The only A&P website you'll ever need!

Nurses Announcements Archive


Hello gang!

One of my A&P profs gave us this web site for ...what else? A&P! I thought I would pass this along to all my comrades now taking and suffering ...or taking and loving A&P 1 or 2. This is an excellent site, and deals with A&P 1 & 2, chemistry, nutrition, etc. There's lots of photos, quiz's and the like. I hope this helps!


It's free!

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.

Wow! That is great!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, Alexander! I can see I'll be using that a lot! Tell your instructor thanks, too!

Can't wait to make full use of this next yr.- including the other resources! Thanks. D

Thanks for the info - I just registered for AP1 for the spring semester and I am sure that this website will help alot.


Great, great site--thanks so much for posting this. I'm just starting my second year ("going" to Excelsior) and will finish this spring. My daugher is working on her pre-reqs--I sent it to her too! Thanks.

wow thats awesome.

thanks alot ;)

Thanks, Alexander! Very useful!

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.



This site was great....thanks for sharing. I wish I knew about it for my lab test on histology. I checked out the skeletal system section it will help me so much especially the test yourself quizzes.

Specializes in CVICU.

Thanks! I was just starting the muscle system this week and was planning on looking for a good site to study while I am at work!

He is another on I used for the bones.

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