trouble stayng slim when in nursing school

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I know that we have enough stress in nursing school without bringing our weight into the picture but I put on 10 pounds this past semester! I was wondering if anyone else had trouble keeping weigt off in nursing school........I think I ate more due to stress and late night studying....I didnt exercise as much and I just.....felt my clothes getting tighter. I would like to lose these 10 pounds so my clothes can fit me again and also avoid gaining weight this next semester......grrr! Does anyone have any advice or has this happened to main goal in nursing school is to pass my classes but I also would like to maintain my health and not put on weight. Help!!:uhoh3:

I've gained weight too - I'm sort of an emotional eater, so when I get stressed, I turn to food as a coping mechanism. Bad me, I know. :o

Leading a healthier lifestyle is one of my new years' resolutions/goals for next semester, anyway....

I have gained 20 pounds in the past 18 months, since I went back to school. Our Christmas break is 6.5 weeks long, so I joined Weight Watchers 4 weeks ago. I have lost 9 pounds and am in a smaller pant size. I take a PE class every quarter at school. If I have to attend or fail I will attend and get some regular exercise in. Last quarter I took Weight Lifting for women, this quarter I am taking Pilates. Good luck on your weight lost quest everyone!

Specializes in CV Surgery Step-down.
Body for Life is AWESOME!! I'm kind of doing that again now.

If you want to do it by the book, let me know. I'll be looking for a "buddy"!

Specializes in ICU.

I stress eat also, and it has caused me more weight gain than I would like. I feel guilty too when I am doing something other than studying. BUT, when I start school in the Spring, I am going to make it a point to work out at least 3 times a week for MYSELF. We get caught up in studying, but forget that we need to try to stay healthy. I was enrolled in Weight Watchers and really liked it, but I don't have the time or the money to keep it up. My own grandma has lost 25lbs and we started at the same time!

Here are some things that I eat when I am studying that are lower in calories than chips and candy: PRIA bars, grapes, baby carrots, cheese-its, ritz chips, and Crystal Light. Just some just depends on what you like...and of course WATER! For me it is essential to dilute all the coffee!:uhoh3: Hope this helps...:p

As I sit here eating my third christmas cookie at midnight....... I just finished my third semester of nursing school and usually loose weight, however for some reason this semester I gained ten pounds. I just feel sick about it. It creeps up on you so slowly. One good thing is that the gym at my school is free to students, the only problem is is that I have never worked out in a gym before, but I have already made it a priority to work out in the gym 3 days a week starting next semester. Any advice about working out in a gym? Should I do treadmill like two days a week and for how many miles and then weight lifting for the other day. Is there a gym workout for dummies? Oh yeah I do have pilates for dummies on DVD but I don't like it. This is so sad but the only exercise tapes that I really liked was Richard Simmons Sweatin to the oldies and I can't find them anywhere.

Specializes in Critical Care / Psychiatry.
Body for Life is AWESOME!! I'm kind of doing that again now.

What is Body for Life? I know it's a book, but what is the main underlying principle for the whole program? I'm not big on diets but the more I learn about nutrition the more I realize that I eat about 90% carbs...and that's not good! :chuckle


Specializes in L&D.
What is Body for Life? I know it's a book, but what is the main underlying principle for the whole program? I'm not big on diets but the more I learn about nutrition the more I realize that I eat about 90% carbs...and that's not good! :chuckle


Here's a website:

It's a way of working out, eating gives you amazing results, really. A lot of weight training, work out 6 days a week.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

OMG! I've gained ***40*** pounds since Jan!!! Well, last semester is here, and I've already lost 5 pounds (being more careful about what I eat, less junk, more water). We have to wear a white dress to pinning, and I have one, but it's a size 16. Guess who's a size 22 right now??? :bluecry1: So, my butt will be on the treadmill, elliptical machine, and the aerobics floor!!! -Andrea

Specializes in ER, Surgery, Community, Geriatrics.

I have put on a few pounds - also a result of eating too much during stress - I ahve noticed some of my classmates have really put weight on :( and that sucks - I am going to continue my trips to the gym and hope staying away from cookies and squares and eggnog will all help my cause :rolleyes:

I put on about 10 lbs too this past semester. :rolleyes: Most of us craved french fries and any other "comfort" type foods due to the stress. Usually I have some discipline but I swear I didn't even try to hold back. :chuckle Half of the time I think I was just in a zombie like state -- I'd come to and there would be crumbs around me and empty candy wrappers. :uhoh21: Got to get a handle on this--can't afford new uniforms right now.

I'm just the opposite. I use to be an emotional eater so whenever I was stressed out about something I would eat and eat and eat!! Now that I'm in nursing school I can't eat. I have a severe loss of appetite. Sometimes I even forget to eat.!!!???? I know!!!:uhoh21: Needless to say I've lost 10lbs in 1 month. I know that can't be good but I can't help it. I've started taking some vitamins to compensate for some the items my body is missing and I try to snack on something throughout the day but as far as eating 3 square meals/day forget it. I remember one time I went to mcdonalds after class to get a big mac because I was craving it. I took two bites and threw it away. I just couldnt eat anymore.

Now that school's out I've been eating regularly and I started working out, but I know when school starts in Jan I'll get stressed out and not eat.

I had gained back 10 of the 40 lbs I had gained with my last pregnancy. So I am determined to loose the 10 lbs and an additional 5 for my bday valentines day. What gets me is the trips to the vending machine during break from class

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