That teacher that is totally paranoid about lice


Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

Just asked me to check her head and she totally has lice :blink: I started another thread about how she was stressing that two of her students had it one week and then another three got it and she was questioning if they can't jump or fly why her "whole class" is coming down with lice. So she walks in this morning with student #6 and I can see the live bugs on her scalp before even touching her hair. The student leaves and teacher says "I know I am being paranoid, but can you just check me too". So I had to be the bearer of bad news and tell her that yes, she has several nits visible. It's going to be a loooooong day :arghh:

Specializes in NCSN.
Just asked me to check her head and she totally has lice :blink: I started another thread about how she was stressing that two of her students had it one week and then another three got it and she was questioning if they can't jump or fly why her "whole class" is coming down with lice. So she walks in this morning with student #6 and I can see the live bugs on her scalp before even touching her hair. The student leaves and teacher says "I know I am being paranoid, but can you just check me too". So I had to be the bearer of bad news and tell her that yes, she has several nits visible. It's going to be a loooooong day :arghh:

Oh no!!

Now she really is going to be convinced that they are everywhere and can fly!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Looks like you've found the source!!!

Looks like you've found the source!!!


Looks like you've found the source!!!

How I wish I had thought of that to say to her - fantastic!!! She would have lost her mind.

Looks like you've found the source!!!

Well that just made me LOL....

Looks like you've found the source!!!


Specializes in School.
Looks like you've found the source!!!

Love it!!!!

True story: Back when I taught, I had a group of girls that constantly shared hair brushes. I repeatedly told them that was one way people got lice. One day, I was walking the aisles and saw the little buggers crawling in one girl's head. We took the entire team, put them in the science teacher's room, put on a movie, and had each kid come in the storage closet one at a time while we did head checks. Fifteen kids (boys, girls, black, white) had lice.

Then there was a time a social worker told the office staff that head lice was a lifestyle choice (mostly because she was tired of having to deal with one student whose mother kept sending her to school without treating the lice).

So, I get the paranoia. I itch just thinking about it, even now.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

This is why I keep my hair up! I see so many teacher with their hair down and hugging students, which is fine, but protect your hair!

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..
Looks like you've found the source!!!

That is EXACTLY what my first thought was!

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

I once got lice when I was in college, not sure how I got it. This was before my niece and nephew lived with us and it was just my parents and I at home. But I remember how much I scratched my head and now each time I scratch, I'm scared I have lice. xD

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