Topics About 'Nursing Career'.

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Found 47 results

  1. In other words, as nurses, we see the terrible effects of disease on the human body and the human spirit. And sometimes it's easy to slip into focusing only on the negative. But if you do that, then you're at risk of becoming bitter and resentful and...
  2. Tips for Human Nursing

    REALLY LISTEN AND REFLECT, THEN YOU WILL LEARN: First of all I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to complete a grad initiative in acute care. This was an experience where I am paired with staff RN's for six months and in a way be mentore...
  3. Art of Nursing

    Nurses are old and young, tall and short, skinny and wide. We come from all walks of life. Some choose to enter the nursing profession for job security, others to help those around them. Throughout our schooling, we are taught and tested on the scien...
  4. My Papa. Why I Am The Nurse I Am Today.

    His journey began two years prior. He received the diagnosis of colon cancer and began chemotherapy. All of the nurses at the treatment center would fight over who got to take care of him. I cannot think of a person who did not love this man or at th...
  5. Okey Foley

    Hardest Thing to Learn

    What is the thing that has been the hardest to learn for you as a nurse over your career? Early on, midway, or late. I've been an RN just over a year now, and for me one of the most difficult things has been learning to be assertive. I still fi...
  6. Maureen Bonatch MSN

    The Challenges of Being a Nurse

    At the beginning of our nursing career, we might’ve thought the biggest challenge to overcome was passing the NCLEX. We may have envisioned passing this test as if it were the biggest, and last, obstacle standing between us and caring for our patient...
  7. Reasons to be a Nurse

    Some people where forced by their parents to become nurses because it's an opportunity to go to countries like UK, Canada, and USA. Some people see it as a profession to earn a lot. I don't know the statistics, but there are people who really want to...
  8. Just curious, how long you expect your nursing career to last? When I became a nurse almost 7 years ago, I did so with the intent that I would be a nurse for rest of my working career. Lately, I've been questioning whether or not that will sti...
  9. Summer 2000, Alexandria, Virginia. Excited beyond all reason! I was finally in Nursing School, at age 30. I'd entertained the idea of nursing before, but didn't believe I was "smart enough". After three semesters of prerequisites with straight A's, I...
  10. This article is featured in the Fall 2018 issue of our allnurses Magazine... Download allnurses Magazine As A Conventional Nurse...When I began my nursing career, becoming a nurse entrepreneur was not in my field of vision. I mean, I didn't even know...
  11. As a nurse, money probably isn't your number one goal. Getting into this profession means you probably care about helping others and finding fulfillment in your career. But no one says nurses can't make good money, too! The good news is there are lot...
  12. Nurse Beth

    Sabotaged at Work

    Dear Nurse Beth, I have left my current job after 7 years of employment at a Hospital that was my very 1st job as an RN. I worked in a few areas (med surg, OR and then a surgical clinic) during my time. A new nurse manager was hired to replace m...
  13. A Nurse's Sacrifice

    Nurses are usually first to diminish their own contributions and quickly dismiss any outside accolades from those not in the business of healthcare. "Isn't it hard? Nurses are angels. My father had wonderful nurses when he died. I can't imagine how y...
  14. To the Patient I’ll Never ForgetWhen we first met, it was my third year of nursing. I was young and excited to start my new job in the clinic. You were in your 80's, and had been through a lot - Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and no...
  15. Learning a Life Lesson, The Hard Way

    I started out full time as a new grad in the ER department and casually on a nephrology unit. The completion of a long time goal was finally there and I was awestruck, contemplating what my next goals would be. I loved the experience, meeting new peo...
  16. ........A little effort can go a long, long way. Investing five or ten minutes in a needy patient at the very beginning of the shift sets the tone for the entire day, and pays dividends in decreased anxiety for them (and less call-light use for you)....
  17. gemini_star

    Overcoming Clumsiness

    Commonly Asked QuestionsHow can you become a nurse when you often break the glass?Where is your presence of mind?!Are you sure you can do it without tripping or breaking?Clumsiness, an issue that I have considered as a hindrance in pursuing nursing. ...
  18. Nursing In Demand

    There are a lot of elements that create the significant factors of the obstacles dealing with the nursing career in our day and they consist of in the pattern of severity: Technical innovation, healthcare system changes, improving the amount of work ...
  19. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE JUST A NURSE JUST a nurse. I am JUST a nurse. No big deal, had I been more adventurous maybe I would have gone to medical school. These thoughts are the thoughts of many, including myself, which I have over heard for years...
  20. "The schedule is posted," my friend told me. Her tone indicated that she was not happy about it. When the holidays roll around, special events multiply as family, friends and co-workers gather. Admittedly, it is a difficult time to be at work, feelin...
  21. I always wanted to be a nurse as far back as I can remember. I know I put splints and bandages on my dolls; Mom told me. I graduated from high school already married with a baby, school was out of the question. Then, my marriage fell apart and I met ...
  22. If you are reading this article, then likely you have come to the same decision or are thinking about it. We each have a story or background as to how we came to make this life-altering leap into the sexy and emotionally fulfilling field of nursing r...
  23. la bellota

    Reflections of A New Grad

    A few months into the program, I realized.....that *I* was not going to make it through this alone. I read a lot of books. Stayed up lots of nights. Tried to make it. Struggled. Cried. Wept. And then I remembered to go to the Bible...the Greatest Ref...
  24. I am a huge over-achiever and find this very difficult for me to let go of which leads to increased stress levels, no time for myself or family because I am constantly reading or researching nursing articles and doubting myself in my skills and compe...
  25. As we sat resting our poor feet, the student nurses arrived on the floor. Taking in their crisp white uniforms, we glanced down at our wrinkled scrubs. Noticing their bright, shiny faces, I sneaked a peak at my co-workers. Our hair hung in our faces,...