Published Feb 9, 2007
483 Posts
10. On a surgical intermediate floor would it be too too much to ask to have working vital sign equipment? I can do a manual blood pressure, but come on, how do you want me to get a temp?!!!
9. Me, 5' tall 120lbs, 5 patients and one weighs 500lbs. Come on, it takes 6 people to turn this poor lady. And at 1800 she is requesting a full bath!!!! Sweetheart, if you have a game plan on how I can tackle this request then you let me know. BUt for now you are going to have to be 100% satisfied with your bed bath that you got this morning.
8. My group of patients consist of 5 patients, three are hip replacement patients with orders to ambulate and get oob to chair tid. The only problem with this is most hip patients weight close to 200 lbs and our hospital does not have PT on the week-end. Yep, it is all up to me to get these patients up and walking. Oh did I mention, no lift equipment ANYWHERE!
7. The inheritance factor. This happens when mom/dad, grandma/grandpa are not doing well so the family starts making insane demands on the nurse in an effort to show the love one how much they care. REPEAT you do not NEED your nurse because you accidently changed the t.v. station and you want to get back to the right channel. You know, bossing me around will not improve your relationship with you family member but it does show your true side. No wonder granny calls you an A****** when you are not here.
6. Hip patients on a floor where wheelchairs, walkers, non-slip socks or bedside commodes are not always available.
5. Doctors who write orders to "DC patient home if ok with all others". Yeah right you call the 13 other MD's you consulted.
6. No, I will not apply the cream to your member. Yes, I know you had a TURP, but that in no way effects the ability for you to move your hands. Your hands work just fine. Yes I can see that you are flipping me off. Like I said, your hands work fine.
3. Semi private rooms with a patient who has orders for 4L of GoLytly. Has anyone seen that one can of air freshener and a bedside commode?
2. SCD's and TED's on almost every patient. I hate TED hose with every fiber of my being.
1. Sick of being told to put confused patients in the nurses station! Come on, now I have a confused little old lady hitting and kicking people in the open. When I get slapped I would at least like a little privacy.
All of these items are actually situations that have occured in the last month. Management told our unit that we would be going to a decreased patient load of a 4 patient max, but then stated we would have a 4-5 patient max. Not only did our patient load stay the same, management has decided to train all of the nurse to read telemetry and take cardiac drip patients. Can you say LAWSUIT?
Too unsafe, in my opinion.
muffie, RN
1,411 Posts
good luck
515 Posts
I hear ya, especially on the obesity issue.
38,333 Posts
Different place and time, same song. You have our commiseration. Unfortunately, in spite of some of the comments around here, new jobs are not always readily avail or attainable. And when you do find one, might turn out to be different place, same song. Good luck.
108 Posts
I am a survivor of a post op floor too. Put me into pre-term labor with DS#2.
Get a transfer and go. You will be glad you did.
Good LUck!!:icon_hug:
15 Posts
Dear HyperRnRachel: So, did you get a new job? Hospital nursing is sooooo frustrating, I can personally attest to the examples you gave. But no P.T. on the weekends? Maybe a larger hospital would have what you need. Good luck!
161 Posts
1. Salary increase
2. Closer to home
3. Shift of my choosing
4. Self Scheduling
5. Benefits/ Sign on bonus, any other perk
6. Advancement opportunity
7. Boredom, looking for a new challange
8. Educational opportunity
9. Fair and equitable management
10.Free parking close to hospital
Well those are my reasons.
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,669 Posts
I too have recently found a new job. 10 reasons why:
10. After a unit survey showed 2/3 of staff felt safety wasn't a priority, upper management's reaction to staff: "Deal with it"
9. A written reprimand for sexual harassment after giving an unfavorable yet honest opinion about the manager's performance.
8. Rampant favoritism of one shift over another ie, unequal sharing of on-call time.
7. Bending over backwards to assure MD's first case of the day starts on time while blowing off patients who wait 6-8 hours after their scheduled start time.
6. Establishing standing orders in direct violation of hospital policy.
5. Unlicensed staff mixing sterile irrigant solution at the UC desk so she could chat.
4. Same irrigant mixed for up to a week ahead of time, marked only with a single letter written on the cap, no concentration, no date, no ID of person who mixed solution.
3. Hiring a new grad to work in a specialty area where she was destined to fail or leave(she transferred in less than 6 months).
2. Orientation of new staff by people with poor technique and who directly violate hospital policy and manufacturer recommendations on a regular basis.
1. Being reprimanded for not being friendly enough to off-going shift.specifically, not greeting each person by name when I arrived on the unit.
PS I love my new job!
225 Posts
ARGH!!!! Petty stuff like that happens where I am, too!
realnursealso/LPN, LPN
783 Posts
:roll OMG laughing so hard here aboiut getting slapped in private. TY Rachel:roll :roll
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
dear hyperrnrachel: so, did you get a new job? hospital nursing is sooooo frustrating, i can personally attest to the examples you gave. but no p.t. on the weekends? maybe a larger hospital would have what you need. good luck!
my hospital has 1000 beds. no pt on the weekends.
696 Posts
all of these items are actually situations that have occured in the last month. management told our unit that we would be going to a decreased patient load of a 4 patient max, but then stated we would have a 4-5 patient max. not only did our patient load stay the same, management has decided to train all of the nurse to read telemetry and take cardiac drip patients. can you say lawsuit? too unsafe, in my opinion.
too unsafe, in my opinion.
i had to laugh a little because i worked on an ortho/med surg floor and experienced everything you listed at one time. oh there are so many other choices . i hope you find something else that you enjoy. good luck!