To be a nurse or not to be a nurse?


Recently, my life has taken a turn in a very different direction. Im now left trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I am considering nursing school. Ive always been interested in the human body/anatomy but I've never really had the burning passion to be a nurse. I haven't known all my life that a nurse is what I want to be. At this point in my life, I have decided on it because it is something that I have somewhat of an interest in and basically I am doing it out of necessity. I need a job that will pay my bills so I wont have to rely on family to help me forever.

So, I guess my question is, do you think its possible to survive nursing school if its not something that you have that insane passion for? Im basically doing it because its a job, and I dont have many other options.

Thanks for the help and opinions.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

That question can only be answered by you.

I will give you this much. I have a cousin who became a CRNA. She's been a CRNA for several years now. Why did she decide to take that path? Well, she grew up poor and researched that CRNAs make a 6-figure salary. Money was her passion. It was her current situation at that time (which was sleeping on the floor with hardly any food in the fridge) that drove her into the nursing profession. In her mind, it was money first, then learn to love the job later. Currently, she's smiling all the way to the bank.

Hope that helps a bit on YOU deciding.

I think it depends on what motivates you. Do you think you'd enjoy nursing? Even if it's not your calling, I think it's important to enjoy what you do.

How much do you know about nursing? Have you heard about how difficult it is in many areas to get a job as a new graduate?

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Well I have been struggling to complete school for about 5 or 6 years. I took time off to get married and had two lil ones. I know all schools are very different but many have similar pre-req's:a and p, chemistry, micro, pathophysiology, and many other difficult courses. The competitiveness of getting admitted to nursing school and the many hoops that must be jumped is really insane. I just got accepted to nursing school and start next semester so I cannot speak on that part, but to just get where I am now has been a ton of work. My point is, no I don't think it's a good idea.. The job market is just as good in many otehr areas that you may enjoy much more. Although I think it is realistic to take salary into consideration i don't think its smart to go into a field like nursing if your heart isn't in it 100%. :redpinkhe

Nursing is (to me) one of the most rewarding jobs there is. With a nursing degree there are so many different things you can do. With that being said, nursing school is A LOT of hard work and cost a lot of money. Before you decide to invest a lot of time and money, check at your local hospital and see if they have a mentor or shadowing program. Some hospitals will allow you to follow a nurse for a day or few hours. As a nurse you work a lot of long hours, do things you would never normally think of doing (putting a foley catheter in a male or female patient for example) have people yell at you, get mad at you for not being fast enough, caring enough or just whatever they happen to be mad about that day-you take it all. It sometimes can be a very thankless job. HOWEVER, I LOVE being a NURSE and could not image doing anything else. The bad days usually out weigh the good days, BUT the good days are what makes it all worth doing.

Bottom line, be sure it's something you can/want to do first-only you can answer. :):nurse:


Insane passion for nursing is not a requirement for passing nursing school, neither is having always wanted to be a nurse. Neither are required for nursing to be a good career either, in most definitions of "a good career".

There are few people who love everything about their career... so, find out as much as you can about nursing and about your other career options and decide which is the best match for you.

About the negatives, are there ways around them? good ways around or only enough to get by? I looked at sonography, but working in the dark would be a problem. Light therapy would help but not as much as working in more light.

Are the workarounds realistic or outside chance? A fellow student switched from physical therapy when she realized her workaround of working with children as a way around her tiny size was not realist - few children need pt and many people want to work with children.

at what cost? Is an aching back just a matter of buying really good shoes and support hose and being good to go or will that back severly limit job options?

The more passion one has, the more one is willing to work around the negatives or put up with them. A strong work ethic will do that too. Either way, it can result in a successful career. I've noticed I'm more likely to enjoy working in areas I am interested in but not passionate about, I'm more likely to keep a good perspective and not tie myself up in knots about it.

I could not relate more to your dilemma! I am 25yo with an almost 3 year old... after a failed relationship, find myself living at home with my family. As each day goes by, I find myself becoming more and more anxious to get somewhere in my life. I spend hours on the computer researching careers and salaries vs. the time and cost of schooling. I find that nursing seems to have the most versitility, advancement options, and "bang for your buck" factor. I have a friend who is an LPN working for a agency making over 60k, with less then a year of schooling and a few years OTJ. I realize this may be a 'results not typical' case, but for me it is truly inspiring. As a previous poster stated, at this point I have a passion for financial stability, more then for nursing itself. However, I have always been quite interested in certain aspects of the job.. I feel the one thing holding me back is the possibility that I will not be able to overcome certain "yuck" factors.. But, on the other hand I have been trying to prep myself for this potential 'leap' by reminding myself that everything that happens to these pts could very well happen to me! It really kind of does change the outlook...

I realize I am rambling.. However I wanted to offer a little support and tell you that I am in the same position. Although I am starting CC this week for the first time ever.. and working towards my pre-reqs for the RN program. I am doing the more 'general' classes that I need to do first, that way if something else comes along that does spark my interest, it wont be too much of a set back to have to start from scratch.. Maybe this is something you could do as well? Get your feet wet, so to speak? Either way BEST of luck to you in making a decision.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Honestly, I don't think you need to have grown up with a burning desire to be a nurse to become a nurse. I really don't think there is anything wrong with looking for a career that can be stable and pay the bills. YES, there are problems right now with new grads finding jobs. But that is the same for ALL new graduates in just about every field. Eventually, the jobs will come back. Nursing will never become obsolete. People have all kinds of reasons for choosing their career path.. there is nothing wrong with your reasons for choosing this one.

I would not chose a career I am not passionate about, just me though :)

Not the same but similiar. I received my teacher certification many years ago; I never really wanted to be a teacher but it paid the bills. Twenty five years later I retired; I receive a retirement check monthly...not much but it pays my rent, health insurance and a few other expenses. I'm working as a C.NA and subsitute teaching to have a bit extra in my pocket. I'm taking pre req's for Nursing School now. Teaching was never a passion but it has allowed me the opportunity to live and pay bills. Look at your needs; our passions don't always pay the rent.

I don't mean to sound negative just realistic. Times are tough these days.

Specializes in School Nursing.
Not the same but similiar. I received my teacher certification many years ago; I never really wanted to be a teacher but it paid the bills. Twenty five years later I retired; I receive a retirement check monthly...not much but it pays my rent, health insurance and a few other expenses. I'm working as a C.NA and subsitute teaching to have a bit extra in my pocket. I'm taking pre req's for Nursing School now. Teaching was never a passion but it has allowed me the opportunity to live and pay bills. Look at your needs; our passions don't always pay the rent.

I don't mean to sound negative just realistic. Times are tough these days.

I think you're dead on. Perhaps it is a generational thing, or a socioeconomic thing, but doing what you're 'passionate' isn't an option for a great number of people. I don't think my dad was ever passionate about working in the chemical plants most of his adult life. Or coal miners, or McDonald's clerks. People have to do what they have to do to make a living. If you're passionate about it, that's a huge BONUS. Most people, unfortunately, do the things they're passionate about as hobbies, if they can afford it. (I don't know any artists or musicians that make a living strictly on their passion)

HAHA. Very true! You gotta do what you gotta do to survive. I was seriously considering physical therapy and it is definitely my passion, but the amount of debt is somewhat scaring me. My mother teaches at a community college which would allow me free tuition, and the college offers an excellent nursing program. Even though I love pt, being able to graduate college with a decent job and no debt is definitely a big reason why nursing has now become my passion. Haha. It is always commendable to be practical.

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