Published Mar 25, 2011
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
New study. In dollars Spent VS. benefit to society... nurses are the MOST productive members of society.
Isn't this just another way of saying ... we are overworked and underpaid?
849 Posts
Sounds like it.
nurse2033, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 2,133 Posts
Hey can you post the link? Thanks.
734 Posts
We could have saved them all that time for research, couldn't we??
Would be nice for the world to know it though :)
Sry, no link yet... just heard it on O&a . org... radio
59 Posts
when you do have the source/link of the study, post it!!! I'm really interested to read it.
468 Posts
I find a sort of bitter humor in that. A kind of dual satisfaction and sadness... Hmmm...
carolmaccas66, BSN, RN
2,212 Posts
It's a pity the general public wasn't aware of that.
They should post it outside on a big sign at the entrance to every hospital. Maybe then people will sit up and take notice (but I doubt it somehow).
As a matter of fact, there is a HUGE sign posted at my current facility... says The best nurses work here! Puhleeze! I have 6-8 patients, 30 years of experience... cannot keep up. I am merely babysitting with that many!
pedicurn, LPN, RN
696 Posts
Society owes us plenty
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,433 Posts
A bit off-topic, but I having a discussion with an RT about the movement toward doing away with public employee unions and decreasing pay to teachers to balance state budget shortfalls.
She felt like nurses would be the next target for wage reduction because the majority of patients are either Medicare or Medicaid.
839 Posts
A bit off-topic, but I having a discussion with an RT about the movement toward doing away with public employee unions and decreasing pay to teachers to balance state budget shortfalls. She felt like nurses would be the next target for wage reduction because the majority of patients are either Medicare or Medicaid.
There is no evidence to back it up, but based on my knowledge and observations of the world around me, I believe this.
If it's the case, I'm out. I make peanuts now as it is.