Alright well I have been wanting to post this for a very long time! Since I first logged on to allnurses I couldn't wait until it was my turn to say, I am a nursing student!!!
So, technically, yesterday was my first day but I was only there for a couple hours. We went right into lecture about the history of nursing and how it's ever changing. We also learned about the different educational paths a nurse can take, but I already did that research beforehand on allnurses
Today was mainly orientation and a welcome to our nursing class. We went more in depth about what to expect and also dissected our huge textbook-like syllabus. I am not joking about the size of that syllabus, it's insane. Since starting I have been reading nonstop. We have already been assigned about five chapters to read from our fundamentals book, which is not the most interesting of reads, but it's doable. I'm just overwhelmed really, probably because they talked a lot about what is to come. Over the next month, three papers are due and at the end of each semester we are taking the ATI tests. If we fail those, well then we have to take the course over.
Today was also one of our lab days. So for lab, we watched two videos about ensuring infection control by washing hands and applying ppe and then of course we had to do it. The basics for right now. Tomorrow is another lab day, bedmaking and body mechanics. So I guess I should get back to reading a couple more chapters and stop playing around on allnurses. I am just so happy to have finally made it. I'm still in a state of shock. Somebody pinch me.