The "Best" Nurse Pass Notes

Specialties School


Seeing the "my arm touched the wall" thread made me laugh and think about the crazy notes I've received from teachers regarding students.

Quick disclaimer: I enjoy everyone I work with and this is not to bash teachers. They are definitely on the front lines and I respect that. I just am sometimes amazed at the magical powers they think I have.

My favorites so far:

"She has rosy cheeks"

"Unsure if it's blood or marker on his hand"

"It's cold outside" (student was in shorts...and completely comfortable in them)

"The raindrops hurt his head" & "ear pops when he squeezes his nose and blows"


Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
"The raindrops hurt his head" & "ear pops when he squeezes his nose and blows"


Like that old BJ Thomas hit, "Raindrops keep hurtin' on mah head..."

Specializes in School Nurse.
Like that old BJ Thomas hit, "Raindrops keep hurtin' on mah head..."

Thanks! Now that song is stuck in my head. :singing:

Like that old BJ Thomas hit, "Raindrops keep hurtin' on mah head..."

...but that doesn't mean...

"Had an eyelash in eye earlier. Eye is red"

these are funny. I do get a lot of my teacher told me I have a fever..

No complaints or nothing but the teacher said..

Specializes in Psych, Peds, Education, Infection Control.
Yes, this happened yesterday! Kid came in with a stain on his sweatshirt "I need you to get this stain out!" It wasn't wet, it wasn't blood or other bodily fluids, just some lunch on his shirt...I mean, who sees a stain on a sweatshirt and thinks "the nurse can fix that, let's make this her business"?

I did save Halloween once with my stain-lifting skillz. ;) The kid had a nosebleed (an actual legit reason to visit the nurse; I'll take it!) but it was Halloween and he'd gotten blood on his costume, which was not a costume this would have enhanced. (I think he was a yellow M&M or something like that.) I do costuming as a hobby, and so I might have been a little extra sympathetic to this kid's situation...but also wanting to be cool, I pulled out the magic hydrogen peroxide trick and helped him get the blood out almost completely. More than one teacher apparently heard about this and came to me wanting to learn The Magic for their own purposes.

Sometimes we don't have to save lives to be heroes... :roflmao:

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

"His ear hurts when he blinks."

Would it be wrong to write back, "I Quit."

First day after spring break, first student, first minute= "silly putty in hair"

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
First day after spring break, first student, first minute= "silly putty in hair"

I hope you called 911 right away!!

I hope you called 911 right away!!

Naturally. Still a very sore subject but trying to do my best.

I got.....He seems to be passing gas.

After assessing the situation I wrote back...

If you had Spanish Spicy meat and black beans for breakfast you would need to fart too.

Let him bomb away. Cleared for return to class.

"His ear hurts when he blinks."

I read it wrong the first time and was trying to figure out how he got his ear to blink. :x3:

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