The "Best" Nurse Pass Notes

Specialties School


Seeing the "my arm touched the wall" thread made me laugh and think about the crazy notes I've received from teachers regarding students.

Quick disclaimer: I enjoy everyone I work with and this is not to bash teachers. They are definitely on the front lines and I respect that. I just am sometimes amazed at the magical powers they think I have.

My favorites so far:

"She has rosy cheeks"

"Unsure if it's blood or marker on his hand"

"It's cold outside" (student was in shorts...and completely comfortable in them)

"Someone spit in her hair. Can you wash her hair somehow?" Let me break out my shampoo chair and take care of this. Maybe I can cut her hair, too, while we are at it.

Go ahead and give her a perm too! It's not like you have anything else to do.....

Specializes in NCSN.
Kid comes in fidgeting around nervously: The mashed potatoes were touching the chicken nuggets. Yep, totally a nursing issue.

My sister has ALWAYS been against food touching. Growing up there would be full on hysterics over gravy from mashed potatoes touching her corn. Maybe the kid was a mess at lunch and calmed down before getting to you (still NOT a valid nursing issue)

My sister has ALWAYS been against food touching. Growing up there would be full on hysterics over gravy from mashed potatoes touching her corn. Maybe the kid was a mess at lunch and calmed down before getting to you (still NOT a valid nursing issue)

I don't like my gravy touching anything except the potatoes either. I don't like my food mixing when it shouldn't. But it doesn't cause me anxiety thank goodness. This is one of my ff darlings. We had 2 other lunch choices. I asked him why he didn't pick one of those since he knew what was in the lunch he chose. He looked at me blankly. We have potato bowl every other week I think. I told him just this one time I would give him a bowl of cereal instead. I didn't want him starving, he's already a little skinny thing and I know he takes meds at home that can upset the stomach. So see, at least supernurse saves the day. But to have him fidgeting beside me telling me the chicken touched the potatoes and he was going to vomit, I was trying so hard not to bust out laughing.

This is my all-time favorite. I got it from a third grade substitute a couple of months ago.[ATTACH=CONFIG]24501[/ATTACH]

This is my all-time favorite. I got it from a third grade substitute a couple of months ago.[ATTACH=CONFIG]24501[/ATTACH]

If I had to take a shot every time I had a student come in for this I would be dead

If I had to take a shot every time I had a student come in for this I would be dead

And being a liver donor would not even be a possibility.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

Just had one today tell me he "had a bee from mexico in his eye, when he went on his trip last weekend." I looked at eye, it was red but it was because he was rubbing it intensely while he was talking to me but no bee! (Kindergarten student)

I love it when the teachers send them in for 'Pink Eye'. It's allergy season. EVERYONE has 'Pink Eye' with red sclera........

My favorite was "Put small magnets up his nose"......They were tiny magnets just big enough to fit up each nostril. They were in there so deep he had to go to Urgent Care to have them go fishing for them.....this kid was 13........

I am rabid for summer right now..... :)

I have this one teacher who will check the symptom box and then in in the note section add "He/she needs to be in class." Ok, I agree but you are the one that sent them............................

Specializes in NCSN.
I love it when the teachers send them in for 'Pink Eye'. It's allergy season. EVERYONE has 'Pink Eye' with red sclera........

I am rabid for summer right now..... :)

This! I sent out a little chart last week to my staff with the differences between pink eye and told them to STOP telling our students they have pink eye when they send them to me

We have one of 'those' teachers who says all kids have pink eye.....I sent said teacher a nice little handout on the subject and WHY we don't send them home anymore at the mid-school level. Dang it all, apparently said teacher has reading comprehension problems because I STILL get kids from that one teacher who tells each kid 'you have pink eye'......:)

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

Had another one today! 8th grader. Swallowed a staple. 'Nuff said.

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