Tubal Ligation Failure


Specializes in Med-Surg/home health/pacu/cardiac icu.

:uhoh3:How often does female sterilization fail? Has anyone had this happen to them? How did they feel? I just found out I am pregnant and I'm very upset. I have 4 kids and underwent tubal ligation two years ago. I'm pushing 40 and I'm not thrilled with the idea of another child. I felt like my family was complete. Because of my beliefs, I wouldn't have an abortion but I don't feel happy about this child. Do other people feel this way?

you are upset that you will be a mother to five kids. i cant have any even if i want to. this is a screwed up world.

Specializes in OR Hearts 10.
:uhoh3:How often does female sterilization fail? Has anyone had this happen to them? How did they feel? I just found out I am pregnant and I'm very upset. I have 4 kids and underwent tubal ligation two years ago. I'm pushing 40 and I'm not thrilled with the idea of another child. I felt like my family was complete. Because of my beliefs, I wouldn't have an abortion but I don't feel happy about this child. Do other people feel this way?

Doesn't matter what the stats are, even you are that on e in a million, it's 100 % for you.

{{{{{Big hug}}}}} Now you just have to play the hand you were dealt.

PS are you for sure you are pregnant, there are other things that can give a false positive even on a blood test.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Have you had an ultrasound? That's the first thing you need to do to confirm the pregnancy and make sure the embryo is in the uterus and not in the Fallopian tube. I had my tubal in 2006 and I got pregnant in October of 2009. It was ectopic but I was NOT happy when I found out. Then I started accepting it and even got EXCITED (all within an IDK, 22 hour period, lol) before my OB/GYN got me in for a serum blood test and ultrasound. In my case I had to take a pill to eliminate the pregnancy as it wasn't viable and was actually a threat to my person but I understand where you are coming from. I certainly felt special and chosen for the short time I was pregnant. I have scar tissue on my right side that has caused somewhat of a "pseudo-Fallopian tube" however the scar tissue will continue to build up and the chances of conceiving again decrease with every passing day. Good luck to you with whatever happens and whatever you decide. :-)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

It's pretty widely known in OB/Gyn circles that BTLs aren't foolproof. We can try to circumvent Mother Nature, and sometimes it works, but she can be pretty persistent that things should work the way she made them to work. Eggs can and do find their way through the clipped tubes sometimes.

That said, I am sorry you're facing an unplanned pregnancy...I know it is hard to have to deal with something - even if it's something generally perceived as a happy event - that you weren't expecting, hadn't planned on, and can cause such a big change in your life. If my patients at work (many of whom get pregnant without intending/wanting to) are any indicator, they've told me they felt the same things you say you're feeling now...I know that solves nothing, but know you are not alone.

My best fried was in his mid 30's, several years after their third child and a vasectomy. You can guess the rest. I make it a point to have things checked every so often to ensure there are no unexpected surprises.

Good luck.

Specializes in LTC, Home Health, Hospice.


Be thankful for this precious little one that you have been given. I would have loved to have had a 3rd child, but can't. I am a Uterine Cancer survivor and cannot have another. I am blessed with the two that I have. I was lucky with my cancer, it was found at the very beginning stages and I did not have to have a hysterectomy and was told that I could not have another after therapy...then presto, I was pregnant, that was a difficult pregnancy and was told to not have any more babies after this. Be happy, love the life that your took part in creating..the life that is depending on you to nourish and cherish. Its ok. I have a friend who just had a baby 10 years after her last and she was a booboo baby as well and she is the light of their world...

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
you are upset that you will be a mother to five kids. i cant have any even if i want to. this is a screwed up world.

She shouldn't feel bad about being upset. She took precautions to not have this happen, she was happy with the 4 kids she had and didn't want any more. This is shocking thing to face when you thought you were done and had surgery to help prevent it from happening again. It's understandable. I am sorry that you can't have kids, I can't imagine how hard that must be. But I don't feel it's appropriate to try and make this poster feel bad because of HER situation.

To the OP, I don't know anyone that has have one fail but have heard of it happening, I am really sorry you are being faced with this and I hope it all turns out ok.

I get really irked by the notion that someone shouldn't ever be upset because it could be this or they should feel thankful or lucky they got this and what not. There will ALWAYS be someone worse off then you. IT doesn't mean though you can't be upset about your own situation and don't have a right to your feelings.

Specializes in LDRP, Wound Care, SANE, CLNC.

I would definitely find out if the embryo is in the uterus. I too had an ectopic that almost killed me. They could not find it in my tube or the uterus! I had a procedure to put my tubes back together and it failed, so I was stuck with an ectopic. There was NO pain, no forewarning, just a middle of the night rupture with massive internal bleeding. I hope this is not your circumstance but please be sure first. A drop in progesterone will determine viability. I hope it works out for you in the end. If it was me, I have 5 kids now with the help of IVF, I would be elated and dancing on air, but that is just me.

Specializes in Med-Surg/home health/pacu/cardiac icu.

Yes, I had an ultrasound. It's definetly in the uterus and looks to be viable. I've had all kinds of tests just to make sure. I'm upset because I like things planned out and want to be able to support my children well. My husband says we'll throw more water in the beans and the kids can go to community college. He is happy. Some posters said they couldn't have children and I understand this from my experience with my sister's infertility. It is devastating emotionally. I love all of my children and provide very well for them financially. I just worry about the expense of a 5th child at my age. I do not want to short change any of my children. I grew up in a family of 8 and we had hand me downs and lived a thread bare existence.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Yes, I had an ultrasound. It's definetly in the uterus and looks to be viable. I've had all kinds of tests just to make sure. I'm upset because I like things planned out and want to be able to support my children well. My husband says we'll throw more water in the beans and the kids can go to community college. He is happy. Some posters said they couldn't have children and I understand this from my experience with my sister's infertility. It is devastating emotionally. I love all of my children and provide very well for them financially. I just worry about the expense of a 5th child at my age. I do not want to short change any of my children. I grew up in a family of 8 and we had hand me downs and lived a thread bare existence.

I completely understand that. I have 4. I had 3 boys and we decided we were done. I still had hope for a little girl. I ended up having one and my youngest was 6. It through a kink into our plans, but I really held out hope for that girl and my husband said OK. It all worked out good. I have had tons of female issues though and had a hysterectomy when she was 8 months old.

I have gotten the urge many times since then and although I am sad I never have that option again, I am glad that I can't get pregnant because the urge hits me. I know it's best how we have it now and there are already some months we struggle, but my children still are well provided for. If we had another one I know it would make things hard. I am also able to spoil my daughter (with all the girl stuff I get to buy now). Anyway, it's a big thing. it's not like deciding on a new family toy.

I am glad everything looks to be in order and will be keeping you in my thoughts that it all works out :)

Specializes in Peri-Op.

I wish my wife and I could have more kids.... :(

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