Published Aug 13, 2012
9 Posts
Just paid for my books online and i cant wait to get them! REALLY WANT TO skim through them:bugeyes:..... I wanted to let everyone know that if you are gonna buy your textbooks online (instead of at school) which is by the way a lot more expensive! Get them at they even give free shipping =) I start friday and if i had bought my books through my school bookstore my bill would have been well over $900 but instead i got them for $739 saved myself almost $200 that way! Just wanted to help you all out, good luck to everyone starting nursing school and congrats!:yelclap:
57 Posts
Amazon is great too, they also have the student free 2 day shipping. Buying online is 10x better than buying from he school!
cally527, RN
217 Posts
I got all of my books, brand new, at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and a couple of Amazon marketplace dealers. I save like $300 bucks all of the books are literally brand new!
Exhaustipated, ADN, BSN
440 Posts has great prices on new textbooks, as well. I had no idea even sold textbooks until somebody mentioned it on AN.
19 Posts
I just submitted my order to B&N last night, and I saved about 150$ compared to the bookstore at school. Some of the books were cheaper new online than they were used in the bookstore!
370 Posts
you would have been better off with amazon, you probably could have saved a couple more hundred. B&N isn't that great with savings.
1,163 Posts
Go to Chegg!! You can rent books for a very cheap price. You can also buy most texts from them. I buy all my books from them because they save me so much money.
97 Posts
You should really, really consider buying previous editions of your textbooks. At most, the chapters may be in a different order, but I haven't noticed any differences in the information. This semester is Psych, Pediatrics, and my three required textbooks were, before shipping, 49 cents total. LOL Also, I've gotten through fundamentals and med-surge with a 4.0 so clearly previous editions haven't held me back. Just food for thought!
87 Posts
And don't forget to talk to any nurses you know, especially recent grads. My sister recently finished her ASN, I'm working on my MSN, but 2 of our books are the same (even the same edition!). We aren't going to the same school, and aren't even in the same state-it never hurts to ask. Oh, and she also sent me some of her NCLEX study guides after she passed, our mom paid shipping, so I've saved over $400 and that's the online price!
Or make friends with a student a year ahead who might be willing to sell them for cheap or let you borrow them for free!!
Oh, and one more thing, often times the school library will have a copy of class textbooks that you can "check out" and use in the library. Not the most convenient, but it also doesn't cost a cent. People in my program have had good luck talking our librarians into buying books that they didn't have just so they wouldn't have to carry everything with them every day.
176 Posts
my lib art books i bought the old edition. basically a cover change and different page numbers. my nursing books that I heard the student never use I also got older editions. the rest (fundamentals, med surg, OB, peds) and my pharm book I got newest edition.
I search amazon, etc to find the lowest price and best condition. sometimes I get lucky and new from amazon is cheaper than used. go figure
I also use so I get some cash back which makes me feel better about spending the $$$$
32 Posts
I shopped around for my textbooks literally since I got the list back in May. From everywhere I looked, Amazon almost always had the better price by $20 to $30. Buying from the school bookstore would have cost me about $900 but I've spent about $600. Best part about Amazon though is their sell your books section. Sent my microbiology textbook that my bookstore offered me $60 for (forced to pay $200 originally) and Amazon gave me a $114 gift card for it and I didn't pay a dime to ship it. Love Amazon!
118 Posts
I usually get mine used from Amazon. My first semester text books would have cost me $1,100 if I bought them from the bookstore ! I paid only $600 at amazon :w00t: