Too many know it "allnurses"

Nurses General Nursing


Who are these "know it all" nurses that frequent this forum? Are you here just to drive me crazy? I hate that we are no longer allowed to vent about our bad day or complain about annoying patients. Heaven forbid we say something negative or we will be labeled as "heartless" and "unprofessional." Are these people who know everything really nurses? Do they really deal with the public day in and day out like I do?

Sometimes patients need to be put in their place. That doesn't make me a bad nurse for telling them so. Yes I do have negative thoughts about my non compliant patient who doesn't have insurance and frequents my hospital 4 times a week for the same thing. Yes, getting your prescription filled and taking your medicine would save everyone a lot of time and headache... Whoops maybe I shouldn't have said that... that makes me a "complainer" and "uncaring." I guess I AM "what is wrong with nursing today."

And heaven forbid I wear my Tom and Jerry scrub top to work.. That makes me "brainless."

I bet now I will be labeled "cruel" or "harsh" for starting this "hateful" thread.

Oh and I better not use too many smileys!! :uhoh3:


Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
triquee- thank you for the kind words

ruby- gonna stop by cvs and pick up a pair of those magnifier glasses- but no beaded chain attached " :) please resume previous text size --

i think one of the things that bothered me most was the original post that prompted the problem with nursing thread was a short, half joking post titled "hugs to you floor nurses" that i'd guess 90% of nurses would have understood. to anyone else, it might have been interpreted differently- but this individual clobbered the author of the post and brought out the "if you hate people so much why are you a nurse" etc. if an experienced nurse was offended by the lighthearted crack about the vexing behavior of the patient, they likely would have addressed the issue of burnout, not dropped the anvil, and suggested that author seek out another line of work.

awwwww, come on. get a red beaded chain for your glasses!

those "if you hate ______ so much you shouldn't be a nurse," or "if you complain about your patients you must be a horrible nurse" or "nurses shouldn't be so mean to students" posts really irk me. most of the time, the poster has no real idea what he or she is talking about. ditto the posts from retired nurses who really don't understand what things are like now as opposed to how they were ten or even five years ago. yes, a nurse is always a nurse, but if you haven't worked at the bedside for five or more years, your memories may have faded a bit. and people weren't as nasty and entitled five years ago as they are now . . . staffing was better for the most part, we still had "fat" in our budget for things like plastic spoons for the patient who dropped his on the floor, a tylenol stash for the nurse who was suffering an excederin headache and education time. so i really don't appreciate a post telling me that "in my day, we would have handled it by improving our communication skills" or "you have to understand that these families are stressed."

personally, i think we ought to save our energy for venting about self centered, entitled patients and nasty, overbearing and combative visitors and leave each other alone. or, and here's a radical thought -- support each other. (i do, however, reserve the right to tell that nurse who believes that she's the best nurse who ever walked, that she rocks the er or the or or the icu and that the only reason she can't get along with her co-workers is that they're so jealous and threatened by her incredible beauty that she's full of you-know-what.)

Specializes in Cardiac, Adolescent/Child Mental Health.

]Ruby Vee:

You're awesome.


Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

I have ready about 75% of this thread and basically I feel that this forum, just like any forum on the web be it nursing, gaming, knitting or rock climbing will always have drama.

People, and in my honest opinion Americans in general, will always love drama anywhere they can get it...I mean come on, why else would Kate Gosselin still be on Dancing with the Stars?



Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.
Who are these "know it all" nurses that frequent this forum? Are you here just to drive me crazy? I hate that we are no longer allowed to vent about our bad day or complain about annoying patients. Heaven forbid we say something negative or we will be labeled as "heartless" and "unprofessional." Are these people who know everything really nurses? Do they really deal with the public day in and day out like I do?

Sometimes patients need to be put in their place. That doesn't make me a bad nurse for telling them so. Yes I do have negative thoughts about my non compliant patient who doesn't have insurance and frequents my hospital 4 times a week for the same thing. Yes, getting your prescription filled and taking your medicine would save everyone a lot of time and headache... Whoops maybe I shouldn't have said that... that makes me a "complainer" and "uncaring." I guess I AM "what is wrong with nursing today."

And heaven forbid I wear my Tom and Jerry scrub top to work.. That makes me "brainless."

I bet now I will be labeled "cruel" or "harsh" for starting this "hateful" thread.

