Topics About 'Depression'.

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Found 19 results

  1. Anxiety, depression and job hopping

    I've thought about posting this for some time. I'm sure there will be some who comment the usual "suck it up buttercup" response, but this post is for anyone out there who faces shame, self loathing, self reproach and fear trying to work consistently...
  2. Carol Ebert

    PTSD and Me?

    These are her words of what she is experiencing. Waking up in the middle of the night worryingThere’s a heavinessPeriods throughout this quarantine where I just have felt too low to exerciseEmotional highs and lows where you just don't feel yourselfN...
  3. The alarm clock jolts you awake as it does every morning at 0500, alerting you to the fact that today is yet another work day. You groan and pull the covers over your head momentarily, wishing for nothing more than to crawl into a warm cave like a hi...
  4. HelloSunshine545

    New Grad through COVID

    I started as a new grad nurse on an orthopedic floor this September, a floor that I have worked on as a CNA for about a year. I got three weeks of orientation and I felt comfortable in my position, especially since the majority of our patients are me...
  5. Severe Depression In Career Choice

    Hi everyone. This is about to be very long and drawn out but so necessary to get off of my chest so I'm just going to go ahead and spill it. Thank you to anyone for reading. So I'm very very afraid I chose the wrong career for myself. I deeply d...
  6. Depression + Anxiety as a Nurse

    Hi guys, I’ve had depression & anxiety for many years, if not forever really. I am very worried about my mental health affecting my nursing ability. I am currently in lvn/lpn school, doing well. Should I just drop out and be a CNA? Thanks guys &...
  7. There is an elephant in the room filled with nurses. A looming presence that we choose to ignore, an ever-present force amongst us, and nobody wants to talk about it. This elephant is our mental health. As nurses, we are holistically trained. We lear...
  8. Dear Nurse

    Dear Nurse, I hope you get the time to read this one because its written just for you. I know you can never have enough time to do all you have to do, let alone to read this letter but I hope you can sit awhile and ponder on these words. You are tire...
  9. Mental health during the pandemic

    I was diagnosed with depression at the end of 2017 after seeking counseling for the first time. I didn't start an antidepressant till probably the next year, then I would take them on and off, kept telling myself that I wasn't depressed and didn't ne...
  10. Hi, everyone. I am in desperate need of some input, advice or support. I am making a career change, but struggling a little with some feedback I received from my primary care doctor. I had mentioned that I was nervous about seeing a psychiatrist beca...
  11. Deb_Aston

    Depression. Despair. Suicide.

    Dark Secrets Two years ago, there were several incidents of "jumpers" from a nearby parking garage that had occurred within a short time frame, and I couldn't get past the sadness and horror as I walked past it every day on my way to work. It tou...
  12. It'll Be Alright. God's With Them.

    About 2 years ago I was working in a local CCU in Baltimore. This was a very dark time in my life. My 23-year marriage had broken up over a cheating husband. I had moved back to Baltimore with my parents for a while. My 2 daughters felt displaced and...
  13. Dear Nurse Beth, How will taking FMLA (intermittent) for a mental health condition (anxiety/depression) affect one's RN and NP licensure?
  14. LindaGracie

    Depression and Nursing

    Reading the Article by Nurse Beth, "Can We Talk About Nurse Suicide", prompted me to share my own personal experience and perspective on depression's effect on the nurse. I personally believe that the fast paced, high work demands, and nurses' "eatin...
  15. madwife2002

    Let's talk about Depression

    Depression touches most people's lives at some point; like all illnesses it has no consideration for age, race, gender or status in life. Depression can creep up slowly or hit you straight in the face when you least expect it. For many people, especi...
  16. Nurse SuicideReports of nurse suicide are largely anecdotal. Sometimes nurses die by suicide after they’ve made a fatal mistake. Kim Hiatt was one such nurse. Kim was a critical care RN who worked at Seattle Children’s Hospital for 24 years before th...
  17. She had a past medical history list longer than my care plans, everything that could go wrong for this woman had. End stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyper-everything as I recall. And of course depression. Always de...
  18. The American Nurses Association 2011 health and safety survey involving 4,800+ nurses reported that 67% nurses worked mandatory or unscheduled overtime. Over seventy percent (70.5%) of nurses surveyed indicated 'acute/chronic effects of stress and ov...
  19. Last year I had depression, did self harm, and then was admitted into a mental hospital. I am stable now, just got to keep taking the meds, I guess what I want to know is....will I still be able to become a psychiatric nurse in time? Or am I now auto...