
Nurse Mentoring & Tutoring

Achieve your nursing career goals!

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About TeachRN

TeachRN has 13 years experience and specializes in Nurse Mentoring & Tutoring.

Advance your nursing career with TeachRN®. We are a nurse mentoring & tutoring marketplace, made for nurses by nurses. We help you get more freedom and higher earning potential while saving time and frustration by finding the resources you need to help you achieve your nursing career goals.

Our mission is to empower nurses to empower nurses to educate, guide, and mentor our fellow nurses.

Visit our site today to learn about our services such as tutoring & mentoring, resume reviews, essay critiques, mock interviews, one-on-one consultations, digital downloads (resources) and more!

 ➡️ Browse services here: https://TeachRN.com 

Interested in increasing your income by sharing the wisdom that you have gained over time? Become a mentor with TeachRN® today! It's the best way to give back and grow as a nurse freelancer. Set your own schedule & services! Learn more by visiting: https://teachrn.com/mentor

Latest Activity

  1. If you're preparing to start a career in nursing or are looking for a new specialty to expand your skill set, shadowing a nurse is a great idea. Even a few hours of shadowing gives you an idea of whether you'd like the job you're planning to apply fo...
  2. Organ transplant surgeries are life-saving procedures that give the recipient a new lease on life. But did you know that nurses play a vital role in the transplant process aside from post-op care? So much so that there is an entire specialty dedicate...
  3. As a nurse, money probably isn't your number one goal. Getting into this profession means you probably care about helping others and finding fulfillment in your career. But no one says nurses can't make good money, too! The good news is there are lot...
  4. As nurses, we will frequently hear the phrase 'patient experience' being discussed. Have you ever thought about what the patient experience really means to you? Take a minute to think about what the patient experience means to you as a nurse. Ta...
  5. With the healthcare staffing shortage never seeming to end, you've probably heard about travel nursing. There are probably even a few travel nurses floating around your unit. After hearing about the dreamy lifestyle and huge paychecks, maybe you're t...
  6. Starting a new job is exciting but oftentimes causes anxiety. Whether you are a new grad nurse starting your first nursing job or a seasoned nurse switching facilities, the first days can be hard. It is normal to have butterflies in your stomach, swe...