Oh and I better not use too many smileys!! :uhoh3:


You just best be glad you don't chew gum, that's all I can tell ya.

Specializes in Surgical.

:rolleyes:How sad it is to see STUDENTS already forming opinions about nurses who have been dealing with daily criticisms, battering by administration, foul-mouth patients, drug addictive patients who give threats if you don't give them enough drugs to SEND THEM OUT OF THIS WORLD---( DON'T WORRY WHETHER OR NOT THEY BREATHE!!!!), and doctors(both male and female) who think they are God and talk to us like we are idiots!!!!!

Let's not forget family members who demand that their mother,sister,dad etc gets all the attention---like that's the only patient you have!!!

I have had a family member rush into another patients room who I was attending to and tell me I had to leave and take care of their family member only to find out she wanted to know when the doctor was coming to see her!!!!!

Yes, nursing is tough and I don't see it getting easier anytime soon. We all need to vent, wear something that makes us feel GOOD, complain about difficult patients, and stare at the rude docs in awe and wonder just who should be assessing their patients, surely not them when they barely spend 2 minutes with the patient and never even listen to or assess them.

After being a nurse for 34 years and still going--- I say to all students who judge nurses-----Walk in my shoes-then you have a right to state your opinion!!!

I have witnessed many all knowing students--who became the perfect nurse------ change their attitude in a short time; and begin crying like we all do, and even leave nursing and go back to school for something else---all because they thought that nurses just complain too much and all jobs are tough!!! :eek:

nurses aren't angels or saints but they do the best possible way to demonstrate care to their patients and they are allowed to complain as well in a suitable, constructive manner.

Specializes in Acute Rehab and Peds.

I have been nursing for 32 years and if we can't vent to each other who can we vent to? I love nursing and can't imagine doing anything else, but yes, I have days filled with frustration. Much better to vent then to burn out. Any nurse that doesn't have frustration is not working. Hang in there!!

Who are these "know it all" nurses that frequent this forum? Are you here just to drive me crazy? I hate that we are no longer allowed to vent about our bad day or complain about annoying patients. Heaven forbid we say something negative or we will be labeled as "heartless" and "unprofessional." Are these people who know everything really nurses? Do they really deal with the public day in and day out like I do?

Sometimes patients need to be put in their place. That doesn't make me a bad nurse for telling them so. Yes I do have negative thoughts about my non compliant patient who doesn't have insurance and frequents my hospital 4 times a week for the same thing. Yes, getting your prescription filled and taking your medicine would save everyone a lot of time and headache... Whoops maybe I shouldn't have said that... that makes me a "complainer" and "uncaring." I guess I AM "what is wrong with nursing today."

And heaven forbid I wear my Tom and Jerry scrub top to work.. That makes me "brainless."

I bet now I will be labeled "cruel" or "harsh" for starting this "hateful" thread.

Oh and I better not use too many smileys!! :uhoh3:


If may be this forward, it is Nurses such as your self that inspired me to become a nurse. (I am not a nurse yet...still a student) Though it was a tragic event that led me down this path, it was people with real feelings and frustrations, and intelligence that was the final factor I used to make my decision. I can be a little rough around the edges, from being in the military and then law enforcement, so it was refreshing to know that you don't have to feel guilty for venting about your job or people for that matter. I don't have a lot of time, (I have class in 10 minutes), so I hope I made my point clear enough. Frank.

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.

TigerGalLE, You pretty much covered it all, now do you feel better... good :yeah:

the Prime minister of the UK call an electorate a bigot, that is worst than a nurse venting to his/her colleagues because s/he has a bad day!

Tiger it's perfectly okay to vent. I've been in nursing for almost twenty years. Here nurse to nurse we can relate. I've had those days with the pt or family member from hell, went home stressed and hating nursing for that day. I think we have all experienced those different, difficult personalities. Hearing that someone else understands sometimes makes a world of a difference. No matter what type of nurse you are, that one bad apple pt is out there.

Keep smiling:nurse:

Specializes in Med/surg, Quality & Risk.

Well while we're venting, I'd like to vent about my favorite type of post, where the subject is "HELP ME!" "Please help! Advice needed!" "Can someone please help me?" Um, could you please describe ANY PART of the advice that is needed in the subject line? Our time here on earth is finite. LOL

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