Published Jun 19, 2015
1. An intact and fully functioning rectum
2. Opiates
3. My bed
4. Lack of psychosomatic disorders
What are you thankful for today?
208 Posts
I am thankful for a good day in the ICU. Great patients, great families, and a day without any events!!!!!
4,547 Posts
I am now thankful for low census call offs.
Jensmom7, BSN, RN
1,907 Posts
I'm thankful for my life and for the privilege of being a nurse who can help in the process of helping the ill.
Is this truly what you're thankful for, or are you being Reproachful Nurse who is horrified that some nurses may have entertained thoughts of other lines of work, as opposed to "living their dreeaaammmm".
If it's the former, rock on, cover girl. Try not to lose that feeling.
If it's the latter...PTTTHHHTTT!!
897 Posts
I don't have a fully functioning bladder. Usually it's just the pee when you sneeze or cough because 3 kids destroyed my body ,but sometimes, on rare occasion, my bladder just lets go. I mean serious incontinent, there's a puddle on the floor. It's horrifying.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,950 Posts
I'm thankful I've never had to think about being thankful for a functioning of those things you just take for granted until it's not functioning I guess.
I'm thankful it's my day off and I can spend some here with all you wonderful people.
I am also thankful for Jensmom7 reminding me that Sharknado 3 is coming soon..awesome!!!
I am thankful I don't live by Ood...108 degrees? Yikes, that's HOT! Means I'm thankful for living by the shores of Lake Superior. Cooler by the Lake can sometimes suck, only 60 here today but if I want some warm I only need to drive maybe 15-20 miles away from the lake and it'll probably be at least 10 degrees warmer.
Always thankful for my family and friends and my overall good health.
This might be an over share. lmao!!!!!!
During my last pregnancy, I went to triage at around 23-24 weeks because I thought I may have ruptured membranes. Nope. Just pee.
Nah, it happens to people everyday.
Heh, this is fun.
Reminder to not visit Pahrump this week! Good golly that's hot! But let me guess, it's a "dry heat." Still don't care, too hot for me.
196 Posts
On a serious note, I am so incredibly thankful for this one physician I work with, who answers her phone at ALL HOURS and will give my palliative clients exactly what they need for symptom control without getting all tightfisted with the opiates and who will drop everything to do a home visit with me to a crashing client. I am genuinely afraid about what we will do without her when she retires.
On a less serious note, ice cream and my congenital inability to feel brain freeze. So grateful!
130 Posts
I am thankful that the "hot flash" I thought I was having early in the AM (please Lord, not yet!) was a momentary power outage. And that the power outage was truly momentary. By the time my ceiling fan slowed to an almost stop, I heard it revving back up. No power; in Alabama; in the summer?? Nope, I'd be heading for the nearest hotel.
Who names a town Pahrump?!