Published Dec 14, 2005
298 Posts
I needed a 65% to keep my grade and be able to go on to nursing school in Jan.
I got a ........................68%........................
Isn't that absolutely horrible?!?!?! :imbar
BUT I've never been so thrilled to see a 68% in my life, any other time I would have been horrified! LOL But tonight I'll take it with a smile.
After we each finished the exam, we left the room and waited out in the hallway. The instructor took our tests and graded them and then we all had to sit and wait to be called one by one while she calculated our scores. It took forever! I was so close to having an anxiety attack then and there. I had to sit for just over an hour with a pounding heart, sweaty palms, headache, shaking hands and my eyesight even got funky - like the sides of my vision kind of went grey and it sort of felt like my eyes went to sleep like your arm would. Anyway, safe to say I was very quietly freaking out and praying not to throw up or pass out.
So...........I thought all I had to do to keep my lovely "C" was to get a 65 or higher on this final but the instructor said that I still have to get a B on our last lab exam which will be Thursday evening (the one that was cancelled last Thursday due to the snow storm). I'm pretty sure I can do that...its on muscles, brains, ect....the muscles will be challengiing but I'm studying for at least 8 hours tomorrow and at least 6 hours Thursday so I should really be able to pull off a B.
Wow. I am almost there. In 4 weeks I just might be starting as a true nursing student - then the fun really begins - :rotfl: And in 19 months, God willing, I'll be a nurse and be somewhat self-sufficient.
I am excited but still dont want to count my chickens before they are hatched ya know? Still have the lab exam hurdle.
I am living proof that you should NEVER, ever let yourself get behind in your classes, especially A&P I.
I will never do this to myself again. Thank you all sooooo much for your encouragement and prayers and support. There was a period of time there where I thought it was all too hopeless & I even emailed my teacher to see about withdrawing. Y'all convinced me to hang on and try. :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,695 Posts
Congratulations on making it through another hurdle. Best wishes for continued success.
243 Posts
Congrats, and best of luck on the practical. I know when I took A&P, the lab portion always pulled up my overall grade!
I'm amazed you are doing this with 7 kids. I'm struggling with 2. Hats off to you!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
Congrats - go home tonight and RELAX!
1,531 Posts
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
Yeehaa!!!! :)
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
That's great! Congrats!
Good luck on your lab practical! (I hope my powerpoint quizzes can help on that, if not, try the hundreds of other sites found on the net.)
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
stressgal, RN
589 Posts
When it's meant to be, it will be!
Keep studying!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I told you so! Congrats
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
Good job! Hang in there, you can do it! :)
615 Posts
That is great! I was wondering how you did on the test. Good luck on the next one....I'm sure you will do great!
2,327 Posts
I needed a 65% to keep my grade and be able to go on to nursing school in Jan.I got a ........................68%........................Isn't that absolutely horrible?!?!?! :imbar BUT I've never been so thrilled to see a 68% in my life, any other time I would have been horrified! LOL But tonight I'll take it with a smile. After we each finished the exam, we left the room and waited out in the hallway. The instructor took our tests and graded them and then we all had to sit and wait to be called one by one while she calculated our scores. It took forever! I was so close to having an anxiety attack then and there. I had to sit for just over an hour with a pounding heart, sweaty palms, headache, shaking hands and my eyesight even got funky - like the sides of my vision kind of went grey and it sort of felt like my eyes went to sleep like your arm would. Anyway, safe to say I was very quietly freaking out and praying not to throw up or pass out. So...........I thought all I had to do to keep my lovely "C" was to get a 65 or higher on this final but the instructor said that I still have to get a B on our last lab exam which will be Thursday evening (the one that was cancelled last Thursday due to the snow storm). I'm pretty sure I can do that...its on muscles, brains, ect....the muscles will be challengiing but I'm studying for at least 8 hours tomorrow and at least 6 hours Thursday so I should really be able to pull off a B. Wow. I am almost there. In 4 weeks I just might be starting as a true nursing student - then the fun really begins - :rotfl: And in 19 months, God willing, I'll be a nurse and be somewhat self-sufficient. I am excited but still dont want to count my chickens before they are hatched ya know? Still have the lab exam hurdle.I am living proof that you should NEVER, ever let yourself get behind in your classes, especially A&P I.I will never do this to myself again. Thank you all sooooo much for your encouragement and prayers and support. There was a period of time there where I thought it was all too hopeless & I even emailed my teacher to see about withdrawing. Y'all convinced me to hang on and try. :)
All that matters is that you did what you had to do! You did it!!!!!
Congrats and good luck in nursing school
some day it will be me