad as I thought. It was worse the second time! It's like those rerun nightmares - you know where it's heading and can't do anything about it but hope you wake up.

First, I admire the hell out of you for working there under the best of circumstances. I couldn't do newborn care, no way, no how, and if I was dropped in a situation like that, the residents in the morning would have found one more very large white-clad baby fetally positioned in the corner crying louder than the rest...

Your biggest boss needs to know about this now, in all the graphic detail you presented here, and know that you will never EVER be in such a position again. Incident reports should be filed for near misses where it was only complete sh*thouse luck that something didn't go completely horribly bad (and certainly not to in any way question your skills - just saying, as you are no doubt aware in any specialty, it only takes one to go bad on you to shoot the whole night.) The supervisor who allowed you to be in a position like that needs to never ever again have the responsibility of staffing your unit. Did he/she even think about checking in on you at any point? Was there the remotest inkling that this is a horrendous breach in the duty of care we have to our tiniest and most helpless patients?

I have no ability to respnd coherently to this post. I can only quote you: OH. MY. GOD.

i was once left w/ 14 well babies and i wrote a big long as e-mail to my director. i accepted the assignment ('cause no help was available), but noted that this was an unfafe assignment and that should anything happen because of the # and acuity of the babies, 3 new admits including an 11 lb'er w/ labile blood sugars, i would not accept responsibility as i had been left by my employer in unsafe circumstances. well, the day co-ordinato rb*tch accused me of not being a team player (like she was!) because i dared gripe about this assinment and wrote me up because a set of twins were in one anoter's cribs. i never picked up two babies at once, so i could not have switched them. i told her go for baby! do i care? i think mom nursed them and then put them in the wrong crib or mom's nurse who already had tons of her own pt's did it! so what! they were not ill, they were in the same uterus together for 8.5 months! i still have the e-mail 6 or 7 years later and told them, i'd never take an assignment like this again. i never did. i quit several months later. this pales in comparison to your situation. it is really outrageous and very unsafe. pull the awhonn standards for special care babies, if they have them. i know it is 6-8 HEALTHY newborns per RN (not aide, not LPN).

that hubby of yours owes you a big-time apology. what an a$$! do something nice for yourself, honey. life is too short to put up w/ this kind of crap. take care. you sound like wonderful nurse, don't let anyone take advantage of you like this again.

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