The "Best" Nurse Pass Notes

Specialties School


Seeing the "my arm touched the wall" thread made me laugh and think about the crazy notes I've received from teachers regarding students.

Quick disclaimer: I enjoy everyone I work with and this is not to bash teachers. They are definitely on the front lines and I respect that. I just am sometimes amazed at the magical powers they think I have.

My favorites so far:

"She has rosy cheeks"

"Unsure if it's blood or marker on his hand"

"It's cold outside" (student was in shorts...and completely comfortable in them)

Specializes in NCSN.

"Hit on the cheek with pen"

I asked her if another student threw a pen at her and little one told me no, she was wiggling her pen and it suddenly hit her cheek and her teacher told her to come here...

Specializes in School Nursing.
"Hit on the cheek with pen"

I asked her if another student threw a pen at her and little one told me no, she was wiggling her pen and it suddenly hit her cheek and her teacher told her to come here...



I've had nurse passes coming in on every kind of paper recently. Sticky notes, note cards, colored paper - napkins. The lunch napkins make me giggle. At least I know which person is sending them and that they are legit.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Hematology Oncology, School Nurse.

Not a pass, but a student came and said, "My teacher doesn't know what to do about this..." and she showed me a hangnail beside her thumb.

Ummm...put a bandaid over it and ask your parent to take care of it.

WHY do they miss class for things like this??? A lot of times, I feel like I'm more concerned with them missing class than the teachers are!

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.
I did save Halloween once with my stain-lifting skillz. ;) The kid had a nosebleed (an actual legit reason to visit the nurse; I'll take it!) but it was Halloween and he'd gotten blood on his costume, which was not a costume this would have enhanced. (I think he was a yellow M&M or something like that.) I do costuming as a hobby, and so I might have been a little extra sympathetic to this kid's situation...but also wanting to be cool, I pulled out the magic hydrogen peroxide trick and helped him get the blood out almost completely. More than one teacher apparently heard about this and came to me wanting to learn The Magic for their own purposes.

Sometimes we don't have to save lives to be heroes... :roflmao:

I saved picture day for a young lady this same way. Bloody nose all over her white lacy dress. H2O2 to the rescue! She was almost crying she was so happy!

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

So funny! Kids think I'm magic when I spray hydrogen peroxide on their bloody socks or shirts or whatever. They're like, "whoaa!!"

Specializes in School nursing.

Rubbing an ice cube on fresh blood stain also work wonders and doesn't ruin any fabric in my experience. I use ice all the time to get out bloody nose stains. Kids are amazed :).

"Someone spit in her hair. Can you wash her hair somehow?" Let me break out my shampoo chair and take care of this. Maybe I can cut her hair, too, while we are at it.

Kid comes in fidgeting around nervously: The mashed potatoes were touching the chicken nuggets. Yep, totally a nursing issue.

Specializes in school/military/OR/home health.
Kid comes in fidgeting around nervously: The mashed potatoes were touching the chicken nuggets. Yep, totally a nursing issue.

What even? What could the nurse possibly do with this? What were they thinking you could do?

My favorite was from a long term sub last year, the note said "rash on face, possible ringworm". Ok. The kid did have a red ring on her face. As I started asking questions about lunch and allergies, I got a wet paper towel and washed her "ringworm" off. It was strawberry parfait from lunch. Yes, I did write that on the note. "not ringworm--strawberry parfait"

Can't make this stuff up.

Specializes in NCSN.
Yes, I did write that on the note. "not ringworm--strawberry parfait"

Can't make this stuff up.


I literally burst out laughing at that so my two students in here are looking at me like I'm crazy

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
Kid comes in fidgeting around nervously: The mashed potatoes were touching the chicken nuggets. Yep, totally a nursing issue.

The cross-contamination probably caused the fidgeting and nervous behavior. PTSD - Poultry-Tuberosity Syndrome Disorder. Ha ha.

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