Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this: Nurses Relations Video Nurse Life


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.
post op thoracic surgery:Love the question, is he/she in pain? WHAT THE FVCK DO YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they just split his fvcken chest and put 3 tubes in his chest the size of my p3N!5!!!!

Massage: NO YOU IDIOT i'm not going to rub your back while your family is sitting at the bedside, they can do that sh!t, do you see Message Therapist on my badge!!!!

I'm short of breath.... Ya b/c you weigh more than that elephant across the street (there is a zoo next to the hospital)

people are so freaken dumb when it comes to healthcare!!!

Geesh, honey, did you have a bad day?

Specializes in Mes/Surg, Rehab, Ortho, ALF admin, Hospi.

I am an LPN and I DO understand your anger about this, however, I also understand the Pt's/families POV. My Father had an RN tell him to "walk himself to the BR" unsupervised, no walker, no NOTHING, less than 12 hours after a THR! When I walked to his room to check on him, after my shift, I found him on his way by himself! I was appalled and angry! When I confronted the nurse (after getting him to the toilet and getting an AID to find a riser), I was told that "well, he had to go". I found this as an opportunity to have PT eval him, but NO, and when asked why he hadn't gotten him a walker, I was told "There are none on this floor", DUH, it's ORTHO!!! I have had the families breathing down my neck, but knowing some of the nurses out ther who make mistakes that could hurt someone; I don't mind PROVING to them that I am NOT one of those nurses! I know that if you look at it that way, it won't be so bad.

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.

I am sorry for that huge chip on your shoulder, but no matter how hard I try I cannot make myself black/white/hispanic/male/female for you. Really, I love when other people's prejudices shine through and they try to push it off on others.

Specializes in Professional Development Specialist.

Yes, I DO know what you pay per day here. It's true you could stay at a Beaches resort for the same price, but we are not a resort. It's also true that if you are at a resort there will be no one to help you wipe your butt, wash your clothes, dress you, feed you, or keep you from dying. And even there no one wants to listen to you badmouth them to their face all day long. If none of that is important to you, then next time skip the rehab unit and head straight to the resort. I promise you won't be any happier there, but I will be since I don't have to listen to you complain about the "service" you receive anymore! :D

Yesterday, someone rang their call light because "I can't breathe!". What I would have loved to hear from the nurse who answered her call light: "How the hell are you talking?".

Specializes in Quality management.

Dear Sir/Madam,

If you really couldn't breathe then you wouldn't be able to talk and tell me that you need a warm blanket and a sandwich BEFORE YOU ARE EVEN TRIAGED!!!!! (I work in registration)

Um, How about you get it yourself!

Specializes in Quality management.


1. I had a lady tell me that the EMERGENCY ROOM was her primary care doctor

2. A 28 year old comes in with his dramatic girlfriend believing he is having a heart attack. I ask for his i.d and in his extreme panic and discomfort while pulling out his wallet, he calmly says to his GF, "OMG I don't have my debit card" ARE U KIDDING ME Mr. I- am- having- a- heart- attack- at- age- 28

3. NO SIR we cannot provide a way home for you. No we don't have bus passes and NO we will not pay for a cab

4. O......K..... lemme get this straight you just brought a family member here to the ED and since you are already here you want to be seen for your clogged ears?

Specializes in Neuro, Cardiology, ICU, Med/Surg.

to the 32 yo stoner melodromatic dude who, in spite of his normal vital signs will say that he is going to lose it, then proceeds to weep because nobody will prescribe him the pain medication he needs for his vague complaints of excruciating pain while walking around the unit:

if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, and you are a melodromatic narcotic abusing drug addict; your acting skills, however, are better than most, i'll give you a b- for acting. you see, as a matter of fact, we really have seen it all. and you've got to really be a whole lot better than that to fool us.

and by the way. it is the middle of the night, and we only have diet ginger ale in our refrigerator. no, i am not going to go down to the café and get you an odwalla drink. i really don't care if you don't like diet ginger ale. drink the tap water then. and if you call the unit secretary one more time and scream at her at the top of your lungs about your displeasure regarding the diet ginger ale, i will come down here and whup your a$$ until you shut your exceedingly annoying pie hole.

"If you do not stop hovering your nosy butt over the top of this nurses' station and eavesdropping while 'requesting a pain pill', I am going to have maintenance plant land mines all along its perimeter. POOF! Your pain is GONE... and so is mine!"

Specializes in ED.

One of our nurses told a woman who requested a made-to-order meal that the emergency room was not McDonalds. She got in trouble.

Um, due to your extreme obesity, you went into DKA and arrived at the hospital almost dead. Now that you're recovering, you will NOT stop asking for food, even though your'e on a tube feeding and are at least getting enough nutrition to stay alive. I mean, seriously -- are you really just trying to kill yourself?