Just thought I'd ask everyone what classes they are enrolled in for the fall (and a couple of other questions)! I'll go first... you can copy and paste the following, if you'd like, and fill in your own answers :)
CLASSES for FALL 2006: A&P 1 and Intro Chemistry
CLASSES for SPRING 2006 (if you know): hopefully A&P 2 and Psych
WHEN STARTED PRE-REQs: this is my first semester
WHEN YOU PLAN TO APPLY for CLINICALS: hopefully in the spring (applying for Fall 2007)
PROJECTED GRADUATION: hopefully Fall '08 ... if not, then Spring '09.
MOST NERVOUS ABOUT: balancing family and school (I have a husband and two young sons - ages 1 and 3); chemistry (haven't had that course in sooo long!)
WANT TO BE A NURSE BECAUSE: It's a rewarding, life-long, respectable, well-paying degree with lots of variety.
YOUR INSPIRATION: God, my family, and the nurses in my family (5 nurses and a CRNA ... all love their jobs).
PREVIOUS JOBS/CAREER: TV promo producer; public relations coordinator; high school English teacher; stay-at-home mom/freelance writer